Wow, that took quite a while. I didn't expect that this chapter would turn quite this large, but it did and it refused all my attempts to separate it in smaller parts. Thank you for your patience and thank you for all the favourites and reviews, I greatly appreciate them. I hope you lile this chapter just as much! :D


By the time he reached the door of Life Support, his determination had begun to wane, but Garrus firmly stomped on his doubts and touched activated the door. It opened with a tell-tale hiss and he quietly walked in, only to blink in surprise when he noticed that Thane wasn't in his usual chair, nor was he by the observation window overlooking the Engine Room. Finally his eyes fell on the narrow bed by the wall and met Thane amused face.

The Dren was lying under a thin cover, now propped up on his elbows, curiously looking at his guest, apparently expecting explanation about the visit. His eyes were heavy-lidded though, and his posture quite relaxed – it was obvious he had been asleep when Garrus barged in, startled awake by the door and the scratching of Turian shoes on the metal floor. They both knew that had he sensed any danger, Thane would've been on the intruder in a matter of seconds, unleashing his impressive repertoire of deadly skills upon his unfortunate target. But, fortunately for Garrus, Thane was perfectly capable of differentiating between friend and foe even when asleep, so now he was just reclining on the bed, the thin blanket fallen to his waist, revealing his bared chest and strong arms.

"Can I help you with something, Garrus?" he said, his usually gravelly voice even deeper with sleep.

Garrus shifted from foot to foot, suddenly feeling guilty for waking him up, annoyed that he hadn't anticipated this – there was no set night and day cycle on the ship, people slept whenever they were free of duty and were sufficiently tired. With Shepard onto the Citadel, Thane had no reason to expect a mission any time soon, so he had just lied down for a nap.

"I apologize for waking you." He said. "I will leave now, so you can continue to rest."

"I am already awake, Garrus." Thane noted, the barest hint of exasperation in his voice. "Tell me why you're here."

For someone described by their resident genius doctor as a "submissive" Thane could be horribly assertive, Garrus decided and moved to sit on the edge of the bed when Thane pulled his legs up to his chest to free room. Really, Shepard should to think about installing a larger bed here, Garrus thought as he shifted on the thin mattress.

"Nothing in particular, actually." He lied. "I was just visiting."

Thane propped his pillow against the wall and leaned back against it, his thoughtful eyes focused on Garrus. Outside their interaction with Shepard and going on missions together they rarely socialized, at least at first, but the number of occurrences had been increasing for the past few weeks. They found each others' company pleasant and relaxing, finding a surprising amount of common interests to talk about. Shepard, of course, had top priority, but both discovered that there were other things that connected them – guns, sharing cultural practices, retelling stories from their past – some tragic, some amusing. Garrus discovered that the Drell could laugh out loud, something he thought him to be incapable of had laughed almost to tears when Garrus recounted the day when he stormed an illegal brothel on the Citadel only to discover his boss, Executor Pallin, in bed with an Elcor…worker. It was an image forever burned in the back of his mind. He had been a raw rookie back then, and although he had passed through the ruthless school of the Turian army, he discovered that he was still a bit naïve when it came to the large variety of individual tastes that existed in the galaxy. What Pallin was doing wasn't actually embarrassing, at least from a Turian point of view, since they considered that an adult person could do whatever they damn pleased as long as it didn't get in the way of work, but still… The image had been quite traumatizing.

"Yes but… just how did that work?" Thane had asked, referring to the scene Garrus had walked in. The expression that appeared on his new friend's face at the memory was enough reason for the Assassin to drop the subject, although he kept smiling at him and most of all, smiling in general for the rest of the day. In the end Shepard asked him why the fuck he was grinning like a loon over the carcass of a dead varren and later than night Garrus demonstrated – on an unsuspecting Shepard – what Executor Pallin had been doing. Not that it went very well – in the end they both dissolved into helpless giggles and Shepard was quite miffed at them for a full day before Thane explained things to her. Garrus knew he'd feel kind of sorry for the retired Executor when Shepard met the Turian next time. On the upside, Shepard told him that she liked when Thane laughed like that.

"…solipsisms seem to be rubbing off on you." Thane was saying, amusement evident in his voice. Garrus looked at him wide-eyed and smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking of something."


"…Executor Pallin." He muttered.

Thane actually grinned at the memory.

"I see."

"I heard he was currently on the Citadel. Shepard might meet him while she's there."

"If I can judge from what you've told me about your former boss, Shepard will probably be subjected to another speech in the line of "I am proud of my Qwib Qwib ship." Thane said with barely concealed mirth.

