This is the final chapter of LOVESPELL; I really hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This was my very first fanfiction, and I can't fully express how thankful I am for you support.

Your comments, PMs and reviews kept me going, allowing me to finish this, and for that ARIGATOU, HONTOU ARIGATOU, you were wonderful!

I just started posting my second fanfiction THE WILL TO LOVE, so if you liked this one, maybe you would enjoy that one too ;)

Anyways I hope you like this ending.


Ichigo woke up to the worse hangover in his life; he tried to lift his head but soon found that to be a big mistake, the pain was unbelievable, he felt like someone was banging his head like a taiko drum…awful.

"There you go, champion" Renji's voice echoed in his ears, he turned to see him towering next to him, offering something that looked like hot tea.

"T…Thank you" said Ichigo hissing in pain upon sitting up, grabbing the tea.

"Fuck, Ichigo…you really are a lousy drunk" commented Renji sitting beside him with a smirk.

"What the fuck is this?!" said Ichigo after tasting the tea.

"Strong shit, huh? It's my special hangover medicine, drink it, it tastes horrible but it'll make you feel better in no time" replied Renji, while Ichigo took another sip.

"Renji…what exactly happened…last night…" asked Ichigo blushing violently.

"Told ya you'll regret it in the morning" said Renji calmly, staring at the floor.

"Who said anything about regretting it?" Ichigo was frowning, examining Renji, who instantly turned to face him with wide eyes.

"But I thought…you just asked me what happened…" said Renji confused, making Ichigo smile.

"I am not regretting anything…It's just that…I can't remember how far we…" he looked away blushing again.

"You fell asleep and nothing happened…we just kissed, Ichigo" said Renji smirking.

"Damn, I am so stupid" whispered Ichigo.

"No, you are not…besides, I don't think it's such a good idea to use each other to get back at Rukia for marrying Taichou" Renji looked away sadly, but Ichigo was examining his face again, slightly angry this time.

"So that's what it was for you, huh? Getting back at her…" Ichigo sounded bitter, Renji turned to look at him feeling confused.

"No! I…I thought that's why you…" Ichigo's face softened at hearing that, his smile threatening to come back.

"Of course not, baka…I would jump on Inoue for that…something tells me I still got a chance there, she being pregnant with my child and all" commented Ichigo.

"You knocked her up?" asked Renji shocked.

"Yeah…some luck, ne?" said Ichigo bitterly.


"Exactly…I was just kidding though, she is with Ishida now, and I wouldn't do that to him…or you" said Ichigo distracted.

"Che, like you didn't fucked things up with Rukia" replied Renji grinning.

"Hey, I learn from my mistakes" Ichigo gripped Renji's yukata, looking intensely into his eyes.

"What do you mean?" asked Renji confused.

"I mean…I am not sure what am I to you but…if this…whatever this is, gets fucked up it's not going to be my fault, not this time" replied Ichigo angrily, making Renji's eyes wider.

"So…you are really willing to give this a shot?" asked Renji in disbelief, as Ichigo let go of his yukata, averting his gaze from him.

"Look, I think I better go…I didn't mean to push you into anything…I'm getting used to be rejected anyways" said Ichigo sadly as standing up.

He was heading for the door when he felt Renji's hand encircling his wrist strongly, he turned to look at him confused, and found a smile on the red-haired Fukutaichou.

"Who said I was rejecting ya" said Renji huskily.

"I…" Ichigo was out of words.

"I just need to know you are not doing this to get back at them" asked Renji seriously.

"Are you kidding me? If that damn Byakuya ever finds out, we'll never hear the end of it, trust me…this has nothing to do with revenge" said Ichigo honestly, making Renji chuckle.

"Damn, I guess you are right, Taichou would never stop teasing us" Renji came closer to Ichigo, hooking a finger under his chin.

"So tell me, Renji…how do you feel about long distance relationships" asked Ichigo playfully, wrapping his arms around the older man's waist.

"I guess it's not so bad…as long as you stay away from the sake" replied Renji with a grin, leaning closer to Ichigo.

"I told you I learn from my mistakes" replied Ichigo before closing the gap between them, brushing his lips over Renji's softly, before claiming them with a hot, passionate kiss.

After a couple of minutes, they broke the kiss, staring deeply into each other's eyes, lovingly.

"We need to take thins slowly, though" said Renji seriously.

"Wanna catch a movie later?" asked Ichigo, earning a big smile from Renji.

"Yeah that…would be fun" Ichigo smiled and leaned forward to taste Renji's seductive lips again.

Rukia had just woke up upon feeling something warm and soft brushing her belly, she looked down and saw Byakuya planting soft, tender kisses around her navel; she smiled at him, and moved her legs a bit to give him more room, but she immediately hissed in pain.

