Seven Reasons We're Together

Part 7: Love

Disclaimer: Tite Kubo is the author of Bleach.

One way or another, Grimmjow and Halibel found themselves stuck in the world of the living after the Garganta system mysteriously malfunctioned, so they basically have to make do until a week passes and the rift to Hueco Mundo can be restored. But then again, a whole week here could give the two Espadas enough time to spend with each other... exactly seven days.

Day: Saturday

Halibel figured that Grimmjow was either comfortable with nighttime as a result of living in Hueco Mundo, or he was eager to depart Karakura Town. Maybe it was some of both? Karakura nights were certainly more noisy than Hueco Mundo ones, because here, Halibel had often heard dogs barking, police sirens, and random shouts during the dark hours. Grimmjow had covered his head with his pillow and cursed all the noisemakers to hell, irritable at being kept up. Halibel had found that very funny.

"There seem to be more stars out tonight. Or maybe I'm just imagining it," Grimmjow said at length, uncomfortable with the silence. "And a big moon out, too."

"Tonight's a pretty clear night, yes. Last night was rather cloudy," Halibel agreed lightly, but she knew that this wasn't what was on her friend's mind. "But we had a good time with all our new Karakura friends, now didn't we?"

"Ha," Grimmjow huffed with a defiant, toothy smile. "They provide fresh game. Especially that Quincy. I've never fought one before."

"Yes, this town is great for its sparring services," Halibel joked, nudging Grimmjow's arm. "But really, what did you think of our time here? It's nearly up." She checked her watch, and it read 11:58 PM. In two minutes, it would be 12:00 AM on Sunday, meaning that the Garganta would become available once again.

Grimmjow shrugged, looking straight ahead. "Well, there was the sparring…"

Halibel couldn't help a laugh, wrapping her arms around Grimmjow's left arm. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Well, I found great value in everyone's companionship. Everyone here is very nice, and I'm sad to say goodbye to them. But I still had a good time, most of all with you."

Grimmjow nodded and smiled, understanding. He reached around with his other arm and ran his hand through Halibel's bright yellow hair. "It made for a wild week for me, too," he added, compromising between his ferocious nature and Halibel's gentler nature. "There's always something going on around here. But, duty calls. Lord Aizen will want us back as soon as possible. But… this was a great vacation. I feel the same way: being with you was the best part of our stay. I think we learned a lot about ourselves and each other."

"That we did," Halibel agreed, squeezing his arm tighter for a second. "Why, we learned one each day, if I recall. We went to that carnival on the first day…"

"And you helped me recover from that ridiculous kitten nightmare the second day," Grimmjow added.

"And we simply relaxed in the house during the rainy third day…"

"And tried out needlework on the fourth day. Ouch…"

"Then we learned patience after going to the park on the fifth day…"

"And then, we spent time with friends on the sixth day," Grimmjow finished. "Today, it's just a walk through the dark neighborhood until we're out of town to set up the Garganta. No seventh reason, I guess. Just goodbye."

As Grimmjow spoke, the two Espadas exited Karakura Town, passing by its outer limit and into the wilderness. They stood on the paved street, and could still hear the nighttime sounds of the town behind them.

Halibel checked her watch: 12:03 AM, Sunday. A week had passed, and now it was time. She raised her arm and made the motions to create a Garganta, and to both Espadas' relief, the supernatural portal opened at once like a set of jaws. A twisting, aether-like world lay beyond, the gateway to Hueco Mundo. Halibel had one more thing to add.

"In fact, there is a seventh reason we're together. I realized it just now," Halibel told Grimmjow, sounding enthusiastic.

Grimmjow stopped, having almost stepped foot into the Garganta. He turned back to face Halibel. "Huh? What is it?" he asked. The third Espada raised six fingers and recited, "Fun. Comfort. Time. Creativity. Patience. Friendship. Between you and me."

"You know it," Grimmjow grinned, starting to see where this was going. It's time for us to say it, isn't it? Hallie. He stepped away from the Garganta and toward Halibel, heart racing.

"With all that in mind, and the fact that we're alone…" Halibel started, suddenly bashful. "Um…"

Seeing his chance, Grimmjow went first. "I've got our seventh reason," he volunteered. "I'm with you because I love you, Halibel." There! Let her know how much she means to me. Grimmjow felt like a million bucks, but the scene wasn't over yet.

"Aren't you bold?" she smiled while blushing, then proved herself even more bold. She took a step forward and took Grimmjow's head in her hands, then planted a big one right on his lips. They embraced for a few seconds, then when the parted Halibel finished, "And I'm with you because I love you too, Grimmjow. Perfect ending for the week, huh?"

Yee-haw! was Grimmjow's first thought, but he said instead, "Absolutely. Thank you for this week, Hallie. Care to return to our home? After you."

Being a gentleman for the first time in forever, Grimmjow extended his hand and Halibel took it. He lifted her slightly up into the Garganta, and she stepped right through it and out of sight. Grimmjow followed a second later, and the Garganta closed behind him, leaving the slumbering Karakura Town behind.


A/N: Well, that's it. The cat's out of the bag (ha!) and now we hear the confessions at last. Thanks for reading this whole story, reader, because the tale is done. I would like to thank rainy-lullaby, Mouse 2552, Shiaori, missjeanz, and fanficssuck for their kind and encouraging reviews. You guys helped motivate me to see this thing to its conclusion.