However, his expression soon grew serious again,

"Yeoman Chambers…Kelly, mentioned the mail Shepard received earlier today." He said.

Ah, Alenko. Garrus didn't really want to talk about that human, but he knew that Thane would be curious. Who wouldn't be, in his place?

"What about it?" he asked cautiously.

Thane remained quiet for a few seconds, obviously wondering if it would be tactless to ask about Shepard's personal life. Finally, his curiosity won out.

"Remembering this man seems to upset her." He offered diplomatically.

Garrus leaned back against the metal wall and looked towards the window on the other end of the room. He could see the Mass Effect Core vibrating subtly, surrounded by faint grey mist. So different than the brilliant explosion of light and colours of the first Normandy.

"While we chased after Saren, they grew close." He explained. "Very close. I don't know how serious it was, but she was definitely very attached to him."

Thane nodded and waited for him to continue.

"We met him on Horizon shortly before we went to pick you up from Illium. It didn't go well."

Thane was still looking at him quietly, his onyx eyes cool and pensive.

"It didn't go well." Garrus added after a while. "He accused her of treason for working with Cerberus, among other things."

It was oddly pleasing to observe then Drell's lips thinning in an obvious show of barely controlled anger.

"Fool." Thane muttered quietly after a few moments, tone surprisingly cold. Garrus could only nod to that. Well, it was Alenko's loss, after all. Shepard had become free to pursue other relationships. The only thing that still pissed him was that he had hurt her with his callousness and his surprising lack of empathy. He had never deserved her, Garrus thought, although aware that it was his former jealousy talking here.

He almost jumped when he felt something, two somethings, slide under his clothed thighs. Blinking, he turned to look at Thane and he realized that the Drell had tucked his toes under him. Thane smiled apologetically:

"You're very warm."


The Drell was like one of those animals Shepard showed him on the Extranet – bats? Rats? Oh, right. Cats. Small, furry critters that always seemed to find the warmest spot in the room.

He reached down and lifted the bunched up blanket to reveal that Thane wore simple pair of wide pants of made of thin, black cloth. His fingers gently wrapped around a delicate ankle and he pulled one leg over his lap, then did the same with the other. Taking off his gloves he ran his clawed, warm hand over the sensitive soles of Thane's feet before turning to meet his eyes again. The Drell didn't seem to mind what Garrus was doing and that emboldened him. He gently began to massage him, first one foot, then the other, marveling at the exotic texture. The scales were thicker on his soles, and a little larger as well. There was thin, almost translucent webbing between his elegant toes, each tipped with a small but sharply pointed nails. His fingers traced that ebbing again and again until he heard a small moan coming from the head of the bed. Garrus turned only to discover that his companion had leaned back with half-lidded eyes, full lips parted in grimace of pleasure as he explored the thin membrane. Apparently it was a very sensitive spot. He kept massaging his feet while observing his reactions. He could tell that the Drell was getting more and more relaxed with each passing minute. Good. He needed him as calm as possible when he finally spoke of his reason for coming here.

Garrus rubbed the Drell's feet for a while, exploring and caressing and massaging, and his companion relaxed more and more, eventually emitting a soft, low-frequency purr. A human wouldn't have been able to hear it, but sensitive Turian ears picked it up with ease. Finally, when he was sure that the other was boneless with pleasure, he spoke again:

"Mordin tells me that he's making progress with your condition."

Thane nodded minutely, his large onyx eyes closed in bliss.

"He also told me that I have treated you in the most callous manner."

The purring stopped. Thane opened his eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

"He said that I hurt you, last time we were together. And not just last time."

Thane was silent for a very long time and Garrus could feel him tensing more and more. He doubled his efforts to caress all the sensitive spots on Thane's feet, hoping it'd help him relax again. It didn't seem to help but, but at least he wasn't tensing any further.

"You haven't done anything that I didn't like or I couldn't handle, Garrus. I've told you before, I am not fragile." Thane said, annoyance creeping in his voice.

"I never said you were. I just dislike the thought of hurting my lovers without being aware of it…or without specifically aiming for that." He explained, the flanging of his voice deepening towards the end of the sentence. Thane blinked rapidly, obviously confused.

"Aiming for that?"

He nodded.

"Some people like pain. Like being… dominated. I find nothing wrong with that, as long as I am sure everything's consensual. I am not the kind of person who'd just take advantage of someone."

The silence between them stretched again.

