Okay, this is my first Suite Life fic and I am super excited to share it with you. This story was inspired by a whole lot of things. This particular chapter was inspired by bits and piece " Repercussions Part 2" by Elianna22. I liked her idea of having Cody working for Tipton Industries and the also the fact that she wrote Cody as a light weight so I used those. Also the visual of Cody singing while he is drunk was amusing, so I used that ( the song he sings in this chapter is different then Ellie's, but it is a song that she uses in a different chapter…that is just a coincidence .) The first sentence of this chapter is almost the same as the first chapter of her chapter 12, but I didn't even notice that until my sister pointed it out. Also - mainly because I am a huge dork- every one of the chapters in this story will contain at least one Dawson's Creek reference/ tie-in. This chapter is a tough one. My sister missed it the first time she read this. Virtual cookies for anyone who can figure them out.

Disclaimer: I do not own Suite Life or anything that sounds familiar to you.


Zack let out a soft groan and slowly opened one eye, then the other. Little by little the ceiling of the suite in which he often ended up spending the night - despite owing his own one room apartment - came into focus. Lazily, he reached out with his right hand and fumbled around for his cell phone which was on the bedside dresser. Flipping it open he squinted his eyes and read the text message that appeared on the screen.

Where are you? We have a lunch date with mom and dad today at 12:30. Remember?

He glanced at the bottom left hand corner of his phone and inwardly cursed. It was already 11:37. Slowly he sat up and typed his brother a quick reply. Dude, chill. Be there in 30.

When he was done he shut his phone, tossed it back onto the dresser and slumped back onto the soft mattress, his left arm lightly brushing against a warm body in the bed beside him. A small grin appeared on his lips as he turned onto his side to face the angel who was still sleeping soundly, her long blonde wavy hair partially covering her face. Gently he leaned over and tucked her hair behind her ear before lightly kissing her on the cheek. He marvelled at how much he enjoyed the feeling of her soft skin against his lips.

" Babe?" he whispered, almost wishing that he didn't have to wake her so that he could spend another couple of minutes just watching her sleep. But he knew that he had to get up soon if he wanted to take a shower before he met his parents - and brother- for lunch in the hotel's restaurant. " Anna, sweetheart , I have to leave."

He heard her mumbled incoherently, causing him to chuckle softy. She is way to damn cute.

After a moment she rolled over to fully face him, her eyes still half closed. "But, I don't want you to leave." A pout formed on her lips and Zack resisted the urge to kiss her soundly.

" I don't want to leave either," he admitted truthfully, " but I hardly ever see my dad. I don't think he would very impressed if I missed seeing him, even if he found out I was with a very hot, sexy, irresistible women such as yourself."

She let out a small giggle, fully awake now. " You're such a charmer Zackary Martin," she cooed, reaching out to caress his cheek.

" I do my best." He gave her his most charming smile.

She raised a suggestive eyebrow at him and leaned up for a kiss. He knew that the moment their lips touched he would be a goner. And he was right. Her very presence seemed to intoxicate him and he soon found all rational thoughts slipping away. Placing his hands around her waist he rolled over onto his back, pulling her top of him. He let out a low moan as her lips left his and began to descend down his jaw line. Then she momentarily stopped kissing him and gave him a cheeky smirk - she seemed to rather enjoy the fact that her kisses caused him to have such sensations.

The look on his face when she stopped made her giggle. " Is something the matter, darling?" she asked innocently.

He shook his head playfully, his bangs falling in front of his eyes. Pushing his hair out of his face he smirked back at her. " Nope." Then he pulled her head back towards him and kissed her passionately. Screw having a shower.


The sound of his phone once again vibrating against the dresser , indicating that he had another text message, broke his trance. " Damn it." Slowly he sat up, causing Anna to climb off of him. Grabbing his phone, he flipped it open, fully prepared to strangle whoever had just interrupted his bliss. Okay. See you soon.

Zack let out a sigh and placed the phone back on the dresser. You have impeccable timing little brother, he thought miserably. You're almost as bad as Moseby. " I really do have to go," he said turning to Anna and giving her an apologetic smile. " But, feel free to order breakfast while I'm gone. Just charge it to Cody' name."

She slowly nodded - a small frown forming on her lips - and he leaned over to gently kiss her on the forehead. " I'll be back after lunch, I promise." And with that he got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom for a quick shower, his mind still on the women he had just left behind.

