Kakashi waited three days. He told himself he was waiting to make sure that no serious repercussions came down on Sasuke for daring to defy the elders by moving back into the Uchiha compound. In his heart he knew he was waiting for Sasuke to come back to him. Once he found himself standing outside of the Uchiha compound, looking up at the fan, the mark of the clan. Sasuke didn't come to him, and he didn't go in. When he turned and left, he spotted Tenzou watching him from a distance. He didn't acknowledge his friend's presence however, just kept walking, decision made.

The hokage was surprised when Kakashi asked to resume missions, but to her credit the woman didn't ask questions, only looked sharply at him, as if reading the reasons herself, then nodded curtly. He left early the next morning, not surprised to find Tenzou waiting for him by the gate. Kakashi smiled behind him mask, putting on his mask of good cheer that he wasn't sure fooled Tenzou. The other man never said a word, only watched him as he approached, then walked past. Once he was through the gate, Kakashi paused and looked back to find his friend watching him. After only a moment's consideration, he found the right words.

"Leave him alone. He needs to come to it himself, or not at all," he said firmly, before turning and jumping into the nearest tree, shoving thoughts of Sasuke aside as he concentrated on the mission before him.

When he returned from the mission a week later, Kakashi found himself taking a longer route than necessary to get to the apartment, passing by the Uchiha compound. He stood in the moonlight, staring into the gate, remembering the last time he'd stood in the moonlight so many months before. In his head he could clearly hear Sasuke's voice: No matter how hard it gets, I'm not running away ever again. I can't fix things by pretending they aren't there or running away from them.

"If only you'd been able to live up to that promise, Sasuke," he sighed before turning and moving through the silent village.

When he reached the apartment he'd shared with Sasuke until a little over a week previously, Kakashi stood at the door, frowning. He knew it wouldn't be much longer before they'd move him back to his former single ninja apartment. He still wasn't sure how he felt about that. The apartment was so filled with the memories of life lived with Sasuke, many unhappy, but many more happy. Simple things like fighting to see who would get into the bathroom first in the morning and cooking meals together in the small kitchen. So many memories that he was reluctant to let go of, but at the some time, almost afraid to face again. In the back of his mind, Kakashi felt that moving back to his old apartment was the last step in giving up on Sasuke entirely, and he wasn't ready for that.

Lost in thought, Kakashi absently took down his trap and unlocked the apartment door. He stepped in, half expecting Sasuke to come walking down the hall, asking him how his mission had been and promptly informing him that he hadn't decided on whether or not he'd stay, promising to think about it before Kakashi could ask. Shaking his head, Kakashi bent over and removed his shoes. Glancing around the empty apartment, Kakashi forced thoughts of Sasuke aside and started down the hall to the bedroom, unzipping his vest. Sleeping had been difficult after Sasuke left. The silence in the bedroom had been too loud to allow Kakashi to sleep. He'd managed to sleep almost normally again on his missions, but now that he was back, the silence was once more eating at him. While part of him wished that he'd lingered a while longer on his mission, another part of him still chafed at how long he'd been away.

Opening the bedroom door, Kakashi stepped into the room, reaching up to untie his hitae-ate. Walking across the room, Kakashi dropped the headband on the dresser and began to unstrap and remove his equipment pouches. It took him several minutes to realize that the silence in the room was different. He'd lived with the sound of Sasuke's breathing for nearly a year and had grown inured to it. Standing perfectly still as the sound finally registered, Kakashi listened carefully. The cadence of the breathing was so familiar that he didn't need to look to know that Sasuke was in the room and he wasn't asleep. Turning slowly, Kakashi looked at the spot where Sasuke's small bed had once been, then even slower, he turned his gaze to his own bed.

Sasuke was laying on his stomach, head turned at an angle that had to be uncomfortable so that he could watch Kakashi. Moving haltingly, Kakashi walked across the room and stood at the side of the bed, looking down at the dark haired young man laying in his bed. "Sasuke? What are you doing here?"

"I forgot something," he replied quietly, eyes flashing with his usual intensity even in the dark.

"What's that?" Kakashi asked, slightly confused by the answer.

Pushing up slowly, Sasuke knelt on the bed and looked levelly at Kakashi, drawing a deep breath. "I forgot to tell you that I love you too."

"What did you say?" Kakashi asked, his voice sounding tinny and as if it were coming from some distance away.

"I said I forgot to thank you for everything you did. I felt like an ass, so I came to wait for you to come home."

Kakashi shook his head, clearing away the remnants of imagination that made him hear things Sasuke wasn't saying; things he almost ached to hear him say. He could only stare at Sasuke for a few minutes, memorizing his every feature as if he'd never see him again when he finally left once more. When Sasuke shifted on the bed, looking at him nervously, Kakashi realized how creepy he probably looked standing there staring at him like that. Clearing his throat, Kakashi stepped back away from the bed, then turned away, meaning to leave the room. A thought occurred to him and he stopped in mid-step and turned back to look at Sasuke, frowning.

