Alright guys, here's the next one for ya. This one is Ian's letter to Jack. So Enjoy!!

Dear Jack,

Oh god, I thought Alex was pissed off, I'm probably going to hear you from hell. I guess it's a little late to apologize and finally giving in to all the times you'd tried to probe me into giving in whatever secret it was that you knew I was hiding, eh? Well sorry anyway. If you're reading this, I'm sure my will has been released already. So you've probably seen that I named you Alex's legal gaurdian. I can trust no one more than you and I'm sure Alex feels the same.

Jack...this is as hard for me to write as it is for you to read. If there's one thing I regret the most in my life then it's not telling you about my real job. It would have made things eternities easier for us. It would have made you trust me a little more, maybe even equal the blind faith had for you. And for one it would have loosened the somehwat awkward air that's always been between us. To this day it exists, even the slightest bit, which is why, even through writing, I can't seem to bring myself to speak the outward truth. Speak my feelings out...but I'm sure there's no need for that. You probably know my feelings and the way I work better than my own self.

You know, Jack, when I first met you I didn't think you'd become the person that knew me better than I knew myself. I didn't think you'd be one of the first people I would think of leaving a posthumous letter to. I didn't think I'd end up caring for you the way I do, but here we are today, you are fast asleep and I am sitting in my room at the dead of night, struggling to let the words from my heart onto the paper-yes I actually do have a heart, as I'm sure you were and have been wondering for the past seven years. And yes, it is possible for me to love and care unconditionally. Despite the arguments you and I have had over the past few years over my "lack of emotion." Look at me, I'm sitting here laughing into the darkness of my room like a crazed old man just thinking about how we used to argue like some old married couple. After seven years it does tend to become like that, doesn't it? We all tend to become somewhat of a family. An odd little family of myself, you and Alex. Happy Family...or not...

Jack, I am trusting you with so much by giving you rights over my nephew. Just know that Alex is-or rather was if you're reading this-my life and nothing would hurt me more than if something were to happen to him. So please watch after him just as you know I would have(except I'm sure you'll do somewhat of a better job...) And please regard his life as if it were my own. Nothing would make me happier now that I'm dead.

Do you know what the worst part of dying is? The fact that I am most probably going to end up in hell, the farthest place from where you will be, dear angel of heavens. You were a gift, you know. You are what made me believe in God, because Satan couldn't have possibly conjured a being such as yourself. It had to be the work of God. And the doings of God for you to have shown up at my doorstep seven years ago. There's no other explanation than a more than generous gift from the Providence. A gift I took advantage of to no end, and for that I must ask you to forgive me. Please, I cannot rest in peace without knowing I have the forgiveness of both yourself and Alex.

In seven years, Jack, you have become so much more to me than just the housekeeper and Alex's babysitter. So much more I couldn't possibly explain them in words. To me love has always been unconditional care, communication through eye contact, knowing one another like an open book, and more than anything else, wanting happiness for the other. And for what it's worth, I can tell you that love is a very loose term to describe our relationship. Over the course of seven years it became...much...much more. And on that note I must bring this letter to a close (as least I want.) Thank you for all you've ever done for me, Jack. Take care of Alex and more importantly, yourself.

Ian Rider

Alex smiled a bit at the paper in his hands. He always had a feeling Jack and Ian...never mind that now. Ian probably wouldn't have wanted him snooping around his personal business anyways. But knowing Ian, he'd probably predicted I would anyway...maybe that's why he kept from putting too much detail into it...

With the thought on mind, Alex set the letter aside and reached for the next one on the pile. He looked to the top of the paper, and surprisingly found written in neat print were the words:

Dear Ian,

Alex raised a brow at the writing that looked so much like his own, and continued to read down the page...

Alright, a bit short, I know, but the next one will be up super fast. Promise =] Any guesses as to who the next one is?

For this letter, from Ian to Jack, I really wanted this to be something short and sweet, not long and explanatory like Ian and Alex's one, because I wanted to show that Jack and Ian had a special kind of understanding towards one another. They'd grown seeing each other every so often so the smallest amount of words would mean the biggest things to both of them. Same goes for the letter. And it didn't seem very Ian-like to just come out with it and say I love you. I imagined him as more of a tragic romantic XD What do you guys think??

Reviews are loved!!! =]