This chapter is based on the song "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down.

Jim Kirk was supposed to be Superman. He was the mad genius, the space cowboy, the hero of Starfleet.


Jim Kirk isn't Superman. He's still that stupid, drunk, promiscuous asshole he was back in Iowa. It's just that there was one time he stopped being a motherfucker for two seconds and made a friend who was actually smart enough to get him on the Enterprise. And when he got there, there was Spock.

Because Spock isn't exactly Superman either, and sure, he's got issues too, but he's a hell of a lot closer than Jim. And it sure seems like the bastard's got x-ray vision sometimes, with the way he can see right through Jim in ways even McCoy can't.

It's hard for Jim sometimes, not to think of Spock as his own personal Superman, even if that puts him in the position of Lois Lane. It's bad enough the Vulcan looks like him, what with the blue uniform and the black hair and he's even an alien. That, and Spock has saved his life more times than he'd like to admit. And Jim trusts him even though he's never really trusted anyone in his life. And also, he loves him, though he's not going to figure that out till later.

And when he does, it all clicks into place, and Jim is content with being Superman. Not completely, but enough. Like how Spock isn't completely human, but enough. Enough that Jim starts to be able to know exactly what Spock is thinking or feeling, all in subtle expression changes, those gorgeous, expressive eyes.

Jim never thought he was the type for monogamy. But they grow old together all the same. Mostly because Spock knows how to keep Jim grounded, realize that he isn't Superman, when he inevitably forgets.

And so the madness begins.

It's like my iPod knew or something. Curse my 300-word limit. And yes, I am addicted to character study. What of it?