"The good doctor spoke about more than my Kepral syndrome, I see." Thane said coldly, withdrawing his legs from Garrus' lap. "Spoke about things that were none of his business."

"Perhaps. But they sure are my business, and Shepard's business, if we're to bed you properly. No one likes realizing that their partner might not have been entirely willing!" he snapped sharply and Thane actually flinched at the tone and looked away, embarrassment written all over his features.

"I never looked at it that way." He whispered. Garrus watched his hands clench and unclench as Thane tried to regain his composure. "Rest assured though. As I said, everything Shepard and you did I enjoyed and wanted."

Garrus paused, looking at his own lap.

"You could've said something. Educated us on the matter."

"You're right. I could have. I probably should have." He scooted up closer to Garrus. "You are offended because you think I don't trust you. Either of you."

Garrus snorted.

"Am I that transparent?"

"No. But it's the logical conclusion." Thane replied, tone mild and placating. They were sitting shoulder to shoulder now, backs pressed against the cold wall, Thane's blanket forgotten in a heap on the other end of the bed. Instinctively Garrus reached and wrapped his arm around the Drell's naked shoulders, once again surprised at the warmth he exuded - weren't reptilian species supposed to be cool to the touch? The flesh under his bared hand was covered in silky scales and he eagerly ran his fingers over the smooth texture. His companion emitted another small purr before letting his head billow on Garrus' bony shoulder

"I never mentioned anything more out of habit than anything else." He explained, struggling against the impending solipsism. He needed to stay in the here and now for this. He didn't want to relive those memories now. "Nothing good ever came out of me sharing that information with people."

"Did your wife know?" Garrus asked, feeling curious though he knew he was treading on dangerous ground.

"Irikah?" there was warmth and fondness in the Drell's voice when he mentioned her. "Yes. She found out, eventually. She was an open-minded person. She didn't mind that. Come to think about it, compared to my profession, my sexual preferences must've been a much smaller pill to swallow. She loved me for who I was."

They fell into comfortable silence, feeling content to bask in each other's presence. Garrus' arm around Thane's broad shoulders tightened and tugged him closer and the Drell eagerly moved until he was almost in his lap. Finally, he spoke again:

"After Irikah's death, however, things… changed."

Garrus remained silent, waiting patiently for Thane to find the words.

"Her family – her brothers and sisters had found out about me. It's possible she told them or they just drew their conclusions that I was employed by the Hanar as it is a common practice for people like me. I am sure Mordin enlightened you about that as well."

Garrus just nodded.

"Her family made it clear to me that Kolyat was to live with them."

"I thought that your son lived with his relatives because you went after his mother's killers." He asked.

"He did, yes. And even if they hadn't tried to twist my hand and force me to give him up, I would've probably gone after the Batarians anyway. I wasn't being rational in that particular moment. But I would've probably tried to work more quickly. I would've entertained the illusion that he and I could settle down somewhere afterwards and I would've made another attempt at a job that didn't involve killing." He didn't sound bitter. Thane almost never did. Pensieve, sad, yes, but never bitter. Garrus felt a little envious about it sometimes, wishing he was able to let go of his grudges like that. But then again, he assumed that the Drell's wish to only live in the present, not in the past, stemmed from his perfect memory. If he decided to wallow in his hurt, he might not be able to get out of it before his solipsisms drove him mad.

"What happened? What did they say?" he asked.

Thane shrugged in his arms.

"Nothing unexpected. They threatened me with a custody battle in court. My… preferences would've certainly exposed, and that would have been embarrassing, but what worried me more was that my job, my real job, could be exposed as well. Irikah was already dead, I didn't want to compromise Kolyat's safety any further."

Garrus' hand had moved to his head, petting the elegant ridges across his scalp before sliding to the flaring folds of flesh where human ears were situated. The first time he touched him there he was surprised to discover that they weren't hard and unyielding like cartilage, but rather thicker, leathery skin. Thane moaned and sighed softly when his clawed hands began to play with the skin and scales of that flaring ridge, leaning into the tender touch. Heat was building up between them and it occurred to Garrus that this might be the first time they were going down this road without Shepard's present and participating. Then he shrugged mentally and leaned to trail his tongue across the ridge on the other side of Thane's head. His companion shuddered and Garrus noticed the way the webbed toes curled in delight, so he repeated the action, pleased that Mordin's anti-allergen meds were working… for all three of them.

