Chapter 6: New Protector

Clouds dotted the light blue sky, obscuring the suns rays of warmth as they moseyed along. A tiny flash of light lit up the sky for a mere second, unnoticed by the world. The white balls of fluff rumbled in slight surprise from the sudden light before continuing on their way. The light continued up beyond the heavens to the world of unknown, the world of the gods. The light flashed once again before a being appeared before a golden gate. His scaly red skin hissed from the cool breeze that touched his scorching flesh. His eyes, darker than the color black itself, glared at the golden gates before him. "Stupid gods." He grumbled out as the gates before him slowly opened.

He huffed as he walked across the threshold towards the mountain before him. Steps wrapped up around the mountain side towards the massive cylindrical building that rested precariously on the mountains snow touched peak. "Stupid fuckin-"

"Haiti's!" A males voice boomed from the mountain tops. "We do not swear on this plain." The booming voice appeared behind the demonic being that continued to have steam sizzle off of his heated scales.

"Do you think I give a shit? I get called like a fuckin dog to come to its master. What the fuck do you want? I have other shit to do." The demonic male, Haiti's, hissed out in return.

Lightening clashed together as the newly formed male appeared before Haiti's, a white glow humming against his skin. "Watch your tongue boy." He growled out, sparks snapping aggressively off of his skin.

"Do you think I'm scared of you Zeus? I am a god as well. Don't forget that."

"Why you little-"

"Welcome back Haiti's!" A female voice spoke, just seconds before the muscular god, Zeus, could react to Haiti's words.

"Aphrodite, it is so good to see you." Haiti's answered to the female's call as her beauty glowed brighter from his words. "And may I say you are as beautiful as ever."

"Watch it." Zeus snapped as he stepped in front of the perfect goddess before them.

Haiti's black eyes glanced over Zeus's shoulder, a smirk stretching across his face while his dark orbs probed the female hidden. "What is it you wanted Zeus?"

"Your pet."

Haiti's eyes snapped to the side, a glare set in place. "No."

"Why not?"

"My pet protects my lands. He is not leaving guard."

"The chosen-"

"Don't you dare say that the chosen one needs more help. I have done enough for the chosen one. I gave her Power. She is my greatest demon creation. The best guard of my realm. I brought back the dog general. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I WAITED TO HAVE HIM IN MY GRASP?" Haiti's roared the ending as steam shot out from his scales, heating up the air around him. "And now…now you expect me to give up my pet…my guardian? You sure are stupid."

"Let me put it this way Haiti's." Zeus began as he stepped closer to the irate male. "Shadow…now you know that we can't touch him. We can create only one that can. Now would you like to give up your pet to the chosen one in order to protect her or would you like to hold onto your pet for dear life while you run away from Shadow as he kills our only means of protection and then turns on us. He will make us into slaves. He will rule our realms. He will destroy everything. He will enslave you, beat you, kill you, eat you and use your bones for a toothpick." He paused as he placed his hand on Haiti's shoulder, gripping it tight. "Now would you like to loan out your pet to the chosen one."

*On earth*

"And then the thunder brothers tried to attack Inuyasha." Shippo blabbed on as he continued to tell his amazing tale of meeting Kagome and Inuyasha to the new male. Inutashio simply smiled and nodded as he seemed to get more engrossed into the tale that the tiny fox kit spoke of. Shippo sat in Touga's arms moving his hands around animatedly as he continued his tale. Kagome could only smiled at the feeling of warmth that had swallowed her whole at the sight of the two most important and happy males in her life. She walked just behind the two boys, watching Touga's face change at every new turmoil or epic attack that Shippo spoke of. "And then they-" Shippo continued while Kagome's mind slid away from the conversation to the special males before her.

Her hand subconsciously touched her pink lips while her eyes seemed to zone out of this world. 'It has been three days since Touga kissed me but it feels like it was just last night.' Her stomach fluttered as she remembered the heat and passion that coursed threw her delicate veins. She felt her cheeks flush from the new found heat that flooded her body, wrapping it protectively…lovingly.