Anna was the younger sister of Peter Markham - Cody's old roommate from Harvard. They had met at Cody and Pete's graduation, where she spent the whole night practically crying on his shoulder about her cruel, reckless, good-for-nothing - but rich and powerful- husband, Jonathon Harrington the third. Normally Zack didn't like to get involved with women who had so much baggage, but there was just something about Anna that he was attracted to and he found himself consoling her. They had sex for the first time that night in the girls bathroom on the main floor of the Tipton - where this party was coincidently being held - and it had been one of the most mind boggling experiences of Zack's life. They have been having secret rendezvous at the Tipton every since. Although he knew it was wrong, and he had to admit that the reason he started this relationship in the first place was because the idea of being with a married women sounded both dangerous and exciting, Zack was now hopelessly in love with Anna - something he never in a million years expected to happen. He always thought he would spend his whole life floating from one relationship to another, free as bird.

The only other person that Zack thought he loved was Maddie Fitzpatrick - the candy counter girl at the Tipton when he still lived there as an adolescent. And even that just couldn't compare to what he had now. When the twins had come back from their two years aboard, Zack discovered that despite still caring very much for Maddie, he no longer had the strong desire to kiss her. It seemed time had dampened that flame. Besides, Maddie had gone off to Worthington and started a romance with her Eng. Lit. Prof. 9 years later that relationship was still going strong. Despite that, the two of them had become quite good friends over the years and Zack now had the utmost respect for the women that had once been the object of his teenage sexual fantasies.

As he let the warm water of the shower run over his body and relax him , Zack's mind began to wander to last night. Yesterday had been the twin's 25th birthday and Mr. Tipton had arranged a birthday party for them, inviting only family and close friends. And it's a good thing too, he thought with a grin as images of his brother appeared in his head. Cody was not one to drink very often, but when he did he always seemed to make an ass out of himself. Last night was no exception. The sound of Cody singing in a slightly out-of-tune and slurring voice echoed in his brain.

It was 1989, my thoughts were short my hair was long

Caught somewhere between a boy and man

She was seventeen and she was far from in-between

It was summertime in Northern Michigan

Zack had to laugh at the irony of his brother singing this song. He highly doubted that there was a summer - or any part of Cody's life for that matter- which remotely resembled the words of this song. Him on the other hand….well, let's just say that the summer after his high school graduation was one that he would never forget.

Although he was always the first one to point out that his younger ( by 10 minutes) brother was a huge dork - predominantly when they were teenagers- Zack was extremely proud of Cody and all of his achievements. In particular, the fact that in the last three years Cody Martin had been steadily climbing the corporate ladder and was well on his way to becoming the most promising business man of the early 21st century. He had recently been promoted to Junior Vice- President of Tipton Industries- a job that Zack actually knew very little about. But, as long as Cody still knew what was going on at all those meetings, Zack supposed it really didn't matter what he understood about the multi-trillion dollar company.

He shook his head slightly as he rinsed the soap off his body. It never ceased to amaze him that despite the fact that he and Cody looked so similar ( Cody was slightly taller and skinnier) they were different in pretty much every other aspects of their lives. In high school ( and even middle school) Cody had been a straight A+ student - always receiving awards and certificates. Zack got mostly Ds and occasionally even failed a class - always receiving detentions and scoldings. When it came to girls Zack spent a lot of time being a flirt during his early teenage years - never really having a serious relationship- and then having a few to many one-night stands ( even for his own liking) in his late teens and early twenties. Cody on the other hand, never really got the whole concept of flirting and only had two serious relationships - one that lasted two years and the one he was currently in, which he had started when he was 15 and a half. Although Cody was no longer a virgin - the love of his life, Bailey, and him had been each others firsts on the night of their high school graduation- Zack knew that Bailey had been the only women his brother had ever been with. And that was exactly how Cody thought it should be. Zack had to admit that he was happy for his brother and glad that he had found someone who he cared for and loved very much- someone who returned those feelings. They had recently gotten engaged and were planning on getting married aboard the S.S. Tipton ( now managed by Mr. Moebsy's niece Nia and her husband Phil), which they would be revisiting for their 10 year anniversary.

Zack turned off the shower and grabbed for a towel. Drying himself off he let out a contented sigh. Sure, he and Cody were as different as could be, but they also had a relationship that went beyond words- beyond anything Zack had or could have with someone else. They were soul mates.

A few minutes later he emerged from the bathroom fully dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a light blue button up shirt. He quickly grabbed his phone off the bedside table and gave Anna - who had fallen back asleep - one more quick kiss on the cheek before opening the door and walking out into the hallway. Just as he shut the door to the suite his phone began to vibrate once more . He quickly flipped it open. You're late. Zack didn't even bother to reply, his brother lived just down the hall and he would be there in seconds.

Moments later he walked into Cody's room and let out a small chuckle at sight of his brother . " Dude, I thought we were going for a causal lunch with our parents. You look like we're going to some five star restaurant."

