My Ouiet Life: Jacob and Leah. Leah is a hardworking, bookworm-ish, college student working a summer job in her favorite library to pay off her student loans and bills. But one day, her quiet life changes in the most surprising way possible, and she's left fighting for her life, and her freedom to love.

Chapter 1: "Say My Name!"


"Just a little more, reach a little higher. Got It!" I did a little dance of joy after sucessfully putting the last copy of "Brave New World" on the ridiculously high shelf. My petite 5' 2, 115 pound body comes through for me again. I have always been abnormally strong. I had been pondering that for a couple minutes, when my supervisor, Miss Caroline, came down the A-B section of the science fiction wing of the library.

"Leah! Just the girl I needed to see!" Miss Caroline is my unofficial mom. At 65 years old, she was everything I wanted to be when I got to retire. She was the person who basically raised me while I was here in Sacremento, getting a major in journalism and a minor in fashion studies. She gave me this good job in her small, but popular college library, helped me get my first apartment, and taught me how to cook. Before I met her, I was living on cup noodles and cherry Jello. Definately not a good diet.

"Hi, Miss C! How are you?" I gave her a big hug and give her casual cream colored two piece suit the once over. She must be going on a date with her lover boy, Henry Manzolini. They have been together forever, if only he would just propose to her. "You look nice. Where's Henry taking you tonight?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Henry surprised me and proposed at lunch today!" She is screaming with excitement, despite the fact that we're in a library. "We're gonna elope in Vegas when we come back from our European vacation."

"That's great! So how long do you need me to manage the library while you're on your honeymoon."

"Well, that's my surprise. Henry and I are going to vacation in Spain during the summer months. So how would you feel about a summer bonus and a well deserved work vacation?" I gaped at her for a few seconds while her words sunk in. Then, I began to bounce in excitement. "YES! YES! YES! Thank You!" I jumped up and down.

"No problem. The library has to be closed for the summer anyway. Go on a long vacation because I hired someone to renovate the library. Maybe when we're settled at the resort, you can visit us in Spain." She is smiling. I can't believe my good luck. She told me all the details of this arrangement, smiling like a lovesick teenager as she spoke.

"I would love to come see you in Spain. So when are you and Henry leaving?"

" Henry and I are leaving tonight at about nine. We're off to the Carribean for three weeks of relaxing before we head off to the resort." She had a hilariously dreamy expression on her face.

I nodded and smiled. I didn't mind her going. I would miss her, but she deserved her happiness. It wouldn't be that hard to manage while she was gone. It definately wasn't a hassle. The extra money would help too.

"Well, what are you waiting for, you crazy woman! Don't give Henry a heart attack! Go, go, go! I can close up when it's time." I looked at the grandfather clock at the end of the book aisle. It's 7:15. It takes about thirty minutes to get to the dock, then another forty-five to go through the security guards, she should get going.

"Don't kick me out!" Miss C laughed. "I just wanted to tell you the usual rules, and also to be extra careful around closing hour. There have been a chain of robberies and killings around the area where the library and your apartments are. I don't want you getting hurt while walking home." Miss C, ever the over protective one.

"Okay, okay! I'll take a cab home! Now go! Don't keep Loverlini waiting." I laughed while Miss C glared at me and my pet name for her future hubsand. She and I walked out to the lobby near the checkout desk. I gave her a huge hug, exchanged goodbyes, and she walked out the door. I waved at her from behind the window until I couldn't see her anymore. I quickly turned to the desk and printed a huge sign for the door of the library.

"Library Closed For Summer Renovations Until Further Notice."

My shelf labor was over until tomorrow, so I settled in the Checkout counter chair with a book and my feet curled under my skirt. I was wearing my favorite teal knee length skirt, my black v-necked t-shirt, a long, layered silver necklace, and a teal beret on my head. I was feeling good this morning so I had my hair in a softly waved, waist length style. I felt pretty confident with my outfit choice. Most of the students there were studying, so there was little to no interruption. At around 8:45, I stopped reading so I could begin closing. Since the library closed at nine at night, I turned on the PA system to alert the customers.