His tongue slid over the sensitive flesh of the ridge, tracing the ribbed, reddish sides of his cheek and reached Thane's full lips. He always marveled at the softness of both Drell and Human lips, and although his own facial features prevented him from kissing in the way his lipped lovers could, he discovered that with a little ingenuity he could do something just as pleasant with them.

His tongue slid over the full lips, slowly, tenderly, requesting entrance and they parted eagerly, Thane's own dark tongue sneaking out of his mouth, running over Garrus', curling around, caressing each other. He tugged the Drell to fully sit in his lap while they kept playing with each other. It occurred to the Turian that what they were doing right now would probably look completely obscene to an outside observer, but he couldn't care less at the moment. It was hot and wet and felt utterly divine. His three-fingered hands cupped Thane's behind and squeezed and massaged the twin perfect muscled globes, mapping their shape underneath the thin pants he wore. It was such a curious feature, on both Human and Drell, a place you could hold onto and squeeze and play with and they both – Thane and Shepard - seemed to love it. Turians had no such body part, the harsh environment and unforgiving sunlight having taken away everything they didn't need, turning their bodies into killing machines of muscle and hard carapace, all sharp angles and vicious claws and teeth.

Neither of his lovers seemed to mind though, as sleek and elegant as they were. Even now Thane was tugging at Garrus' shirt, nimble fingers finding the clasps of the garment and releasing them, then pushing it down his broad shoulders. He led go of the Drell for a moment to free his hands and then quickly wrapped his arms around him again, pressing as close as possible, the hard plates covering his chest pressing against thick reptilian muscle. Thane's right hand found his waist and caressed the much thinner flesh there, finding all of his sensitive spots, while the other slid right under his fringe and on the sides of his head, tickling and teasing him, full lips withdrawing from their wet tongue play to lap at his exposed throat just on the edge of his breast plates. Garrus growled and made a conscious effort to reign in the instinct telling him to bend over the smaller man over the cot they were sitting in and fuck him into oblivion. Instead, he leaned to nibble on a broad shoulder, mindful of his razor-sharp teeth, determined not to cause any more pain or damage. He soothed the place with his tongue, marveling at how the silken scales tasted.

A deep purr rumbled in Thane's chest as he did so, only to intensify when Garrus' hand found the spot on the length of his spine usually uncovered by the clothes he wore and dragged his claws against it. Thane arched into the touch and moaned hoarsely, only to do it all over again when Garrus repeated the action, having discovered early on that it was a very sensitive part of Drell anatomy, a sensory organ that responded both to vibration and heat and which was a major erogenous zone at the same time. Both he and Shepard had taken full advantage of that discovery with Thane's delighted cooperation.

Their groins were pressed tightly together, Garrus' own erection having long emerged from the leathery pouch that protected it against Palaven's lethal radiation. He could feel Thane's organ as well through the thin material of his pants, hot and heavy against him, slightly shorter but thicker than his own. He gripped Thane's narrow hips harder and rocked against him, shamelessly rubbing them together through their garments. Thane eagerly responded, wrapping his strong legs around him agility and pulling him even closer, the short but sharp nails of his fingers clawing at the thick hide of the Turian's back.

Thane leaned forward, his lips against his sensitive ear, warm breath caressing his side as he spoke.

"Fuck me, Garrus."

They had discovered the Drell's penchant for dirty talk early on, much to their delighted dismay, as neither of them could even remotely imagine that the usually polite and stoic assassin possessed such vocabulary. Even now, when he was well aware that Thane liked to talk like that in bed, it went straight to his groin when he heard the cultured voice whisper such words against his ears.

"Please, Garrus." The Drell's voice had gone even more hoarse than usual, the vibrations born in his chest and throat reverberating through Garrus' entire form. "Fuck me."

He hissed and his clawed fingers gripped the threadbare material of his pants, suddenly tugging and ripping and tearing them off of him, letting the ruined garment to fall on the floor when he was done.

Next thing he knew, Thane was lying back down on the cot, having pushed the blanket on the ground as well, gloriously naked, all sleek muscle and iridescent scales. His organ was thick and heavy against his flat belly, coloured in a similar way to his cheeks, delicate ribbing pattern running over his entire length. His testicles, unlike Garrus', were hanging in a pouch outside his body, just like a human's, and were nestled between his muscular thighs. A drop of dark fluid was gathering on the iridescent tip and leaned to lick it curiously, once again sending Mordin a quiet thanks for his anti-allergic medication. Sweet. Shepard had mentioned he tasted like that.

Thane's hips came off the bed when the Turian's long and agile tongue wrapped around his length and pressed against the leaking tip, his hands curling in the sheets, head thrown back in ecstasy.