Cody raised his eyebrow. " We are going to a five star restaurant. And I am causal. Look," he opened up his suit jacket, " no vest."

" Really, Cody? No vest?"

Ignoring his brother's retort, Cody grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge. "What took you so long, anyways?"

Zack gave him charming smirk. " I was distracted." Cody shook his head and opened a bottle of aspirin that was sitting on his kitchen counter. He really didn't want to know what is brother found so distracting.

Zack raised his eyebrows at Cody as he walked by him on the way to get himself a quick cup of coffee. He really didn't get much sleep last night and he knew that without caffeine he would not make it through their lunch date. " Got a headache?" There was a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Cody placed the aspirin in his mouth and followed it with a swig of water. "The worst."

" You know," Zack pointed out as he took a sip of coffee - the hot liquid slowly trickling down his throat and instantly warming up his insides - " for someone who is supposed to be a genius, you're not that bright. I mean, I would have thought that after a couple of times of making a fool of yourself and waking up with a killer hangover you would realize that you and alcohol just don't mix."

" Thanks," Cody replied sarcastically. " I feel so much better now."

" I aim to please." Zack gave him a wink. " Oh, by the way I ordered a breakfast this morning and charged it to your account."

Cody scowled slightly. " Zack, how many times do I have to tell you that me working for Tipton Industries does not give you permission to take advantage of Wilfred's hospitalises?"

" One more time?" Zack asked, giving him a cheeky grin, as he placed his empty coffee cup in the sink.

Cody rolled his eyes and then frowned slightly. " Why did you order breakfast anyways? We're going to lunch, remember?"

Zack just opened the door to the hall and indicated with his hand for his brother to go first.

When they were both in the hall Cody suddenly turned around and glared. "You spent the night with Anna again, didn't you?"

" Why do you always give me that look?" Zack asked, ignoring Cody's question.

" What look?"

" The one that says ' I am highly disappointed in you, Zackary Thomas Martin.'"

" You're sleeping with a women who is a committed relationship," Cody pointed out in a tone that matched the look he was giving his brother.

" Well, it's obviously not that committed." Zack pointed out as they headed down the hallway towards the elevator.

" Zack," Cody let out a huff as he pressed the down button for the elevator, " this is not the time to joke. I'm serious. What you are doing is unhealthy."

The elevator door opened and they both walked in. Zack pressed the button that took them to the lobby. " I'll keep that in mind Dr. Phil." There was a hint of bitterness in his tone.

The door closed and there was a brief moment of silence. Then Cody let out a sigh. " Look, I'm not trying run your life Zack. Really I'm not. You're an adult," he paused for a second, thinking this over, " well….legally you're an adult. Mentally? That's up for debate."

Zack rolled his eyes. He had heard many times before. " You're point?"

" Right," Cody cleared his throat. " You are an adult and perfectly capable of making your own decisions. I'm just concerned, that's all ." He let out a sigh. "Anna's husband is quite a powerful man, you know, and if he found out about his wife's ' extra curricular activities', you are as good as a dead man."

Zack just nodded solemnly. He was fully aware of the risks that he was taking, but they didn't seem to phase him. He was willing the take the chance.

" You know, there is more to a relationship then great sex."

Zack frowned at his brother. " I am fully aware of that." He was glad that his brother cared so much about him, but sometimes he just wanted to shut up and mind his own damn business.

" Really? Because honestly, I don't think you are." The elevator door opened and Cody left his brother to ponder that for a moment.

A few seconds later Zack ran after his brother. He really was not in the mood to evaluate his lack of a 'real' relationship. " Hey, Codes. Wait up." Cody slowed down his stride and Zack caught up to him. " Let's not something so stupid ruin our lunch, okay?"

Cody pondered this for a moment then gave him a small smirk to let him know that there was no hard feelings. The two of them walked side by side into the restaurant. They were greeted by Patrick who lead them to a table where their parents were already waiting.

As soon as Kurt saw his sons he got up out of his chair. " Hey Zacko." He gave Zack a big hug.

" Hey dad, good to see ya."

" Codester." He attempted to also hug Cody, but the younger man stuck out his hand so it could be shaken. Kurt gave his son a strange look for a spilt second and then shook it.

Cody nodded in acknowledgment. " Dad."

The three of them sat down and Patrick rushed over to take their orders. "The usual, Mr. Martin?"

Cody gave Patrick a small nod. " Yes, thank you Patrick."

Zack had to shake his head slightly. He still could not get over the fact that Patrick - or anyone else that worked at the Tipton for that matter- called Cody Mr. Martin.

Patrick turned to Zack. " And for you, sir?"

Zack resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Cody may be used to the idea of being treated like some important gentleman, but Zack most definitely wasn't. "Patrick, you know you can call me Zack."

