Here is my best attempt at writing a Howard/Bernadette fic. In this story, we'll have them spend some time at his house, and eventually he will meet her mother, satisfying the two scenarios that got the most votes in my poll.

One more thing-I promised some people on another site that if I ever wrote H/B fic, I would do my best to not have other pairings in the story. Well, that promise I cannot totally keep. I wrote drafts of the first chapter trying, and I felt the story was choppy, forced, and lacked depth into why Howard was feeling what he feels. So for the SPers out there, I promise that where Leonard and Penny are concerned, there will be no kissing, no bedroom scenes, and as of now I do not have them appearing after the first chapter.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.

"Hola, Nerdmigos!"

"Hey look," said Leonard cheerfully. "It's Howard and his girlfriend Bernadette! Just in time, guys," he added, handing paper plates to Sheldon, Raj, and Penny.

"Good, good, what are we having?" Howard asked. He rubbed his hands together as he surveyed the coffee table.

Bernadette poked his arm. "It looks like pizza, Howard." He smiled at her and sank down next to Raj on the couch. As Bernadette was about to sit beside him, Sheldon spun from where he was at the sink. "That's my spot."

"Okay," Bernadette didn't argue and remained standing. "Then where am I supposed to sit?" God, was she patient, Howard though. He was so lucky to have her-but would he, after Saturday?

"I suggest that you stand," Sheldon said. "Or Howard could do the gentlemanly thing and surrender his seat."

"Why don't you do the gentlemanly thing and surrender your seat?"

"She's not my girlfriend," Sheldon pointed out.

Penny had been following the conversation with amused glances aimed at Leonard and Raj. She stood up. "I have a solution." Holding her plate, she stepped over to Leonard's chair and plopped down on his lap. "There. Problem solved."

"Problem solved? How am I supposed to eat?"

"You're the genius," she said, "figure it out." Pointing at the chair, Penny looked at her girl friend. "Bernadette, sit." Bernadette sat.

"Are you happy now?" Howard asked.

Sheldon came over and took his seat. "I'm not unhappy."

"So Howard, you didn't come to Halo Night yesterday," Leonard said. "What were you two up to? More eighth base?"

Bernadette giggled. Howard loved her giggle. "Well," she said. "We were bowling."

"Bowling?" Penny said. "Like bowling, bowling, or is that his sick nickname for something?"

Bernadette looked confused. "Bowling."

"Good old-fashioned bowling, the kind Sheldon would do," Howard said. "Bernadette beat me."

"So she broke fifty!"

Bernadette laughed. "Actually, Leonard, we both broke fifty. I got a seventy-three, and Howard a fifty-eight."

"Did you hear that, Sheldon? Seventy-three!" Leonard gave his best friend a teasing grin. "Isn't your career best at Wii Bowling a sixty-eight?"

"Isn't your career best a forty-five?" Penny asked, raising an eyebrow at Leonard.

He put a finger to her lips. "Shhhh." Turning back to Bernadette, he smiled. "Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun."

"Oh, we are," she said, smiling brightly. "And Saturday Howard is going to come over and meet my mother."

Howard looked down at his food, hoping someone would change the subject so he wouldn't have to talk about it. Thankfully, Sheldon was there to blab about some science fiction scenario that he'd managed to tie into Wii bowling. Howard could have hugged Sheldon, he was so happy not to have to talk about the weekend. He knew how excited his girlfriend was for him to finally meet her mom…but inside he couldn't fake the excitement; inside his nerves were getting the best of him.

Meeting parents was a step. Howard had no clue if that was true for everyone, but he had never met parents before-ever. When you were a nerd, it was harder to do these things, to make an impression, and to find someone who your parents would like. He sighed. Only Raj noticed, but he couldn't talk while Penny was there, so he just gave his best friend a smile.
Penny finished eating and put her plate down on the coffee table. She scooted lower in the chair and nestled her head onto Leonard's shoulder. They linked hands and looked over at Sheldon, listening to him rant about the two Green Lanterns.

Despite the fact that the topic was now off of his imminent meeting with Bernadette's mother, Howard was still worrying. He'd been worrying all week. He'd taken Bernadette to 4A tonight in hope of getting his mind off of it, but he couldn't. Was it normal to be so anxious about this? Two days in advance? The other couple in the room wasn't making it any better. Penny was now curled up on Leonard's lap. Their fingers were entwined and they just looked so comfortable, talking to Sheldon and Bernadette without looking awkward in their positioning. Her head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck. Would he and Bernadette ever have such a casual intimacy about them? Would they ever be that content? Would he have a chance to be anything to her after this weekend?

Howard was sure he was overreacting, but he couldn't help it. He and Leonard had both struggled, in the past, to find women that they cared about-now they both had, but Leonard was farther along, at least where parents were concerned, when it came to Penny.

She had met Leonard's mother. Leonard's mother approved of her. Leonard's mother liked her. Leonard had it made. And now Howard, who had insulted them, made jokes about them, stated explicitly that they were an accident waiting to happen, was terrified that he wasn't going to do as well when it came to meeting Bernadette's mother. He had no idea what would happen on Saturday, but…he'd give up teasing Leonard if it could just go right.

"Howard, you're getting sauce all over you," Bernadette said, pointing with her piece of pizza at him. He looked down. All over his pants was sauce and cheese from squeezing his pizza slice so hard. "What's the matter?" She asked.

"Nothing," he said, forcing a smile. He really needed to get a grip. He was not going to think about this again until Saturday. Worrying wouldn't change anything.

I liked the nice, more vulnerable Howard we saw in The Killer Robot Instability. Although he was going after "pity sex" I still felt there was some truth to it, so I'm bringing that back and making him really, REALLY worry about meeting Bernadette's mom-we all know she means more to him than any girl before.

I hope I'm not failing miserably in the eyes of all of you…we don't get much H/B one on one, so it's kinda hard to write for them…I'm planning some of this in Bernadette's POV next chapter, and it is absolutely TERRIFYING ME! *bites nails nervously*