"Why are you in my bed? Why not wait in the living room?"

"Everything started in your bedroom, I thought maybe it should continue in the same room."

Frowning, Kakashi shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to understand what Sasuke was implying. After a few moments he gave up and inclined his head forward as he spoke. "Ok, and... what are you planning to continue in my room?"

"My life," Sasuke said simply and he slid to the edge of the bed and stood up.

Frowning harder, Kakashi shook his head. "Sasuke, what are you talking about? Look, normally I wouldn't mind dancing around whatever it is you're trying to keep from saying, but I just got back from a mission and it's the middle of the night. I'm tired. So, just say it already, ok?"

"You said you love me. Did you mean it?"

Kakashi went perfectly still and stared at Sasuke, holding his breath for a moment before he replied, quietly. "Yes, I did."

"I didn't know what to think or feel when you said that. I was confused. Since I was trying to understand the feelings I had for you at the same time.. it was just too much."

"And how do you feel about me, Sasuke?"

"Tch, isn't it obvious?" He grumbled, arms crossing over his chest.

"Maybe to you, Sasuke, but I need to hear it."

"When I left, all I could think about was getting space between me and you. I couldn't think when you were close to me. The distance didn't seem to help. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what you'd said. I kept thinking about what it felt like having your lips on mine. I was so annoyed, I was so angry, you were affecting me when you weren't even with me! It took me a while to figure out that the reason I was reacting to you, and have been for a long time now is because I felt the same way you do. I've never been in love before, Kakashi, I didn't know what it felt like. I didn't have a family to explain it to me. I didn't have friends to talk about it with as I grew up. All I had was pain and anger. Those things I understand. What I feel for you, I couldn't understand."

Sasuke paused and sat down on the edge of the bed again, for the first time since he'd started talking, he lifted his head and made full eye-contact with Kakashi. "By the time I understood that what I was feeling was love, you were gone on your mission. I came to the apartment, but you weren't here. When I came out, Yamato was standing outside waiting for me. He told me you'd gone away on a mission and when to expect you back. He gave me this strange look, it was kind of creepy then said, 'For an Uchiha, you're awfully slow on the uptake.' I wanted to punch him, but I resisted the urge and just went back to my family's house in the compound. By the time I got there I figured I deserved his comment.

"I waited for today. I didn't know when you'd come back, so I came early this morning and I've been waiting ever since to tell you that I'm sorry I ran, and I'm sorry it took me so long to figure out this one simple truth: I love you, Kakashi Hatake. If you'll have me, I'd like to move back in here with you. It's kind of lonely by myself in that compound."

Kakashi stood in stunned silence. Sasuke had always been a man of few words, and age hadn't really changed that. To hear such a lengthy speech from him was shocking, but with the additional shocks of Sasuke admitting he was wrong about something and talking freely about how he felt an emotion other than anger, Kakashi found he'd lost his ability to speak. Sasuke watched him, a nervously expectant look on his face. Kakashi opened his mouth, wanting to soothe Sasuke's fears, but the right words wouldn't come to him. Shaking his head, he stepped back over to the edge of the bed and looked down at Sasuke.

"I don't know what to say, Sasuke," he finally admitted weakly.

"If you still feel the same, then don't say anything, just kiss me again."

Kakashi smiled behind his mask, and for once, it was a real smile that lit up his face. When he reached up and tugged his mask down, revealing that rare gesture, Sasuke pushed up from the bed and slid arms hesitantly around him. Just before their lips met, sealing the promise of a lifetime worth of love, Sasuke murmured, "Sorry I was the one that was late this time."

Kakashi chuckled at the half-hearted jab and captured Sasuke's lips with his own, feeling the last of a lifetime of misery and loneliness draining away.

AN: This chapter felt like it was a long time coming. And I don't mean the length of time it took me to write the whole story. I actually had to slog through tons of music to find the music my muse wanted for this last chapter. She needed something new (to the story shuffle) and intense. Found that in the form of Skillet. (Oh awesome band, if you don't already know that!) The chapter began to form as I listened to "Don't Wake Me" and started with Sasuke's confession.

I went to bed I was thinking about you
Ain't the same since I'm living without you
All the memories are getting colder
All the things that I wanna do over

I went to bed I was thinking about you
I wanna talk and laugh like we used to
When I see you in my dreams at night
It's so real but it's in my mind

Oh that song! It's the culprit behind most of Sasuke's confession. Originally it was much shorter. lol Then, the entire chapter was written with Skillet's "Believe" on repeat. Check out the songs guys, they're awesome.

So, this brings us to the end of Absolution. Yep, this is the last chapter. If that wasn't obvious. I adore this story and had an awesome time dreaming it up and writing it. I hope you all had an equally great time reading it! Thank you to everyone that faved, reviewed or just watched the story! That love feeds my muse and makes stories like this come to life for me. See you all next story! ;)