"Pardon the interruption, but the library will be closing in about fifteen minutes. Please gather your belongings and checkout your selected items." I repeated the message again, and by 8:55 the library was empty. I got up and turned on the neon closed sign in the window. Then, I hung the sign outside on the door.

I wanted more time to read, so I turned out all the lights in the main part of the library and settled into the Employee living room at the top of the library overlooking it. I turned on the light and got a lemonade from the refrigerator. Just as I was settling in to finish reading a chapter, I realized I left my cell phone on the desk downstairs.

The light from the huge Employee Room window at the top of the library was enough to light my way back down so I walked out without relighting the library again. I noticed how unnaturally dark it was. There must be a storm coming. I successfully retrieved my cell phone, and had turned to walk back when I saw a moving figure.

"Hello, is anyone there? Um, well whoever is there, the library's closed so just come on out, I'm not mad. I don't mind checking you out now. I don't want anyone sleeping in the library." With a small giggle, I peered in the direction of the movement. When nothing came, I shrugged, mumbled incoherencies about my eyesight, and started to walk back to the Employee Room when I felt a force push me backwards through the air.

I landed on the floor in the Teen Fiction section. I started to feel scared so I grabbed my cell phone off the floor, and made a run for the Employee Room. If I could get there, I could make a call to the police and be in the safety of a locked room. I took a shortcut to the very back of the library, and was about to turn to run up the stairs when I was tackled to the ground by a huge, heavy black thing.

My head was throbbing from it's impact on the floor and I rubbed it tenderly. My cell phone landed near my head. I reached for it only to have a black shoe step on my wrist. I let out a cry of pain and looked up. I gasped at what I saw.

"Hello." said a voice. The shoe disappeared from my wrist, and suddenly I was face-to-face with a handsome man. His hair was the same shade of black as mine and cropped short, his eyes were deep and dark, like they held many secrets, his deep pink kissable lips were glistening, his skin was a beautiful russet color, and his shirt was tight enough where I could see at least 30 pounds of pure muscle on his arms.

I could faintly make out a round tattoo that looked like some gang symbol on his upper arm. He looked about 6'8, which meant I had a slim to none chance of fighting him off. The vast amount of seriousness in his face made me think he must have been about 28, five years older than me. Something about him was very faintly familiar.

I tried to get up, but his large hand on my left breast was strong enough to keep me down. The hand began to venture down to my belly with a feather light touch that left me breathless. There was enough light to see that one side of his breathtaking features had an expression of peace that made him look younger than my estimate of his age. I started to try to squirm out of his tight grasp again, and his face twisted in anger. He straddled me in one quick, fluid movement and put his face close to mine.

"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" I smelled his breath which was a mix of scents that I couldn't place, but smelled like heaven. I tried even more to move only to end up with half of my hair in my face (my beret was long gone) and out of breath. He stared down at me with an amused expression on his face. His hand reached up in one of those quick movements to brush the hair from my face.

When I felt his touch again, my panties became even more soaked. It would have been a loving gesture, but I knew what he probably was going to do. I raised my hand to swat it away. He grabbed and twisted it painfully.

"So, you're still a virgin, right?" He looked at me waiting for an answer. I nodded dumbly. "Good, then that means I did my job."

I squinted my eyes and felt my forehead crease in confusion of his statement. What the hell did he mean by that? He got up suddenly, so I followed suit and tried to tiptoe away. He grabbed my arm and twisted it around my back so my back and arm were pressed up on his chest. I felt another surge of wetness in my panties. I heard his voice in my ear.

"Hey! I'm not done wih you." My eyes filled with tears. He stepped away and circled me, like a wolf (Couldn't help it. I love werewolves!) would circle its prey. I kept my eyes glued to his form, ready to dodge an attack. He smirked and I shivered involutarily from fright.

