Disclaimer: not mine

Summary: They're all after the shinrabanshou but who will get their first and with what wish? AU

My wish is

"Yoite? Are you alright?" Asked Miharu gently sitting next to the older male on the floor. The ninja's leaned against the wall his legs extended.

"Can you feel it? The end is near."

"Yeah, I know." Miharu extended his legs like his friend's then rested his head on Yoite's arm. "Shouldn't you be happy? Your wish will be fulfilled."

"Yeah." The older male remain silent not in a very talkative mood. The king of course noticed and stopped trying to spark conversation. This was it the last time he would feel so calm with the hat wearing boy at his side. His mind was clouded by thoughts. He shifted to look at his friend the ruler could tell most of the same thoughts were flying through Yoite's mind as well. Those blue eyes were gazing unblinking at the white wall. What was he feeling?

"Everyone will be there tomorrow." The kira user started to speak.

"I know."

"All after one thing."

"I'll make sure you get your wish." The taller boy nodded yes.

"It's not that, it's your friends, they will whatever it take to stop you from using the Shinrabanshou. Chief Hattori will also attempt to kill you for his wish."

"Don't doubt me, I'll grant your wish then we will both be happy." The ninja shifted to look at the short male. "You will be erased from this world and I will go with you." The other boy reached for a gloved hand but the limb jerked back. Miharu frowned.

He knew Yoite didn't mean to hurt his feelings. The boy didn't mind letting the student use his shoulder but touching his hands was a kind of intimacy he didn't want. The taller boy shivered was he cold? The ruler didn't know what made him do it since he was just pushed away but the student reached around his friend's skinny form trying to hold him. The kira user tensed and pushed him away though not to hard.

With a sigh the king stood up and walked away. Yoite did feel bad but Miharu should have know that such affection was not needed in their relationship. Reaching out he placed his hand flatly on the wall feeling the bumpy texture. His long finger nails found a large bump and started to pick out it; the paint flaked off. The two boys did the only thing they could do; wait. Wait for an uneasy sleep to come. The hate wearing ninja didn't make any movements for the rest of the night. He didn't reach for a blanket or a better spot.


"Isn't it wonderful?" Hattori stood beside his assistant.

It was like a face off. Miharu, Yoite and Yukimi on one side. Hattori and Ichiki on one another side. Tobari and the two other Banten kids, then further away was Gau and members of the Fuuma village. Kotarou and Shijima watched from a safe distance away.

Yoite stood protectively at the younger male's side. "Yukimi, Yoite hand the Shirabanshou to me." The Kairushuu leader commanded in a one tone voice glaring at his betrayers. No one made a movement making the leader frown even more. "I see so it will be like that." The elder man pulled out a long dagger from his coat pocket without hesitation. "Shinrabanshou grant my wish-!" He shouted reaching for the powerful boy.

"No!" Yoite pushed his friend behind him and Yukimi grabbed the boy's shoulders pulling him back even more making sure he didn't get hurt in the cross fire.

"Yoite you would betray me after I took you in!" The kira user flinched. "If you defy me any more I'll hate you!" Blue eyes widened and in self defense use his whole hand to produce kira. The ninja jumped back as his leader fell to the ground and reached out trying to grab his wish. "I w-wish…" The life in his eyes lost their liveliness. The blonde looked away he was on the side of his brats but didn't want to see anything like that.

"Yoite!" The female scowled. She heard Hattori fall to the ground; unmoving. The short haired lady grabbed a small dagger from inside her kimono. "I will make Hattori's wish come true!"

"Stop it Ichiki! Leader is already dead!" Yukimi rushed into the battle front stopping her from hurting the young males. He didn't aim his gun at her only used it to deflect the weapon. The hand with the blade was thrown back but then she jabbed it forward jabbing him in the stomach.

"Yukimi!" Both brats shouted when the blonde hit the floor. Yoite didn't want to attack Ichiki but when she rushed forward reaching for the king he had no choice.

"Shinrabanshou! Grant my wish!" She yelled making the fairy come forth. The scene was far to much for Miharu to handle and to protect himself he started to power up. She could feel the wind pick up around her as the kid started to transformed.

"Miharu!" Youte cried knocking the dark haired female to the ground. Green eyes widened his body began to feel the power from inside of him. Black characters of Nabari covered his skin.

A high heel connected with Yoite's stomach flinging him as well as penatrated his stomach. With hast she got to her feet running over to the king. "Shinrabanshou!" She reached out to grabbed him but was blocked by a tree root under his control.

Now the others tried to interfere. Tobari and Kouichi running towards their friend. "Rokujo! Stop it!" The teacher had every intention of using what ever means to get him to stop.

The hat wearing ninja saw the most disappointed frown on Tobari's face. "No!" One gloved hand pointed to the ground using his life force to blow open the rocks. He wouldn't use kira on someone important to his friend. The only thing he could do was hope then fall in the crack and stay down.

Nabari's King could not still couldn't stop his power. Crawling over to the younger boy Yoite reached up taking a hold of one hand. "Miharu please stop your going to get yourself killed." He had no reaction completely oblivious to the assassin's words. Standing he grabbed the student's shoulders. "Shinrabanshou! Please grant my wish!"


A/N: Sorry if I was better at action scenes this might have been longer. Anyway some reviews will get you the next and last chapter; I already started on it and it will be better. I wonder if you can guess what he wished for. Also have you noticed a glitch? While editing I noticed I didn't save. I had to keep on typing it in and hitting save I did that one sentence four times before it save correctly. Grrrr and it keeps on happening.