Disclaimer: I am not the owner of Fullmetal Alchemist or any of it's characters, all i do is write :]

A/N: Super short one shot #4! Please do read! :)


by laDy ruLebrEaker

Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse.

~Thomas Szasz

In a relationship, the most important things are: love, trust, and to 'never forget.' And in between the Colonel and his Lieutenant, the last part was still in the process.

Roy Mustang would always try to slip excuses in whenever he forgets something. He could think of the most believable up to the most ridiculous excuses known to man. Despite that, his words never fail to make the Lieutenant's heart skip a beat, and things like these always make his day.

On a particular weekend, Riza, annoyed, asked him straight ahead.

"You forgot again, didn't you Sir?"

"Huh?" was his only response. It was then that he noticed that the atmosphere seemed like their has to be a special occasion brewing in. Riza answered his unspoken question.

"You forgot, today's our wedding anniversary." Ah yes, 'wedding anniversary.' She was not only a wife, but a mother.

The Colonel's mind automatically responded to her words. He launched his ever famous smirk but was then replaced by a soft calming smile with a piercing stare that could melt a woman's heart. The Lieutenant however, tried her very best not to give in. Riza heaved a sigh.

"The matter at hand may not be as of much importance as the rest are, and I'm not one with celebrations either, but couldn't you at least take the effort of just remembering?"

He simply smiled and came closer.

'What is one day compared to you being mine everyday?"

gah, cheesy much? lol. But I thought about what Roy would really say, so Im guessing that's good enough...^^