Suddenly, he pulled his shirt over his head. My tears quickly dried up as I was struck dumb by how muscular his chest was. I could make out the washboard like ripples and his abs looked rock hard from where I was standing. He truly was beautiful, if that was an appropriate adjective for a man.

I suddenly took a great interest in the floor. I didn't notice it how clean it was before. I looked up as he turned in my direction and pushed me against a nearby bookcase. He smiled scarily at me.

"Kneel down. I have a problem that needs taking care of." He gripped my head and pushed me down until I was face to face with an obvious bulge in his pants. He unzipped his pants slowly and deliberatly. Then he removed his plaid boxers until I was face to face with his huge erection. I tried to turn my head away, but he kept a firm grip on it.

"Open your mouth." I shook my head. I was not going to do that. He rolled his eyes and pinched my nose. I tried to hold my breath, but eventually I had to breathe, so I opened it a small bit. That was enough for him. He grabbed my head and slammed into my mouth. I barely covered three quarters of it. I gagged and tried to pull my head away, but he kept it still.

"Relax your throat and breath through your nose." I managed to do both, and felt his full length slip into my mouth and at the back of my throat. I heard a long, deep, breathy moan and a murmured 'fuck' before he began to move.

He manuvered my head around his cock for about 10 minutes, my whimpers mixing in with his low moans. His hands gripped my hair tighter and tighter until my scalp felt raw. I could fell him getting closer and closer to his release until he pulled out of my mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand in shame of what I had just done. I heard his zipper being pulled up and thought it was over until I felt his huge body cowering over my petite frame. I felt his tongue at my ear.

"That was amazing. I'm saving this for another time though. You did very well for your first time. I think that deserves a reward." With that being said, he reached behind me and unhooked my skirt. It fell quietly to the ground as he took in my navy blue boyshorts. He pressed harder against me, and I could feel him removing them and sliding them down my legs. His erection was poking me painfully in the stomach. All of a sudden, I felt a thick finger at my entrance. His fingers toyed with the outside of it, making it more wet than it was before.

"Already soaked for me? Well this should feel great." I felt his middle finger push up into my core up to his knuckle, elicitling a strangled moan from me. The mixture of pleasure and pain felt amazing. I was surprised because I am usually not this masochistic. He smiled at me and chuckled lightly. "I thought so. But you aren't supposed to be enjoying this."

I was prepared to respond to that comment, but I felt his fingers curl within me and I moaned again. I moved my hips in time with his finger strokes. His fingers curled around and within me. He was exploring my core with a fervent and desperate passion. He and I moaned in time with one another, and I was surprised when he kissed me softly on the lips.

"God. Oh, God, Ohhhhh." I was getting closer to my release. I needed it. I was so close when his talented fingers suddenly disappeared. I whimpered in protest and my knees felt weak. He supported my weight, which wasn't a hard task. Then he looked deeply into my eyes and licked my wetness off of his finger as if it were vanilla ice cream. It was so erotic, I let out another gush of wetness. Damn my betraying body. He finished licking and looked down at me.

He kissed my forehead and his head began to venture lower with soft kisses until my thighs were on either side of his head, his mouth right next to my lower area. Suddenly, I felt a warm thing plunge into me. His tongue went deeper and deeper, the tip of it hitting my most sensitive part. I whimpered, getting closer and closer to the release I wanted. I gripped his soft hair tightly. Then he stopped again. I groaned in frustration. His hands let me off his shoulders and his arm went around my waist, steadying me.

"Not just yet baby. First, you need to get rid of this." He pointed at my shirt. "And that bra underneath." I shook my head desperately. I couldn't do that. I didn't want to be naked in front of him, which was ironic considering where his head was only moments before.

