A/N: Hey guys this is -X-Breath of Fresh Air-X- bring you some Fast and Furious angsty romance...I know it's sad and depressing and not the best Fast and The Furious story to be posted in life but bear with me it's been an on going idea and I've almost finished it so I decided that I would start posting it chapter by chapter and see what you guys think! This isn't my only story, I have a few other FATF stories but they aren't posted yet, I promise that those ones have way more action then this one will see, but until then hope you enjoy this one!

Disclaimer: Yeah we all know I don't own them, we all wish we could, but lifes a bitch and all we can do is accomidate! ENJOY!

Living for You

Fast and the Furious

Chapter 1

Brian's POV

It's not every day that life hits you with a slap in the face. Something totally unexpected, so damn spur-of-the-moment that you have no idea what road you're expected to go down next. It had been almost seven months since I had left. I didn't want to, it took everything within my power to actually walk out that door, yet I look back everyday and I think about how much she probably hates me for walking out on her. Again. It's better this way; better that she doesn't know. Better for everyone especially me.

Nothing meant more to me in life than family, and of course the thrill of racing. You might think what an odd pairing but considering the crew that I ran with it was nothing different and they would probably agree. I hated having to leave her, my Mia. She probably wouldn't forgive me like the last time, nobody would and I couldn't blame them. It was for the best, better that no one would haveto suffer because of me.

Here I was 26 years old and on top of the world. Well almost, there were a few minor drawbacks. Not necessarily on top but with a little help and a lot of motivation there was no doubt that I could've reached there.

I reached for the glass of water on my nightstand only to have it topple over as it brushed awkwardly against my fingertips. My arm fell limp against the side of the bed as the bed sheets soaked upsome of the water. I sighed and attempted to roll over wincing painfully and I decided that maybe my current position suddenly wasn't so uncomfortable. I lay there trying to gather myself again replaying the vision of Mia's sleeping face as I quietly slipped from our room and out of her life.

I wish that I could have said it was a job, that I didn't love her, that I had used her yet again to get close to her brother, because any of those excuses sounded better than the reality. Like they say the truth hurts and that type of cruelty wasn't what Mia deserved. She deserved much better and I just wasn't the man to give that to her. What I would pay to actually have Dom break my neck right about now.

I needed to get up. Now. The urge was pushing me but I lacked the strength and willpower. I mean it wasn't like I couldn't just do it over the side of the bed. I rolled onto my back driven by the idea that I didn't feel like cleaning up after myself again today. Today wasn't my best day, but that in itself was an understatement. It was quite unpleasant not to mention nauseating as I still couldn't get the acrid smell out of the rug.

The time glared at me from across the room, it was 3:15 am and I really needed to get myself to the bathroom. I wasted no more time swinging my legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the pain and the sudden disorienting rush as I stumbled out of bed and made a dash for the bathroom. I spent the next 15 minutes heaving out the empty contents of my stomach feeling uncomfortable and disgusted with myself the whole time. It was yet another reason I was glad that I had left.

Now hopefully they would never find me. I don't think that I could handle the aftermath of that situation. I turned the faucet on the sink letting the water run for a couple minutes before splashing my face with the cool water. It felt good against my heated flesh but the feeling didn't last long. I caught a glimpse of myself in bathroom mirror, and found a pale sweaty unrecognizable ghoststaring back at me. The dark blotches under my eyes looked hollow, a sheen of sweat covered my pale skin and various patches of red sunburned looking skin littered my neck and my chest. My hair was rumpled and drenched plastered to my wet forehead.

I looked as horrible as I felt. Slowly I made my way back to my bed feeling drained and dead tired if only I could go to sleep and sleep peacefully for once.

My stomach groaned quietly at the lack of food, yet I felt too nauseated to force anything down my throat. I got back into bed curling myself up in fetal position thinking about Mia, gradually falling into a restless sleep waiting for dawn to break over another painful day.

A/N: I know short but tragic chapter, I don't think I said two much but hopefully some of you put some pieces together with the next chapter! R&R!!!