Chapter 1

It's a normal day in the dragon temple for Cynder and Spyro, they're both in the training room fighting dummies, while the guardians are keeping the peace in the towns around the temple. Spyro is just done finishing another round of enemies, when Cynder walks in from her bathroom break, "My turn!"

"Fine, I'm done anyway." Spyro walks away, fanning himself with his wings.

"Aw, I was hoping you'd spot for me." Cynder follows him.

"What for? Those stupid dummies aren't programed to kill you. Besides, when have you ever lost? Other then too me of course." Spyro smiles and continues walking, proud of his past accomplishments. Cynder snorts and turns around. Spyro's always wanted to watch her fight, what's wrong now? Has he grown bored of her? Cynder is too busy thinking about him to realize that there is a huge boss training dummy charging straight for her. BLAM!

"Owwww! Spyro! Help!" Cynder rolls on the ground clutching her leg. The machine senses her pain and shuts down while Spyro runs into the room.

"What's wrong?" Then he notices her lying on the ground, "You did this on purpose didn't you." He shakes his head and retrieves a cast from the wall. Cynder stays perfectly still while Spyro attaches it too her.

"I didn't do it on purpose....I was busy thinking about something else and the dummy caught me off guard." Spyro looks up at her and examines her eyes, as if trying to find a lie. Cynder blushes and looks away, not wanting to give anything away. Spyro smiles and helps her up once he's done connecting her leg too the cast. Cynder tries to walk but trips and falls. Once again, Spyro helps her up, laughing this time, "That's not nice. Don't laugh, I couldn't help it."

"Yeah, I know, it's just, you look so cute trying to stand on that hurt leg." Spyro licks the side of her face, "Don't worry, I wasn't making fun of you." Cynder gasps and passes out, "Oh my god! Cynder! are you ok?" Spyro looks around for water. Not finding any, he leaves her lying on the floor and gos into the bathroom with a bucket. After filling it to the top, he runs and dumps it all over her. She blinks a couple of times and shakes the water off her head, "Good, you're alive."

"Of course I am, haven't you ever seen anyone faint before?" Cynder looks at Spyro sceptically and he just shrugs. She sighs and starts licking the rest of the water off her body.

"Here, let me help." Offers Spyro.

Cynder's eyes grow wide fast and she yells, "NO! I, I'm ok. I'll do it myself."

Spyro looks at her curiously but nods, "Fine, go ahead." He walks into his room and shuts the door. Cynder stops licking and turns her head towards Spyro's room. There was her chance, why didn't she take it? Cynder hits herself in the forehead with her wing and starts cleaning again. Once she's sure that she's completely clean, the black dragoness stands up and walks over to the control panel for the training dummies, setting it to hard and walking back into the center. After three rounds of enemies, Cynder gets tired and shuts it off. Then she heads towards the washroom that she shares with Spyro and the other dragons in the temple. Lately there haven't been that many because of the peace time. Only a few dragons have volunteered for training and Cynder has eagerly obliged. It's the only way that the temple stays in business since the guardians left. The whole place belongs to them now, and Cynder has no intention of letting it go to waste. Spyro doesn't really care though, he has shown it by not taking any apprentices under his wing. In fact, he even put the temple up for sale! Cynder was furious and had a little talk with him. He eventually agreed with her and took the 'for sale' sign down. The other five dragons in the temple with them are out doing their grocery shopping, so the baths should be free. Cynder walks in and looks around. She was right, the baths are completely empty. As she enters the calm water, she shivers and realizes that it's too cold. Instead of turning on the hot water, Cynder breathes a burst of flame into the pool and sighs as it changes temperature. The black dragoness submerges herself in the bath and holds her breath. As she does this, Spyro walks in and slips into the bath without her knowing. Cynder sees him and slides over to a bubbly patch, not wanting him to know that she's there. Having to go up for air, Cynder pokes her nose out and lets the misty oxygen slip into her lungs. Spyro looks around to make sure that no one is watching before scrubbing himself all over. And when I say all over, I mean 'ALL over'. Cynder smiles as Spyro cleans his reproductive organs. Suddenly she sneezes and Spyro covers himself, "What the hell are you doing here!?"

"Enjoying the scenery." Cynder emerges from the water and smiles seductively. Spyro stumbles out of the pool as Cynder tries to get closer to him, "Please stay."