" Zack?"

" I'll have a steak, medium-rare with a baked potato. And a bud lite." Zack swore he saw Patrick's lips twitch into a rare small smile. Cody just rolled his eyes.

Patrick left with their orders and Kurt glanced over at his son's apologetically. " Sorry I missed yesterday boys, I really am."

" That's okay," Cody replied with a slight frown. He had learnt a long time ago that his father often ran on his own schedule. But it still sadden him a tiny bit.

Zack noticed his bother's small mood change so he put an arm around his shoulder and gave him a gently encouraging squeeze. " That's to bad, dad. You missed one hell of a party, didn't he Codster?"

Cody gave him a playful glare. He knew that Zack was trying to lighten up the mood. Carey didn't take Zack's comment so light heartedly. " Well Cody , perhaps you should take it a little bit slower next time."

" Mom!"

Zack stifled back a laugh. He rather enjoyed watching his mother still treat Cody like reckless teenager - particularly since he was now a successful business man and never really was reckless when he actually was a teenager.

"I'm just saying, you were pretty drunk last night."

" Oh, come on Carey, Cody's 25, not 16." Kurt shook his head at his ex-wife. Even now she was still protective of her boys.

Carey let out a small sigh. " I know, I know. I'm just having a hard time getting used to the fact that my boys are grown men now."

Kurt put his arm around his ex-wife. " I know. It's hard for me too. But, it's just something that we have to get used to. "

Zack eyed his dad suspiciously. In his opinion the only reason his dad might be upset about them growing up was the fact that they now surpassed him in there level of maturity.

Carey dabbed her eyes with her napkin and then nodded. " You're right."

Both Cody and Zack shook their heads. Sometimes their parents could be too much.

" So, Zack, do you work tonight?" Carey asked her older son - after she had gained her composure - as their food arrived.

" Nope. This afternoon, I'm actually going to go home, plant my butt on the couch and… what the hell is that?" Zack raised an eyebrow at his brother's plate.

" Oyster á La Champagnoise" Cody replied in a tone that suggested that what he was eating was as normal and " American" as a hamburger.


" Oysters covered with a sauce made of champagne."

Zack wrinkled his nose. " That's your usual?"

" Only on Wednesdays." Cody used a spoon to scoop an oyster out of it's shell and placed it on his plate. He carefully cut it in half and then eat a piece.

Zack screw up his face in disgust. " What do you mean, ' only on Wednesdays'?"

Cody swallowed his oyster and then took a sip of his water. " Well, on Mondays I usually have a nice Chicken, Thyme, Shallot Casserole. And on Tuesdays Chief Palo makes an excellent Melted Foie Gras…"

" Okay, okay, I get it. But…still? Oysters?"

Cody shrugged his shoulders. " They're quite good. Want a bite?"

Zack gave his brother a you-cannot-be-serious look. " No."

" Your loss."

Zack turned his attention back to his mother. " As I was saying, no I don't work tonight. But I do every other night this week. "

" So then I guess you won't be able to go to that dinner party Mr. Tipton invited us to on Saturday."

" What party?" Zack asked as he took a bite of his steak.

" Oh I don't know," Carey shrugged her shoulders. " One of Mr. Tipton's associates is hosting a luncheon and he invited us to come along. What's the guy's name again, Cody?"

Cody gave his brother a quick smirk before answering his mother's question. "Jon Harrington."

Zack began to choke on his steak. Cody gently tapped him on the back until he stopped coughing and then passed him his glass on water. " Thank, man."

Kurt and Carey eyed their son suspiciously. " Do you know Mr. Harrington, Zack?"

Zack shook his head. " Nope. Never meet the guy. I have no idea who he is."

Kurt clapped his son on the shoulder. " Riiiiiight. You have no idea who he is."

Zack pushed his dad's off. " Honesty dad. It's just a coincidence that I choked right after Cody said his name." He gave Cody a pleading look, asking for help.

" That's right, dad, Zack has never met Jon."

Zack nodded at his brother in thanks and the took a big swig of his beer. Thank god I have to work that night.

" Well, you should try to get the night off. I think it might be fun."

Fun? Zack shook his head at his mom. " I don't think I will be able to."

" Just try."

Zack sighed. " Okay, mom. I'll try."

Carey smiled and then leaned over to ruffle his hand. " That's a good boy."

Zack just stared down at his plate and tried to ignore his brother's snicker. Make a note, he thought miserably as he took another bit of his steak, next time you decided to have an affair with a married women make sure you pick someone whose husband doesn't hold fancy parties your family might be invited to.

Okay, so what do you all think? I am really like this story and I can't wait to share more of it with you. As always, reviews are most appreciated.