Hello guys :) sorry for the long pause, I wont bore you with the details of why just be happy that i am back now! and better than ever! I know this chapter is not nearly long enough to make up for my absence... I'll try better next time :P

Morgan's POV

The book I had just pulled off the self clattered noisily to the floor, within moments Jasper had crossed the room and was bending to pick it up for me. I stared at the pale hand that held the leather bound book out to me and took a sharp breath in as my eyes took in once more the scars that marred his perfection, he slipped the book back onto the shelf and turned to look at me again. His large dark eyes glinted in the light and took on the reflective quality of a mirror, I saw the fear in my face and the illusion of calm I had felt shattered leaving me gasping in terror.

"What are those pictures?" I heard myself ask in a high panic filled voice "What do they mean?"

Jasper ran his hand through his hair, grinned showing his sharp white teeth and let out a loud bark of laughter, "Halloween albums." Was his reply. I must have betrayed my disbelief because he pulled one of the albums off the shelf and showed me the spine in a large sloping font it said Halloween album part one.

I started to laugh. How could I have been so very stupid? What had I thought the Cullen family was? All I could say was "Oh." Jasper laughed again and then swept from the room and I was left reeling in the strange emotions that always seemed to fill the room after he had been there.

Later that night I dreamt about Jasper. I dreamt that I had gone into his room while he was in the shower, I dreamt that he had come into the room after me his chest glistening with shinning beads of water and his hair fluffed up but clinging to his face in long tendrils of golden sunshine. I dreamt that his colourless hand stroked down my cheeks and onto my chest, his lips were inches from mine slowly coming closer, moments before the kiss happened I awoke.

"What the hell!" I screamed a disappointment flooding me "what is wrong with me? He is a child."

Hearing giggles I flung myself from my bed and rushed downstairs to see all the Cullen children sitting in a circle on the living room floor laughing their pretty little heads off.

Edward's POV

"Okay Jasper, let's see what a little lust will do shall we."

We had returned home soon after 3 in the morning it had been a long day that had been spent travelling any human spending the day this way would have had to spend hours trying to stretch out muscles sometimes being eternally damned has it's perks. I looked at Bella her long hair fanning down her back, it definitely has it's perks. Now as we sat on the floor of the living room planning how we would spend our final day in the company of Morgan, suddenly Alice let out a partly outraged partly amused squeak, glimpsing the vision in her head I shot a knowing look in Jaspers direction.

My attention was snatched away from my family as I saw the dream Morgan was having I saw a flash of Jasper's chest and I quickly blocked the images out as best I could, sometimes it sucks to be a mind reader.

Question of the chapter: When did you have your frist kiss?