Hey here's another story I thought up I hope you enjoy it. My goal is to get more reviews than I got for my last story. (If you haven't read it, please check it out.) So, please, please review! Thanks….. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars, George Lucas does. I just play with his characters and add my own.

Anakin and Obi-wan stood in front of the Jedi Council, "As you know, Senator Amidala is a valuable asset. Another assassination attempt has been made on her life once again. She is needed to help with a treaty to try and end the war and get supplies to our clone troops. We have been lead to believe that Cad Bane and the Separatists are behind it. You and Obi-wan will rendezvous with Master Tachi and Ferrus Olin. Protect her at all costs," Mace Windu ordered.

"Yes Master Windu, it shall be done." Obi-wan promised before the two Jedi bowed in respect before exiting the council room.

"Ferrus Olin? The council knows we don't get along!" Anakin complained as he threw a few Jedi robes in a suitcase.

"I understand, but maybe that is the reason for putting you two together. Can you at least try to get along? It's only for a week. Why must you always focus on the negative? Why not focus on the positive for once? After all, we will be visiting Padmé." Obi-wan reminded him. Anakin froze dead in his tracks. Maybe there was a bright side to all of this…. A bright, bright side…..

"And Siri." Anakin shot back repulsively. Obi-wan turned to Anakin at the implication his former padawan had sent his way.

"Yes, and Siri. Anakin, you are a knight now. Please behave like one. I do not want to hear about you two arguing and getting into trouble." Obi-wan said trying to change the subject away from- Siri. He didn't have a proper title for her at the moment in time.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Anakin replied smirking at the idea of starting a small- skirmish.

"Yes, of course, I expect you will be dreaming of someone else?" Obi-wan asked with a smirk. Anakin looked up and raised an eyebrow. Is master teasing me? About Padmé?

"Jedi are not to have attachments." Anakin said flatly being that it was the only response he could come up with to hopefully hide his true feeling about his secret wife.

"Since when do you follow the rules?" Obi-wan joked as he began to pack his own things for the mission they were assigned.

"Are you implying that I shouldn't follow the rules?" Anakin questioned happy to twist his words.

"Heavens no! Where would you be without rules and guidelines?" Obi-wan asked.

Anakin thought about it a moment. Drunk somewhere in a bar in the outer rim? No, too generous, I'd be dead. A billion times over dead.

"Good point. But my question is why would Cad Bane go after Padmé?" He asked voicing the thoughts that had been circling around his mind the past few hours.

"That is what we have to find out." Obi-wan pointed out.

Not being able to sleep, Anakin threw the loose covers away before pulling on a nearby shirt. Sleep wasn't going to happen. Yes, he tried dilligently, but knowing his wife was out there possibly in danger yet again ate at him. He felt useless sleeping, when he could be with her, protecting her. He walked throughout the temple being that he found the halls very comforting. Anakin would sometimes find Obi-wan roaming the halls on a bad night, and he seemed to take after the idea. His reasoning behind the walking was in hope that he would in term "walk himself back to sleep". When nothing else would work, this was all he had.

Obi-wan, however, didn't bother walking. He wasn't running away from alertness as Anakin had, he was more of trying to force his thoughts and feelings back into place although the task was daunting. He wasn't able to "press" the feelings down anymore. He couldn't help himself from all the memories and most of all, the questions. I wonder what she'll say to me... Will she still pretend what happened when we were padawans didn't occur? What if she stopped pretending? Would I stop pretending as well?

Can I successfully hide this...feeling?

End of Chapter 1! Thanks a lot for reading! Please send me a review! Should I continue? Did you think it was a good idea? Or just let me know what you think about it! Make my day and send me a review please!