Hello!! Okay, so this has been bouncing around in my head for a while and i tried to push it away so i could get another chapter up for "Rain" BUT apparently my muse really likes THIS idea, and you know how that goes, once your muse gets ahold of an idea, it just wont let go! So let me know what you think about this!

Read, review and enjoy!

Emily Prentiss has a bad feeling. She's had it since the moment she got out of the car. The team is in Oklahoma City tracking down a serial killer who's been kidnapping and killing women. All of the victims have an eerie resemblance to JJ, which is why Emily and Morgan are with her now as she gives a press conference outside of the capitol building. JJ is at the podium with Emily to her right and Morgan to her left. Everything has been going smoothly, but now that bad feeling is back and Emily doesn't like it one bit. She scans the area for the umpteenth time while half listening to JJ speak.

"We're looking for a white male.....mid to late twenties.....socially awkward..." JJ's voice is strong and professional, as always. Suddenly a glint of light catches Emily's eye, but it's gone just as quickly as it appeared. Shaking her head she sighs inwardly, now she's on high alert. Okay Prentiss, calm down, it was probably a window or something. Again she sees the glint, but this time its further along the roof. Something's wrong, it couldn't have moved unless...Oh shit! Emily's eyes widen as she realizes what's going on. She looks towards JJ, who's wrapping up the conference. Seeing the glint once again she makes no hesitation, and sprints to JJ.

"JJ get down!" she yells tackling her to the ground as a shot pierces the air.

I know, its REALLY short, but if you review i promise to post the next chapter really soon!