This story sucked. Not the plot, but the way I wrote it. You're all probably thinking, oh great, she's rewriting another one! But I think it needs it, because where it was, it was going absolutely nowhere. Without a rewrite, it was either going to get deleted, or just sit there incomplete forever. I've got others to rewrite, like Fey, and more still to update, like Katana, but I haven't been able to find myself in 'writer mode' for ages.

In any case, I don't own Naruto and co, and I'm definitely not looking forward to the coming summer… (Too damned hot here!) Enjoy!



To be rendered helpless was anathema to one so used to being in control of their body. Haruno Sakura was a kunoichi of Konohagakure, in the Land of Fire, and she prided herself on her abilities both as a ninja and as a medic which helped her regulate her chakra as easily as any person breathed in air. And even that she did better than the best ninja out there. But at this particular moment, nothing was under her control, and there was only one reason she could think of why.

She'd been drugged, plain and simple. Right now, everything was hazy, she couldn't focus her chakra, her breathing… Heck, she could barely focus her thoughts! And as for her sight, well, no matter how hard she tried, Sakura just couldn't open her eyes. She could barely move, and every single little twitch of her muscles was slow and agonising. For who knew how long, she'd been drifting in and out of consciousness, so she really had no idea how long she'd been here.

Where was here? She had no idea, the last thing she remembered was being in that village that she and her team had escorted their client to, and being attacked by rogue ninja. Were Souta and Itsuki here as well? She hadn't been on a team with them for long, but they had all been getting along fine. If anything had happened to them…

A wave of darkness assailed her once more, and she passed out, coming to without knowing how much time had passed. Before, there had been a steady dripping of a leaky faucet, and now there was silence. What had happened while she was unconscious? The cold hard floor she'd been lying on was still there only… A brief flash of anger shot through her as she realised that someone must have been in here, because she was naked now when she hadn't been before.

Perverts! Sakura thought angrily, before trying once more to open her eyes, but nothing happened. She tried to move, and found that what little mobility she'd had before was gone as well, and she cursed her captors to hell and back. Well maybe not back, they could stay there for all she cared. She shivered on the cold floor, and wondered at the uncontrolled movement before she passed out again.

This time when she woke, Sakura was able to move. That would have been great, except Her hearing had returned, along with the dripping pipe or whatever it was, and she found she could even open her eyes a smidge. Gasping and squeezing her eyes shut, she realised that she must have been here a long time indeed, because the bright light that had greeted her had stung her eyes rather intensely.

A sinister laugh caught her attention and she cracked her eyes open again, enduring the pain, and saw that she wasn't alone in her cell. "Lookie 'oo's awake," crooned a filthy… thing… that she assumed was male. "Littl' girlie all woked up and ready fer Goro t' play with."

He lurched towards her, and Sakura tried to get out of his way, but the chains stopped her. The lustful look in his eyes turned to anger and he demanded, "Oo do ye think yer are t' be rejectin' me, girlie? Yer me prize from the' Lordie for being a good, loyal servant!"

He lunged for her, slamming her hard against the wall, and she both heard and felt her skull crack. Sakura rather mercifully passed out, because if he was going to rape her, she'd rather she didn't remember. After all, his grip on her had been strong, and she was weak and without her chakra. Her last thought before she passed out again was that she hoped that someone would figure out where she was and come get her.

When she came around again, Sakura's head hurt like the bitch, as well as her stomach, her throat and between her thighs, but a quick look around showed that she was alone. With a relieved sigh, she looked around for anything she could possibly use to escape, but found nothing. She did note, however, that the chakra chains around her wrists were gone, but one was around one of her ankles instead. Trembling she stood up, wincing at the injuries caused by that disgusting life form that had surely raped her.

The sound of a steel door opening reached her, and she stiffened at the sound of several footsteps coming her way. Eventually three people came in sight, one of them familiar to her. Yakushi Kabuto. He smiled an evil, snake like grin at her as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Haruno Sakura," he greeted. "Never expected to find you here, of all places. I could hardly believe it when the others told me about the pink haired woman down in the cells. How remarkable."

"What am I doing here?" Sakura demanded, her voice dry and rasping.