He began to lick him, from the taut pouch of his balls to the heated tip of his arousal, making use of his much longer and thicker tongue, teasing him mercilessly and observing his needy reactions.

"Garrus… please…"

"Please what?" he asked, the flanging of his voice deepening as well, blue eyes darkened to near black.

Thane looked up at him and met his gaze.

"Let me touch you."

Mandibles pulling back in a distinct smirk he leaned back on his knees, long, muscled arms relaxed against his thighs and watched as Thane scrambled on the bed to sit up and reach for his clothes, eagerly pulling at their now familiar fastenings and tugging them off of him. Garrus cooperated eagerly and soon was as naked as his partner, who was running his graceful hands over his chest and the smooth flesh of his stomach, eagerly tracing the edges of his plates, then going back up to feel the smooth curve of his hump. Thane's hands felt different than Shepard's – slightly larger, covered in very fine scales and yet just as agile – Garrus closed his eyes and flung his head back when they returned to his stomach and inner thighs. Thane was a merciless tease and while his behaviour tempted the Turian to take charge as he usually did, this time he remained frozen on his spot, breath coming in short, shuddering gasps when he finally felt him fondle his arousal. The gasp turned into a growl and he snapped his teeth repeatedly when a soft mouth followed the touch. It took him several moments to compose himself enough to look down, knowing that the sight of the broad shoulders and the bobbing head might be too much for his already strained self-control.

He was right – when he looked down he met Thane's own obsidian eyes, glittering up at him as he wrapped his lips around his length and suckled gently, his agile tongue tracing tender patterns against his erection, teeth grazing the sensitive flesh. A few weeks ago Shepard had referred to his lips as being "the perfect cocksucker mouth" and while she had done so semi-jokingly and while under the influence of more than a few glasses of ryncol, Garrus decided that she had been, in fact, quite right about it. Thane's teeth grazed him again and he shuddered, his hand going to the back of the Drell's neck and pulling him away from him.

"Stop. I don't want to come in your mouth." He soothed when he saw the disappointed expression on his face, then leaned to lick his full, moist lips again and his lover responded immediately, strong hands wrapping around Garrus' shoulders.

When he let go of him Thane smiled and lied back down on the bed, arranging himself on hands and knees and reaching under the mattress. He pulled out a small metallic jar and handed it to Garrus, who recognized a familiar water-based gel all three of them used for such occasions.

Thane lifted his bottom and braced himself against the mattress when he felt Garrus' large hands caress the backs of his thighs and knead the perfect globes of his ass before coming to rest on his narrow hips, tracing the solid muscles.

"Turn around." The Turian commanded quietly, the flanging of his voice having deepened so much that he didn't sound himself anymore. Blinking in confusion the Drell complied and rolled over, spreading his knees for his lover to settle between them, propping himself up on his hands on both sides of Thane's head.

"You will promise me now that you'll tell me if I hurt you."

The blue of his eyes had become feverishly bright, almost electric in hue and Thane found himself nodding eagerly, hands coming up to trace the familiar facial structure, the smooth, leathery plates on the right and the rougher scar-tissue on the left.

"Say it." Garrus voice was quiet but it held an unmistakable command – Shepard wasn't the only person on this ship who was used to her orders being followed without a question.

"Yes. I will." He whispered. "I promise."

The Turian turned and licked the inner side of the palm caressing his scarred cheek.

"Good boy."

Under other circumstances Thane would've been unhappy being referred to as a "boy" and he would've made his displeasure known, but now all that the word provoked was an eager moan and his thighs spread even wider, beckoning his Turian lover to get down to business already.

Garrus eagerly complied with the silent request and uncapped the jar, dipping his fingers in the clear gel inside, using his other hand to grip one scale-covered leg under the knee and bend it upwards, pressing the knee against Thane's shoulder, delighting in his lover's flexibility.

He was careful to fully sheathe his claws before sliding in one thick Turian finger inside of him, then observed with barely contained pleasure as Thane whimpered and raised his hips, eager for more, his hands fisting in the sheets.

He leaned to lick the side of his neck and the base of his throat.

"Easy, easy." Garrus reassured him. "Be patient, I'll give it to you."

His words had the desired effect because Thane seemingly relaxed under him and allowed him to continue in his own pace, carefully loosening his body before adding his second finger with more lubrication.

