Title: Sparks Fly

Summary: As if any other first kiss could be quite as explosive.

Rating: K

Additional Pairings: None

A/N: Props to hwc, my lovely lovely beta. I am ashamed of myself. This was written well before Robin's birthday and I failed to post it on February 4th. She has the same birthday as my friend too! Even more shame! *punishes self* Anyhoo, Happy Belated Birthday Robin!


The alcohol had been plentiful but she wasn't even tipsy; her glass of red wine was still half full...so what if it was the fifth?

Fiery orange paper lanterns were strung about the deck, lending a dreamlike haze to the air and illuminating what had once been the site of a raucous party.

A drooling Luffy was slumped over the table, which had been dragged outside and was still groaning under the weight of yet-unconsumed food, his belly comically distended. Sanji was eagle-spread atop the grand piano, humming and tapping his foot to an unknown tune as he petted Brook's afro, the skeleton to which it belonged nestled between his legs and snoring into the cook's stomach.

Zoro, sitting cross-legged beside the piano, tipped his sake bottle respectfully in the archaeologist's direction, toasting her as he quickly swallowed a thunderous belch. He threw his head back for a gulp, passed out halfway through and fell backwards, his head prevented from the denting the magnificent instrument by Sanji's absentmindedly cupped hand.

Nami and Chopper giggled at this display, the both of them swaying and undulating in unison to the music that had been issuing from the Den Den Radio ever since their musician had gotten too drunk to play anymore.

She knew not the whereabouts of the sniper or the shipwright.

"Dance with us, Robin?"

"Yes yes, come dance!"

Perhaps she was drunker than she thought, because she set down her glass and joined hands with them without protest.

The stars above twinkled with silent laughter and spun dizzyingly fast when she glanced up. The shadows of dragons and tigers, silhouettes of those lifelike entities painted onto the lanterns by Usopp, prowled across the gassy deck, dancing with her, prancing about playfully round and round...


She twisted around, looking for the voice that had called her name.

"Up here!"

Of course; Longnose-kun, being the only one to have stayed sober, had gone up to the crow's nest to keep watch, shouting down tall tales and jokes to his nakama and munching whatever goodies Sanji had fixed for him all the while. At the moment, he was sitting on the roof—never mind how he got there—and was pointing out to sea.

A flash of scarlet ignited amidst the dark waves, briefly throwing the image of a hulking figure on the Mini Merry into stark relief.

Seconds later, something shot into the sky, emitting a shrill whistle. She dimly heard the rest of her nakama spring quickly to life, expecting a marine attack or worse, but she didn't move, her pale eyes fixated on the projectile.

Starbursts of brilliant plum, violet, mauve, all the possible hues of purple, exploded across the clear black sky in celebration of Robin's birthday. The woman herself stood in silent awe, hugging herself as vivid colour splashed across her face with every new firework.

Whoops of triumphant laughter echoed from above as gasps of delight and amazement issued from behind her and Robin half turned to witness her nakama wide awake and staring at the sky. A smile, so alike and yet so unlike her usual enigmatic affair, tweaked her lips, and she resumed watching the display.

The sea sparkled silver and lavender under the glittering lights, and Robin could now clearly see Franky in the row boat, plugging his ears and beaming with savage joy as several rockets launched at once. At some point, his gaze shifted across the Sunny and he locked eyes with Robin. He winked and blew her a kiss before adopting his customary Super! pose as the last of the sparks fell like rain and drowned themselves in the ocean. She laughed and heard the others laugh with her.

Speaking of whom, they all jumped up with hollers of "Kanpai!" and resumed partying, all previous lethargy long gone. Luffy abandoned the buffet after stuffing down one last hunk of ham, and grabbed Chopper, swinging him around in a wild approximation of dancing.

Sanji looped an arm around Nami's waist, and she around his, as they sang rowdily and line danced to Brook's mad fiddling on the violin.


The rigging bounced, and the shrewd archaeologist—hah, as if her senses would be dulled by so little alcohol—knew that Zoro had gone to go and keep the sniper company, probably taking with him a barrel of highly potent moonshine.

Robin, however, stayed at the railing, watching as Franky drifted back and flung a line of rope up to her. She caught it with many hands and secured the tiny paddle boat to the side of the ship as the cyborg leapt aboard.

He stumbled a little, giddy and laughing when he landed beside her on deck before stretching.

"Suuuper! Wow, the me this week feels invincible!"

Robin tilted her head, dark hair sweeping around her shoulders like a silken curtain.



"They were beautiful," she stated calmly, if a little breathily as he stepped closer.

"Super! I'm glad you liked them...but personally, I preferred the view of the ship."

He gave her a meaningful look even as he blushed and grinned naughtily. Robin was amused.

"Well, I must thank you."

"Don't mention it..."

But he certainly didn't complain when she lured him down with a disembodied hand and a heavy-lidded gaze for a kiss.

When they finally pulled away, she stayed close and he settled one giant gentle hand in the small of her back to keep her there.

"And here I was thinking it was your birthday."

Her only response was to chuckle and stand up on tiptoe to press her lips to his again.