"Kagome?" Kagome jumped slightly at the sound of her intended speak her name. Her feet halted as she turned her gaze up to meet his. A prideful smirk adorned his perfectly chiseled face. "All though I do love the smell of you in this state I can not become distracted right now. Try to focus on the path instead of…something else." His smirk grew wider as he watched the tiny female before him stiffen from his simple words. "I will take care of this problem later tonight."

Her mouth dropped in shock as she watched her intended tease her, BEFORE HER OWN KIT, and then turn his back on her, continuing the path before him. Shippo simply blinked between the two before shrugging away his obvious confusion and jumping back into the tale he was telling ignoring what ever happened a few seconds ago. 'How dare he?' Her mind screamed at her as the loving warmth that flooded threw her veins turned into heated rage that rubbed roughly against her skin. Her aura snapped harshly as she continued to watch the male walk away from her with an unmovable smirk adorning his face.

She growled low as she slowly stretched her aura out to wrap around the male before her. A gasp escaped her lips as her aura slid across an aura unknown to her or this world. The aura of the beast was unlike any she has felt. Not demon, not miko, not…anything. Her head snapped to the left, turning her body towards the beast that pushed his aura out to touch hers.

'Kagome?' Power whispered as the giant demon within her moved from out of the darkness.

Kagome's face seemed to instantly fall into the darkness of her mind, lighting up the area that Power had been sleeping in moments ago. "Yes?" She called out to her inner being.

Within Kagome's Mind:

'It seems as though the gods have sent another to join our journey. I feel him. He is a piece of a god that was sent to us for extra protection. He is calling for our help.' Power stated as the giant black beast stepped closer to the smaller female. 'We must help.'

Kagome's body instantly tensed as she exited her inner mind to become ready for anything. Her eyes squinted while she tried to look further into the forest that sat at the edge of the valley that they were currently walking through. "Where?"

Power stepped up to her side as if trying to get a better look through her very eyes. He sniffed while his eyes scanned the dark forest before them. 'The shadows stir the most in that direction. We must be careful. Darkness seems to have found our extra protection before we have.' Power stated, his eyes narrowing into a glare at the shadows that engulfed the trees. 'We must hurry.'

Before her brain could register anything her body launched forward in a demon like sprint towards the darkness that eagerly awaited her arrival. Her aura flared out swallowing the forest before her. Her mind finally kicked in zoning in on the forest, never noticing the calls from her intended to return to the path. "KAGOME!" Touga screamed again as he watched her disappear into the darkness. "Dammit." He swore under his breath. His arm tightened around Shippo before he shot forward, after his tiny female.

Kagome swerved to the side dodging the trees and branches that blocked her path. Cold. The temperature that was once in the 70's now seemed to be in the 30's and dropping as she ran further into the shadows that gripped the forest. A low growl ripped from her throat as her aura surrounded the beast that was trying desperately to fight off what ever was hunting it down. Trees snapped and groaned from the fight ahead of her. 'Ready yourself Kagome.' Power spoke as they entered the outskirts of the battle. A few more yards.

Kagome's heart hammered against her chest as she felt her miko powers swirl around her body before creating a second skin. Her hands pulsed with their hidden powers, promising great strength within her fight and suffering. A few more feet.

A yelp screeched from the battle that continued around her, causing her skin to tingle as a shiver slid down her spine. She burst through the trees only to slide to a stop as she gasped at the sight before her. A massive black animal lay in front of her panting…from three heads? The large three headed dog growled low as it moved to stand once more. A red liquid rolled off the animals perfect black coat and onto the foliage ender its giant paws. 'Kagome…meet Cerberus.'

* I would like to start out saying I'm sorry it took so long to update. All I have to say is school, summer vaca, family issues and the worst is that my brain has well…shut down. Since I am done with school my brain wants nothing to do with thinking. I am sorry if this chapter sucks, is way to out there or just plain old dumb. I also know that I put greek mythology into a Japanese culture story line. But I must say that it is my fanfic. Live with it. Don't like it don't read it. PLEASE REVIEW! Hopefully the reviews will get me inspired to write more.*