Disclaimer: xxxHolic isn't mine. Nor do I own the Olympic Games, or Japan. (How sad. xD)


He can feel the wind blowing past him as he increases his speed, preparing for the defining moment. He can almost taste the goal on his tongue, if he gets this down. He can feel the adrenaline rush as he reaches the appropriate speed for this stunt.

He gets to the perfect speed, and lifts himself into the air with a seeming ease. He spins once, twice, four times, and then touches the ground again for an instant, before once again taking off, this time with only three mid-air turns.

He lands flawlessly, and glides a little father, carried by his own momentum, before stopping in front of the table of judges. His competitors, the coaches, and the few spectators clap for his efforts, and he gives a modest bow to the audience, and the judges.

Said judges deliberate as he makes his way over to where his own coach stands, just behind the barrier. He is handed a bottle of sports drink, and he drinks from it while they wait.

Finally, after a few minutes, the judges call out his name, and he glides smoothly over to them, stopping before the table once again. He lowers his head in a slight bow of respect.

"Congratulations. You have been accepted to represent the nation of Japan in the upcoming Winter Olympic games. We expect to see you at the training camp in two weeks," they tell him.

"Thank you for the honor," he replies. Bowing, wearing a smile that doesn't quite reach his vivid, midnight-blue eyes, he accepts their verdict and leaves the rink.

He muses internally on the lack of joy he experiences, now that he is so much closer to achieving his lifelong dream.


He almost didn't attend the games this year. He didn't know anyone personally in the games this year, and tickets did cost quite a bit of money.

In the end, however, he decided to attend, more for a symbolic support of his home nation, which would be the host nation of this year's games, and of his fellow athletes. (The fact that they participated in different sports was immaterial, he figured. They were all athletes, at the end of the day, no matter what spot they called their own.)

He didn't know then that his choice would alter the course of fate for them both.


AN: So, this is a tentative new multi-chaptered story I'm starting. this was just the prologue, and the actual story will be a lot clearer, but what do you think so far? Does it seem sort of cool? Are you interested in it? Let me know, if you want me to continue. And constructive criticism is always appreciated. :)