"Ummm...fine." Spyro stops and slips back into the murky liquid. Cynder crawls over to him and licks his face.

"That's for before, now we're even." Spyro can't help but smile. He moves slowly to uncover his nether regions, hoping to god that his thing has gone back into it's casing. It has.

"So, how about we discuss your reluctance to get an apprentice?" Cynder reclines into a more laid back position and Spyro shifts to face her.

"What is there to talk about?"

"Well first of all, why do you not want one? I have five, and they're great! Has it got something to do with Ignitus?" Cynder notices his face change so she knows that she hit a sensitive topic.

"Yes. I just can't bring the same pain that I'm feeling right now, to another dragon." Spyro splashes the water with his tail and sighs.

"Oh, I can see how that would be a problem."

"No, you dont. You've never felt the same thing that I'm feeling right now." Spyro slams his tail into the water so hard that it makes half of the water in the pool jump out and cover the stone floor. Cynder pulls back from him in surprise and Spyro looks at her with tears in his eyes, "Sorry."

"It's ok. I know you're pretty depressed right now. I should leave." Cynder starts to get out of the bath when she feels a paw on her thigh.

"Stay? I like having you around. It makes me not feel so alone." Spyro looks a her with sad puppy dog eyes and she can't help but sink back into the water. Spyro smiles and asks, "So, you know what I look like down there, what about you?"

Cynder gasps, "Are you asking me to reveal myself too you?" Spyro nods with a huge grin cutting his face in half, "Ok, I guess it's fair." Cynder starts to spread her legs, when a student walks in.

"Miss. Cynder? I need help with- Oh my god!" The small green dragon covers her mouth and giggles. Cynder turns and blushes deeply. Spyro just laughs and tells the child to leave while Cynder finishes her bath.

"Why you little! You knew they were coming home right now didn't you!?" Spyro nods and Cynder splashes him in the face. He just laughs a wipes it off. Cynder gets out of the bath and shakes herself off to go explain too the apprentice why she was about to expose her privates too Spyro. Spyro gets out after her and exits the bathroom. Cynder is standing in front of a group of small dragons, feebly trying to explain herself too them. Spyro just smiles and walks away, "Come on! Why don't you believe me?"

"Sorry, it just doesn't sound right." The eldest of the five states, "Besides, we all already know that you like Spyro."

"I do not!"

"Yes you do, it's too obvious." Cynder frowns and walks away, "Hey! What about my homework!?"

"Do it yourself." Mumbles Cynder as she enters her room. The green female leader of the five laughs and turns too her friends who join her in laughing.

"You got her good Terry!" Congrats a red dragon.

"Thanks Incendia. Let's go ask Spyro to help us with our training." Says Terry.

"Yeah, he'll help us!" Shouts another red dragon, this one male. All five crowd Spyro's door and slowly peek inside. Too their surprise, they find Spyro reading a book!

"Spyro! Can ya help us?" Asks Terry. Spyro quickly flicks his head up at them and slams the book closed, "Whatcha reading?"

"Nothing, now, what do you need help with?" He stands up, throwing the book into his bed.

"I can't seem to be able to do the back flip that Cynder can do."

"Well me neither. That was something that Malefor taught her. Sorry."

"Oh, that's too bad. Can you show us something cool?" Terry looks at him hopefully and Spyro can't help but show off a bit.

"Sure, what do you want to see?" Spyro gets into his battle stance.

"How about preforming a tail drop? That's pretty close to a back-flip." Spyro nods and jumps into the air. In a perfect flip, he slams his tail onto the ground and creates a huge shock-wave.

"There, impressed?" They all cheer and Spyro bows. Cynder sneaks through the hall and presses her ear up to the door. The sound of Spyro preforming and the kids cheering makes her smile. He just might change his mind about an apprentice. She walks back down the hall into her room and lies down on her bed. Yeah, he just might, and she's going to turn into a frog. Cynder shakes her head and turns over in her bed. It'll never happen.

Author's note:

Another story! This one with a more happy feeling too it. I hope you like it. Review? I want to know if I should continue this, it was kinda just a random idea that just popped into my head out of no-where. So anyone who wants to read more, review positivly. Oh, and anyone have any ideas for names for the other three dragon kids? I'm open for ideas. Even O.C.s can be used. The two that I didn't describe can look like anything, but the male red has to stay the same.