"This is one of Lord Orochimaru's testing facilities," he told her even as one of the men with him unlocked and opened her cell door. "You are here to be a guinea pig in his grand experiments. And the one you've been chosen for has real potential."

Sakura had backed against the wall at the door opening, remembering all too clearly what had happened the last time someone had been in here. Kabuto nodded to the two men and they left, and the treacherous medic nin came forward, pausing when she cringed. He cocked his head at her, examining her naked form before pulling something out of a pocket.

"It looks like you've had company," he said, indicating to her thighs, and Sakura looked down to see blood mixed in with something else, she bet she knew what. "Were you a virgin I wonder?"

"None of your business!" Sakura hissed at him.

"It's of no consequence to me," Kabuto said, then raised his hand and beckoned her forward. "I have something for you, Sakura."

"I don't want it," she said defiantly.

"You don't really have a choice," he told her. "Either come forward, or it'll be forced on you. Your cooperation would ease some of your pain at least."

When Sakura didn't move, Kabuto sighed, then put away what he'd pulled out. For a brief moment, Sakura thought he was going to leave, but then he performed a few hand signs and she felt herself freeze in place. A paralysis jutsu, she realised as he pulled out his package aging. A couple of steps, and he was right in front of her now, and Sakura couldn't move as he pulled a syringe out of the package, removing the protective cover and flicking the glass as he steadied the contents.

"Alright, this won't hurt a bit," he said, then pressed the needle into her skin, injecting the contents.

The needle actually hadn't hurt, but the liquid burned through her skin incredibly painfully, and when Kabuto stepped back and release the jutsu, Sakura fell to the floor in a screaming, writhing mass of pain. She had no idea how long it lasted, but at the end of it, she'd long since passed out from the pain.

When Sakura awoke again, she was clean and in a different room. It was still a cell as the barred door attested to, but this one was obviously used for the 'important' prisoners. There was a makeshift bed, which was where she was lying, and a small table that had a platter of food and a jug of water on it, as well as a small privy. A thin, scratchy robe covered her, but a chain still held her by her ankle. Sakura stood up and headed straight for the food, not really caring if it was poisoned, because she figured they wanted her alive for this experiment of theirs.

A laugh interrupted her feasting and she froze, turning to see that Kabuto was there. "I guess you were hungry," he said.

"Release me," Sakura ordered.

Shaking his head, Kabuto said, "I already told you that you've a part of Lord Orochimaru's experiments. It simply would not do to let one of the test subjects go just because she said so, especially not when you could be such a successful one too."

"When Konoha realises you have me…" Sakura began, but Kabuto interrupted her.

"Those idiots have no idea where you are," he informed her. "And even if they did, it's been months! The rogues our scientists paid off were quite good at covering their tracks, so you and your two team mates won't be found."

"Where are Souta and Itsuki?" she demanded, trying to ignore the panic she felt at learning relatively how long she'd been here.

"On other projects," was the reply. "I believe one of them was a failure, and had to be put down. Tall, skinny one with brown hair."


"The other one is alive, at least for now," Kabuto said, his matter of fact tone really making her angry. "I'm sure it won't be too much longer though, the program he's in has a high mortality rate. But then again, maybe he'll be an exception."

"You bastard!" Sakura screeched, but Kabuto only laughed.

"Now, now, Sakura," Kabuto laughed. "Conserve your energy. You'll need it for the transformation."

Sakura froze. "T-transformation?"

"The solution I injected you with is a formula Lord Orochimaru has been working on perfecting for years," he told her. "Its predecessor is one I believe you're all familiar with, does the name Mizuki ring a bell?"

Her eyes widened. "But that… that… That formula turned people into mutated animal-like monstrosities!"

Kabuto laughed. "Yes, it was rather imperfect," he admitted. "But it did give us a significant boost in our research. The new and improved formula has already proven itself to have great potential, and you and a few others are the final test subjects."

He unlocked the door to her new cell and entered, coming over to where she stood, grasping her chin in his hand. "You're definitely better all cleaned up," he said, "but I must admit, even under all that filth, I noticed earlier that you're definitely all grown up now, Sakura. I'm sure, if you hadn't fallen into our hands, that Sasuke-kun, might just have been tempted by you."

