So, I think that this will be a series of one shots, I don't know. But I recently refound this series and thought that it would make a great cross over. I'm not abandoning anything, as any of my readers know I am a slow writer, but unless I feel I don't know enough about the series (as in the case of Inuyasha) I never abandon a series. Okay, so there was one, but that is just because I started to write it when I was in middle school posted it here, and now I'm in college and have vastly improved my writing style and have changed how I structured stories. Okay, that is all.

Hermione was tired of it all, tired of his pretend affection, tired of falling for it, and tired of falling and breaking after it.

He was just a stupid boy, she didn't need him! Her hand wiped another tear from her eye and she continued to stumble across the rocky shore of the great lake. An algae covered rock made her loose her footing and she slipped. Sitting now on the rocks, her right foot jammed between two rocks she let herself cry.

"What's the tears for Miss?" It was a voice that came from nowhere.

"None of your business, who are you, show yourself!" Her hands struggled through her skirts until she found her wand. Pulling it out she lit the tip to the falling darkness of dusk.

"Nope, I will not show myself to that attitude bonnie." There was that thrice cursed voice again!

"I am not bonnie anything!" She wiped her face angrily with one hand, keeping the other poised for attack.

"I think you are." Her movements stopped.

"You think I'm pretty?"

"Of course."

"W-what are you?" Hermione asked her voice slightly shaking though she didn't know why.

"I cannot tell you." Her guard went up and her wand lifted higher as if challenging this unknown voice.

"Are you dark or light?"

"I can't answer that."

"You are aren't you! You're just trying to get my guard to lower so that you can kill me!" Her free hand now ripped tirelessly at the rocks that were trapping her foot.

"Never." Her movements faltered momentarily.

"Bullocks." It was meant to be muttered but the voice heard it.

"I'm not a light creature, but that doesn't mean I'm dark." She ignored him, for she had established it was a he, if it even had a gender.

"No really, my bonnie. I like people- and not to eat. Just don't ask everyone of my kind." Something about that voice was so honest and she had to believe it was the truth.

"What exactly is your kind?"

"Can't tell you bonnie-" Hermione realized that this creature had decided to name her that, "You'd be in a right piss with me if I did."

"Come out, let me see you." She looked around at her surroundings and couldn't pinpoint where the voice was coming from.

"You'll scream, and we can't have that. I'm rather enjoying the anonymity."

She huffed and the voice made an amused sound. "I'll tell you what bonnie, if you come back to see me again we'll talk about it." She agreed readily, though she didn't know why.

"Now Miss, tell me why you're crying so? Do I have to go and break a leg or two?" The voice had been jubilant throughout the conversation kept the lighthearted air, though something told her that he was serious.

"It's just- It's nothing I'm just being stupid."

"I think that you are rarely if ever stupid." The voice was so close that she thought she could reach out and touch him.

"What would you know about it?" Her words came across harsher than she intended and she immediately felt abashed about her behavior, however before she could apologize he replied.

"I've been watching you Miss Bonnie." She stiffened and her relaxed grip on her wand tightened once again. "Now, now Bonnie!" He admonished and she felt her wand gently taken from her grip as if by the wind. "It's been nothing sinister neither, so don't you frown so."

"Then why have you been watching me?" She asked her voice guarded, albeit curious.

"Simple, I find you fascinating. And beautiful-"

"You're lying." Her voice was quick and cutting. Hermione would not let this voice play with her more than she had already been played with, no sir! Since she now had her hands free she moved back to trying to release her leg.

"No, no Bonnie." The voice turned sad and she could almost picture down cast eyes. Her hands were lifted away from her leg and gentle caresses helped to release her leg. "Don't listen to whatever anyone else has ever told you. In my eyes you are beautiful."

"Then you're blind." She said flatly and began messaging her ankle tenderly. Wincing when she touched the area around her bone she stopped.

"Nye- I am not blind. If people hadn't treated you so poorly, then you wouldn't be so blind yourself. Lemme see your leg there." Her leg lifted of its own accord and it was turned this way and that, as gentle invisible fingers went over the bruised area.

"Tis a bad sprain, nothing more. You're quite the dainty human aren't you."

"So you aren't human." She ignored the statements and went straight for the information.

"A' course Bonnie. You haven't been able to tell?" The voice was back to being playful and she just couldn't figure out how his emotions seemed to work.

"I just wanted to confirm it." She sounded silly even to herself.

"You're a cute lass. I like you." Instantly she was filled with heat and her chest became tight. Something made her believe him rather than the doubt she felt with Ron. "Come on now Bonnie, it's dark and I'm sure you're missed." She was lifted up and her mouth let out an ungraceful and unladylike squawk.

"Put me down right now Mister!" She admonished while struggling against her invisible captor.

"Jin." The voice was so close again.

"What?" Her words were feeble and small just as how she felt in what she could only assume was his arms.

"My name, not Mister, I'm not Mister anything. Simply Jin."

"Jin. I think I like that." Despite herself she leaned back into the invisible chest and ignored the pain that her throbbing ankle gave her

"I'm going to set you down at the doors to your great castle over there. But you come back and see me now- you promised." Hermione couldn't find it in herself to respond and instead took pleasure in being in someone's arms.

The ride was over faster than she would have liked it- not that she would ever admit such a thing out loud. Gently she was placed down on the steps and she could faintly hear the tail ends of roaming students before curfew.

"You're a sweet girl, my bonnie lass. I look forward to our next encounter." She wanted to say that she truly had no intentions of seeking him out again, but knew that somewhere inside of her a decision had been made to follow him.

"Good night Jin." She could almost feel his smile.

"Goodnight Bonnie."

Getting herself back up, she limped her way back through the doors and somewhere hovering above the castle Jin settled back for a night standing guard at her tower. He didn't know how long he could stand just touching her through his wind, but he knew that someday he would hold her, and they would be happy.

I hope you all like this and give me tons of feed back. If you want to follow this story either alert this story or alert me as an author because I do not know if I'm continuing it within these chapters, or as separate installments.