"Do it, or I'll do it for you." He had that scary look on his face again. With trembling hands, I pulled my shirt over my head, and turned away from him to remove my bra. I also removed my necklace and bent to take off my sandals. I was completely naked, with a complete stranger. I turned and heard him gasp. I saw that he was completely naked, but a shadow covered the lower half of his body. He lowered us to the carpeted floor of the library. He came up close to me and gripped my breast tightly, pressing his soft lips against the pulse point on my neck.

"So fucking beautiful. Absolutley perfect." I blushed as another surge of wetness escaped after his words. He made the words sound like music. Sexy, flowing, relaxing music. Music that gets someone in the mood to do naughty things. More wetness, crap.

"Lay down." I lowered my head and laid back. He grabbed his jeans and slid them under my head to make a sort of pillow. I looked up the see that he was looking intently into my eyes. I closed my eyes when I felt his soft lips on mine. I could feel him separate my legs with his knee and he positioned himself at my entrance. I began to feel scared. He was huge. If he couldn't fit into my mouth, then his length would be painful in me. I could be ripped in half. I whimpered and tried again to squirm away. He held me in down again.

"What's wrong?" He looked and sounded concerned. If sexy could sound concerned. I used my voice for the first time and was surprised to find that I could speak somewhat steadily. Insert sarcasm here.

"You're t-t-oo big. It's g-g-onna hurt." I was so scared, my heart beat ten times it's normal rate and tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I know, but I can't wait for you anymore. It'll start feeling good in a little while. I'll go slow. Okay?" His voice brought me into a trance and I nodded and tried to relax my body. I felt his tip entering me, and my body tried to reject the foreign object. He pushed in more and more, until he hit my barrier. He opened my legs wider and wrapped them around his massive waist. Then he grunted as he pushed himself in fully. The pain shot up my core and into my throat. I opened my mouth wide as I cried out in pain. I saw him toss his head back in bliss.

"So fucking tight! Shit!" He looked down at me, and what he saw must have stopped him from moving his hips. He stayed still until I felt the pain subside. I moaned softly and relaxed a bit.

He began to push in and out of me. I moaned even harder in pleasure. All I could hear was flesh slapping flesh, long moans that must have come from me and low 'fucks' , 'shits' , and 'so tights' coming from him. He came down lower and started to move faster. My breasts were pushed up against his chest as I arched my back in time to his movements. He gripped my hair tightly, but it didn't hurt. We were covered in sweat as we came closer to release.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed kisses on my neck. All of a sudden, he stopped moving and flipped us over so I was on top. I put my hands beside his head and moved my hips. I was desperate to get my release. His hands gripped my hips as he moved me even faster. His hips came up and met my strokes and and I moaned even louder and deeper. His mouth came up to kiss at my neck, and I lowered my head to kiss his lips. I kissed down his jawline to his neck, making him moan a long line of profanities.

"Right there! Don't stop! God, Oh God, Jeez, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I was so close to getting what I wanted. His lips were at my ears again.

"Say my name, or I'll pull out right now. Say it now." I realized I didn't know his name and was ashamed for this kind of behavior with someone I did not know, but that feeling went away with the next stroke.

"B-b-b-ut I don't k-k-now your name! Ahhhhhhh." I moaned at the end of my desperate sentence. He chuckled shakily and leaned in closer.

"My name is Jacob. Jacob Black." I almost wanted to rip the words from his mouth. I moaned his name loudly, over and over again. He seemed to be encouraged by that and moved at an almost inhuman pace. In a matter of seconds, I had the most intense orgasm. I screamed, moaned, and moved my hips until I saw stars, rainbows, and swirls and the force of his movements made me blackout for a second. After a couple more thrusts, he came inside me, with a deep growl.

"God, Leah!" He moaned. I came again with the force of his release, and went limp in his arms, totally spent. I was seconds away from sinking into oblivion when I felt myself being lifted. As I drifted off to sleep, my fading inner monologue reminded me that I had never told him my name.