Disclaimer: I don't own the Host. . . sadly

Briana's Prov.

"Okay, bye Star! I'll see you later, okay?" I yelled as I walked to my car.

"Yeah, of course! Drive safe now! Bye."

I got in and waved at Star Gazer as I drove off into the night. I looked at my dash board and realized that it was close to midnight. "Crap" I said. "Nick is going to bust a vain." I glared into the darkness.

Nick was not going to be happy that I was out so long. But Star Gazer saw me at the market and invited me to her house for some tea. What was I going to do? Say no? Souls don't turn down those kinds of offers without a good reason and I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

I am a Human living among aliens. But I'm not alone. I have my brother, Nick, and twin sister, Becky.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I swerved to miss someone who jumped out in front of my car.

I stopped at the side of the road and got out to see what the issue was. Something must have happened because souls just don't jump in front of cars.

"Help me, please! I need help!" yelled the person who jumped in front of the car. She was very small and looked like she couldn't be older than twelve. "Help me, please!" She called again. I jogged over to her.

"What's the problem?" I asked

"My friend needs help! He's in the back!" I looked at her then because I thought I heard a false note in her voice. But souls don't lie so I shook it off a moved to the back of her car.

Suddenly the doors swung open and three huge men rushed towards me. They were all wearing black shirts and dark jeans. They came closer and I went on defense immediately. I brought my hands up and punched the closest guy. He stumbled and looked at me in shock. I turned to the other guys with identical looks and swung. My fist connected with someone's cheek before they got over their shock and grabbed me. One disappeared from my vision and I felt an arm snake around my waist from behind and something was held to my mouth. Oh no, I thought, they are trying to knock me out! I stopped my breath before I breathed in any more of the stuff and went limp so they took away the rag before I went out from what I already took in.

They laid me in the back of the truck before blackness took over.

Briana's Prov.

I slowly gained consciousness, but didn't open my eyes. I was aware of people moving and talking.

"I didn't expect her to hit me! I thought souls weren't violent." a deep voice muttered.

" Yeah I didn't expect her to come at us like that. I thought we had the element of surprised." Said another voice.

" She must be a Seeker." this time it was a woman's voice.

Oh, so they thought I was a Seeker? But aren't they Seekers? And they found out I was Human! And now they think they can trick me into thinking that they were human and gain my trust? That must be it! Well they have another thing comin' if they think I'm not goin' down without a fight. I thought angrily. It wasn't an effort to keep me emotions off my face. It's usually my eyes that give me away if I'm not careful, but they were closed at the moment. I've lost to many people for that!

"I didn't find anything in her car or her purse" a voice broke into my thoughts. They went into my purse and car? Now that's pushing it.

"Jared can you please roll her over."

"Sure, Doc."

I heard some footsteps approach were I laid. They are NOT touching me! Before he came any closer I made sure my gun was still in my pants at the hip and attached to my ankle. They were both there so before Jared could get to me I jumped up with the gun that was at my waist in my hand and the man, I assumed was Jared, jumped back. I was in a large dark room that was lit with lamps. There were empty cots-except for one with the person I recognized as the man I punched out on the street- scattered in the room and a desk with many papers littering it. There were seven people in the room-four who I remembered from my kidnapping. All of them stared at me with looks of shock and fear. I took all of this in within two seconds. I pointed my gun to the one with the only other gun in the room. He was the first one who came to his senses. He cocked his weapon and pointed it's barrel at me. We stared at each other as the others came out of the shocked states. I saw someone move toward me and before they moved three steps I had my other gun pointed at their direction. "Try it," I growled. Never braking my eye contact with the other man. Everyone froze. No one knowing what to do. The old man with the gun decided to brake the growing silence.

"Put it down."

"After you" I replied.

We continued to stare at each other. His gaze flickered down to the tow guns in my hands. Then at the people around us, who had their own gazes at either me or the guns-each of them weighing the risk of attacking me with out injuring themselves or the others I'm sure-then back to me.

Slowly the other dude laid his weapon on the ground but never lost eye contact. After he straightened I look at his weapon on the floor, his friends, him, then back at the weapon. I didn't really expect him to put down his weapon. I actually didn't know what to expect, but that would have been at the bottom of the list most defiantly. Now what? I thought. If I put down the weapon I would be vulnerable. But, I tied to reason with myself, it's not like they are taking my way of defense. Plus I know how to fight, but can I take all of them? No, but I could always run.

Before I decided what to do an achingly familiar voice ran out from the other side of me from where the others were. Near the entrance.
