Sixty Days for a Lifetime

Chapter 1: Unexpected Feelings, a Bet, and an Intern

Disclaimer:I do not own the TV show, Grey's Anatomy, nor the actress and actor Kate Walsh and Eric Dane. I wish I owned Eric Dane. Hehe.

A/N:Second story on FF and first Grey's fic! Okay, so don't kill me! I always wanted to see a happy ending for Mark and Addison, but I love him and Lexie. Okay, so this is the story of the bet made between them but with a happy ending! Yay. Enjoy.

A/N: I will making this out of Addison's and Mark's point of view.

Addison's POV

I went to visit my ex-husband and his girlfriend. Hm. Not something an ex-wife would say. She had drowned in the ocean but she made it through. Derek believed she gave up on swimming because she was a good swimmer. I am now leaning against the nurse's station at this hospital and I sulk, quietly, as I watch my ex-husband comforts his girlfriend and look at her with such a strong expression and think, "He's never felt that way."

Mark's POV

I went to check on Derek and his intern girlfriend, maybe to flirt with the nurses, maybe to flirt with Addison. I turn the corner of the nurse's station in front of the room and I see Addison so, I stand next to her.

"So, she's okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says. She pauses and then says, "We never had that. He never felt that way about me."

"I did," I slip. She looks at me and starts to leave but turns around and faces me.

"You know sometimes," she says and I face her, "I think what a waste it is to throw away all that history."

"I'm flawed. I'm a-- a wreck. But you-- it wasn't a game." She takes a deep breath and I hold mine, waiting for her to say something, anything.

"Sixty days." What? "Go sixty days with no sex, no other women. Sixty days, cold turkey, and maybe, I'll believe you." Really? Hm.

Addison's POV

"So I only have sex with you?" he says. I laugh at that. Classic Mark.

"No. No sex with anyone. Grow up Mark. Find another way to scratch the itch."

"Say, I do. You'll give us a try? A real try, the couples thing? No sneakin' around, no bootycalls?"

"If you make it, yes."

"Okay, we're on." I turn to leave Mark, thinking how this was not going to be easy for him.

"Oh, and Addison." I turn around. "If I'm not having sex, neither are you."

"Who could I possibly be having sex with?" Hm. Who would I be having sex with?

The next day...

"Good morning, Dr. Montgomery," my intern chimed to me.

"Good morning to you, too, Dr. Karev," I greeted my intern. OH! Him. "I have back to back surgeries today so you can either pick up Sloan's crap or go into surgery with me."

"Hey, I can't support my team if I'm not there!" he answered. I gave him the chart for my next patient as we walked into her room.

Okay, short, short chapter. I have no idea what to do for this chapter. Since it's sixty days, I'll do each chapter with 10 day intervals. So 6 more chapters and then something after that. Review, please!