Ikuto: Finish your other stories first before you start a new one.

Kitty: Ehhhhhhhhhh ???!!!!!!! I don't wanna and + am kinda stuck on the stories for chapters or I just cant be bothered writing them ahahaha

Amu: -_- yeah what ever -_-

Kitty: I don't know shugo chara peach pit does ^^ Enjooooooooy.

Chapter one: living with a 6 year old girl.

"Amu you shall complete this test if you don't you are expelled from this school." Her teacher said pushing her glasses up." Do you understand?!".

Amu nodded.

"And same to you too Tadase, Lulu, Rima and Utau." The teacher spoke again."you five are the only ones left, I left you a chance but all you wasted it on was having fun in summer. If you do not finish it by the end of this month you are EXPALLED." She finished then giving an evil glare to them.

They all nodded.

"Good, you are dismissed, goodbye" and with that she left.

Amu sighed.

"How are we suppose to complete it??" Amu said.

"Well…" Utau said thinking.

"I guess we should go to the…" Rima said letting Lulu finish off her sentence.

"We have to go to the Human World." Lulu finished it off.

Amu sighed." I dont want to its boring over there, and plus-.."

"you might find a boyfriend.." Utau teased.

Amu blushed." N-no I wont and I don't want to go anyway." She said.

"Amu stop being stubborn lets go and plus you got tadase anyway." Rima said making Amu and Tadase blush.

"B-ut ,…Anyway what is the point with this Test anywaaaaay?? All because of it half of the students didn't come back cuz they wanted to stay with their loved ones that's so stupid." Amu said acting "cool & spicy".

Utau sighed "Ok whateva we still have to go anyway, so Caaaaaaaan we Please???" She said Annoyed.

They all looked at each other then nodded. "Might as well" Amu said in her "Cool&Spicy" Tone.

Utau made a portal to lead to the Human world when she did they went in. but before she did she said." You all know that once we go in we might be separated right??..".

They nodded. "Good" She said then they all went in.

Tadase's Pov.


"Oww what was that" I said then looked at front of me just to find a lamppost.

"I cant believe I went into that" I said out loud. And then continued to search for whatever I was searching for. After that something fell on me.

Lulu's Pov.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" I screamed falling down on someone.

"oops am sor-" before I could continue noticed Tadase under me.

" OH MY GOD am sooo sorry Tadase I didn't mean too" I said.

"No its ok" He said.

I blushed.

"Umm you don't mind if we search together do you??" I asked.

He looked at me then he said "no" I sighed in relief.

"So where shall we start?" I asked again.

"Dunno , but lets just walk and see we might find something." He said.

"Wooow, your so smart, ok then lets go" I said Happily.

So they started to walk.

Rima's Pov.


I started to drink my tea 'Hmm looks like I landed on a chair with a cup of tea, How lucky' I thought then sat there continuing.

"I'll start searching later" I said aloud.

Utau's Pov.

"Wah I feel like Alice in wonder land" I said while floating down by my dress I was wearing." I wonder if I'll see a rabbit" I giggled and landed then I saw someone running past.

"AHHH, AM latee I cant believe it, am late." They boy said.

I just stared shocked. Then I laughed a bit ' Woow he must be the rabbit that says am late all the time and am suppose to follow him' I thought ' then why not' I giggled and started to follow the person.

Amu's Pov.


"Why the hell did I have to land on a tree" I said then looked down.

'oops wrong move' I thought then fell down.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" I screamed. "Someone Help meeeeee".

But cuz she had so much bad luck no one did save her so it ended with a 'thud'.

"Owwwww, well thanks for saving me dumb world." I said getting up Annoyed.

"Urgh where am i??" I looked around. "Great probably in the middle of nowhere." I sighed.

I started to walk until I saw a little girl, she looked lost like me. So I went up to her.

"Hey are you lost sweety?" I said in my sweet voice.

The Girl turned Around and her face was like it was about to kill who ever was at frint of her. "What's her problem, but yeah I guess this is the time to run' I thought then started to run.

When I looked behind me I saw the girl chasing me 'Whaaat, what did I ever do to her or more like what did I do to make the world hate me.' I cried in my head. 'Someone Save me please'.


I fell on the floor 'Great just my luck ain't it' I looked up and saw a Tree I stared at it for so long that the girl caught up to me. 'I cant believe this' I thought.

"your gunna be my dolly" the girl said in an evil tone I got scared.

"come with me" she said and grabbed me or more like dragged me all the way to her house.

When we were there I was amazed the house was really big "Is this where you live?" I asked.

She nodded and we went in.

She opened the door. "Am home Ikuto, I got a new dolly so am gunna play with her in my room" The 6 year old girl said.

The 6 year old girl opened her bedroom door and went in. and sat me on a chair.

"Wooow this room is so big" I said.

"Ok dolly what's your name??" she said.

"Uhh…huh??...oh I mean am Amu, Hinamori Amu." I replied.

" Ok then dolly I'll call you Pie from now on ok? Good am glad you agreed" she said.

"Ok the- HEY WHAT?" I shouted.

"Let's have the Tea party now" She said happily.

"Hey what's you name anyway?" I asked.

She looked at m then said. "Call me "Master" from now on but my real name is Mimi well that's my nick name But my real real name is Mimi." She said happily.

"But they are both same." I said.

"SO" She shouted.

"look mimi i-"


"H-HAI...." I said then muttered "Master".

"Oh yeah and from now on your Living with me" She smiled.

"W-W-W-WH-….WHAAAAT" I shouted.

Kitty: Ehhhhhhhh!! Lol I changed the story it wasn't gunna be this buut heey soo what this story looks better I might writer the other story am working on later hehee anyway hoped you liked it eheh^^ oh I know I did LOL.

Mimi: Waaah Amu is such a Cute Dolly. ~hugs Amu~.


Mimi: Shut it.

Amu: ~glups~

Kitty: Alright please oh please review on this pleaaaaaaase please please pleaaase. HIT THE ICE-CREAM..uhh I mean button AHAHAHAH no Mint ice-cream Button ahahahah. Bye bye tell me what you think about this and Rima and Utau's Pov did sound like/ From Alice in wonder land right?? Lol whateva review and bye^^.