He leaned down and kissed her forcefully, and Sakura pushed weakly at him, her continued lack of chakra making her an easy target for him, but he pulled away almost as quickly as he'd leant in and whispered harshly, "I wouldn't want anything one of the rejects had touched anyway!"

He pushed her roughly, and she stumbled before completely losing her footing and falling. Kabuto strode out of the cell, locking her in once more, but Sakura ignored him in favour of crawling over to the little bed, curling up into a little ball and crying herself to sleep, a natural one this time. She dreamed, the images in her mind convulsing into a nightmare, before she woke with a start, screaming.

But it wasn't because of her nightmares, oh no. It was because she was in pain. Every single cell in her body felt like it was on fire, and Sakura tried desperately to control herself, but without any chakra, there was no use. Her eyes were burning, her ears were ringing, and she felt like she was being pulled in every direction while simultaneously being squashed into nothing. She pulled at the shift she wore, her suddenly elongated nails ripping the material until she was naked again.

She clawed at her skin, desperate to get to the burning and rip it out if necessary, but her skin had thickened and… Was that fur!? Panic set in as she realised that fur was growing all over her body. She leapt out of the bed, only to fall forward onto all fours as her legs could no longer support her on their own. Sakura screamed and screamed and screamed and howled… Falling forward, she collapsed into a dead faint.


Someone had watched the whole thing on a closed circuit television screen, grinning with glee. Kabuto was ecstatic that this last formula had worked, Sakura was their first success. But not their only one, he noted as he watched three others turn as well. Four successes, a wolf, a horse, a pig and a bear. Lord Orochimaru would be pleased, he knew, but he was even more pleased, and made a note to add this into his own studies.

Orochimaru was quite busy these days, delegating a lot of the work of the projects less likely to succeed. But he would want to know about this one. The Sannin was currently up in Lightning Country with Sasuke, training the young Uchiha to become his next vessel. He should have already been his, but an unforseen encounter with Itachi and his partner Kisame had had Sasuke three countries away when Lord Orochimaru had needed to change bodies. He'd been furious, and Sasuke unrepentant, but they'd all managed to survive it.

As soon as the specimens were ready, Kabuto intended to have the researchers upload the animals into wagons, and they would be making the arduous trek from Earth Country, where this base was, up to the top of Lightning. The animals would most likely be sedated for the journey, but Kabuto wouldn't be there. He would be going ahead to inform Orochimaru of their arrival.

He laughed at the thought of Sasuke finding out that one of his former team mates was now a wolf. He would love to see his face at the news, but it would be up to Orochimaru on whether or not he would know. In the meantime, he had some animals to attend to.


Sakura woke with a fuzzy feeling in her mouth. The sort you have after waking up dehydrated, which she might well be. It seemed that she slept a lot in this place, if Kabuto was to be believed that it had been months since her mission. Groggily she tried to stand, only to find herself falling forward. She shook her head to clear it of the fog that had gathered, then opened her eyes and nearly screamed.

Paws. She had paws. Panicking, Sakura looked down at the rest of her, noticing the fur that covered her. Paws, fur, and was that…? Yes, she had a tail as well. She let out a scream of indignation and disbelief, only it came out as a howl. She shook her head again, then kept screaming out her panic and disbelief… only it was howling and barking now.

"Quiet!" a voice yelled, and Sakura felt her own voice abruptly cut off from some jutsu, and she looked over to see Kabuto and the two others he'd had with him before. "Be a nice wolf and stay silent."

Wolf? But before she had time to ponder on that, she was under a paralysis jutsu again. The doors were opened and the all came in, one of the men hauling her up over his shoulder.

"Don't fret, dear Sakura," Kabuto said. "We're off to see Lord Orochimaru now. I'm afraid the journey will take a few weeks for you, as you'll be in a specially designed wagon, but I'll be letting Lord Orochimaru know that you're coming. Be a good girl for these men, and I'll see you soon."

Then she was carried out of there to the sound of Kabuto's sinister laughter.

Ok, review if you liked it!