Garrus had educated himself about Drell anatomy a while ago, after doing the same for human anatomy and had been pleased to discover that Drell males derived just as much pleasure from this act as a human male would, their sensitive point was situated deeper inside of them, perfect for his Turian digits and organ. A human wouldn't have reached that spot as easily and he couldn't help but feel pleased with himself as he finally guided his erection to Thane's loosened hole and lined the tip with the twitching, glistening muscle. It stretched obscenely around him when he finally slid in and he growled at the sight, the hand on Thane's hip tightening possessively as the Drell shivered under him.

Finally, he was fully inside of him, his bony Turian hips nestled against the soft flesh of Thane's ass. The place where they were joined so intimately throbbed in time with both their wildly beating hearts and he leaned back on his knees, looking at the ceiling and trying to imagine the most unsavory things he could think of in order to reign in his arousal and need to immediately begin thrusting roughly in the pliant body under him.

He felt Thane relax slowly around him, as well as the under him and finally the long legs came up and wrapped around his back, propped up by his wide hipbones. Strong hands gripped the edge of his collar and tugged him down, then Thane embraced him whispered against his ear:

"Fuck me, Garrus."

His breath caught and he closed his eyes tightly before setting a slow, deep rhythm that rocked the narrow cot beneath them, its strings creaking ominously with each thrust. Thane moaned softly every time Garrus erection brushed against his spot inside of him, his own organ trapped between their bodies. They were wrapped so tightly around each other that it was difficult to tell where one ended and the other begun, a sweaty tangle of limbs and bodies, slowly rocking against each other, nuzzling and kissing whatever flesh they could reach. Garrus could tell that the sharp talons of his feet were tearing through Thane's sheets and he couldn't care less about it – in fact, he was pleased that he was leaving his mark on the Drell's living space, since he couldn't….wouldn't leave his mark on the man himself.

"Please, Garrus…" came the breathy rasp in his ear "Faster."

He complied, aware that his own self-control was on the verge of snapping and he drilled harder into him, delighting in the way the tight sheath of flesh around him rippled with each thrust. An idea occurred to him and he suddenly rolled them over, lying on his back, his lover sprawled on his chest.

"You want it?" he hissed. "Go ahead. Fuck yourself on me." Garrus challenged and for a moment Thane just stared down at him, his expression unreadable, full lips parted as he panted from arousal and exertion. Then, he slowly rearranged himself on Garrus' lap and sat up, his jaw going slack when the full erection slid even further inside of him in his new position.

Bracing himself with his hands on Garrus' chest plates he began to move up and down, as fast and hard as he could, his lover's strong fingers curled around his hips, aiding his movement as much as he could. Garrus himself snapped up again and again when they set a new, punishing rhythm. One of the Drell's hands slid between their bodies and fondled his own erection, shamelessly rubbing himself as his pleasure climbed closer and closer to the edge.

Finally, he came with a guttural moan and seized up on top of Garrus, dark fluid shooting again and again from the tip of his organ, splattering against the iridescent scales of his chest and smoth hide of Garrus' stomach. The body around him rippled and he thought he could see the ribbed flesh of Thane's cock rippling as well as he came, before finally slumping against him, boneless with exhaustion, Garrus' unspent erection still throbbing inside of him.

Carefully Garrus pulled out of him and rolled them over again, arraging Thane on his side and lifting his knee up to his shoulder again before spooning behind him and sliding back in his willing, pliant body. It only produced a quiet, pleased moan and a hand came to rest on his jutting hip bone, urging him to thrust into him and find his own pleasure and he did, again and again until he finally came as well, nuzzling the heated scales of Thane's neck, teeth and mandibles clicking together as he spent himself inside of him.

They lay like that for a while, trying to catch their breaths and waiting for their breathing and heartbeat to slow down to normal before Garrus remembered to reach for the tattered remains of Thane's sleeping pants and use them to clean up both of them before dumping them back on the ground and pulling his blanket over both their bodies. The cot was narrow and they both barely fit in it, but he decided he didn't mind at all, suddenly feeling a surprising amount of tenderness for the Drell now dozing in his arms.

He had expected the conversation with Thane not to go well at all, considering the fact that the man had kept his preferences a secret from both his lovers, he had expected him to feel angry that Mordin had revealed this information to them, but in the end, Thane had seemed almost relieved by it. It was an interesting and unexpected turn of events, but very welcome nonetheless. His hand gently caressed the Drell's hip as he thought about Shepard and wondered how her own confrontation had gone. Somehow, he got the feeling that she'd return to the Normandy a lot less pleased than Garrus was at the moment and it would be up to them to cheer her up.