Byakuya looked up at her with a cocky grin.

"Ohayo, beautiful…are you sore?" he asked mischievously, knowing fully well she was, she frowned at him.

"Are you making fun of me?" she asked a bit angry, but he just smiled at her, and continued planting soft kissed on her lower belly. He lay there, between her legs, holding her waist and placing his head on her flat stomach, caressing her thighs and hips lovingly.

"I wanted you to wake up…I missed you" said Byakuya, making Rukia's heart jump on her chest.

"I am glad you woke me, I don't want to miss any moment with you" Rukia started caressing his silky hair, sweetly.

"Rukia are you in pain?" asked Byakuya, truly worried this time, making her smile.

"A bit, yes…but it's nothing important" she replied kindly, he held her tighter.

"I am sorry I hurt you I…did not mean to" his voice sounded regretful, and she did not like that, she did not like him regretting what he did to her last night.

"Hey, look at me" she said propping on her elbows, he obliged.

"Are you regretting what we did last night?" she asked frowning; Byakuya's eyes widened, and he shook his head.

"Of course not! I just…I did not want to hurt you, you…you are so tiny" he said the last part faintly; she looked at him lovingly while caressing his face.

"You did not hurt me all that much and it was totally worth it" he smiled upon hearing that, placing his head back on her belly as she lay down on the bed.

They lay there for a long time, she caressing his incredible soft hair, he running his fingertips over her smooth, creamy skin, completely happy before Rukia broke the silence.

"I was wondering…" she said

"About?" he asked distractedly.

"The spell" she stated simply, Byakuya lifted his head to look at her slightly shocked, mostly because they never talked about the spell after their wedding night.

"What about it?" he asked frowning.

"When you cast it on me…I never got to understand your words…so I was wondering what it says" she asked shyly, making his frown disappear.

"Well, it is in an ancient language after all, no wonder you did not understand it" he said lying back on her stomach.

"What language?" she asked curious.

"Latin" he replied drawing soft patterns on her skin.

"What does it say?" she insisted

"Something like: Listen to me, dormant Lover, and soon your heart and soul will achieve resonance, you will be freed from both fears and doubts; then, with the light of Fate shining from inside, you will speak the name of the one true love you will ever have, and nothing more" Byakuya's deep baritone voice charmed Rukia as he recited the translated version of the spell for her.

"Oh, it's beautiful" she said happily.

"It is in deed" he commented planting soft kisses on her belly again.

"Ano…I really want to know how does it sounds like in Latin" said Rukia pouting, making him smile; he lifted himself to capture her delicious lips for a moment, before going back to kiss her hipbones.

"Alright, but I am warning you, you are going to say my name again" he said arrogantly, making Rukia chuckle.

"I already know that…I would say your name a million times" she said looking at him with her eyes filled with love; Byakuya smiled and planted another kiss on her tantalizing skin.

"Very good then, the spell in Latin goes like this: Ascultatio me, regius amatoris um cor et anima consertum, et tu expeditae ex timoris ac dubitatio; tum ex fusi luminis ere fatus sum, singulare verum amoris tu habitum, ex haud." he finished saying that and kissed Rukia's skin again, smirking at the faint red mist appearing over her milky white flesh.

Rukia's eyelids did not felt heavy this time, and she did not felt dizzy at all, she heard the spell perfectly and found it beautiful; she opened her mouth to tell that to Byakuya, smiling softly.

"Kurosaki Masaki" she said without even knowing it.

Byakuya's eyes widened in fear as he looked up to his confused wife; Rukia was shocked, she clearly did not understand what she just said, but Byakuya was panicking. He just cast the spell and she said a name, but the name she said it was NOT his name, how could he not panic?

Rukia was having a terrible time herself, looking at Byakuya she could easily tell he was frighten, but all she could do was shake her head, and stare at him with pleading eyes.

"Byakuya I…" she muttered

"You don't love me anymore, do you?" asked Byakuya bitterly, sitting up on the bed, covering Rukia's body with the sheets; she sat down in front of him, cupping his face in her hands.

"Byakuya I do! I love you more than ever" she said trying to get him to look at her in the eye.

"Liar, you just said somebody else's name" Byakuya shot back looking deeply into her confused and sad eyes.

"I am not lying, I love you, I don't understand…" she averted her gaze for a second, and then looked back into Byakuya's angered, hurtful eyes and she did something he truly did not expect, she started to laugh.

Her eyes softened, and he could see thick tears forming in them, he shook his head completely confused while grabbing her shoulders.

"Rukia why are you laughing?" he asked visibly angry and sad, but she smiled at him widely, while giving him a tender, happy look.

"Byakuya I…I think Ichigo and Inoue are having a girl" she said laughing some, but Byakuya frowned even more.

"How could you know that?" he asked bitterly and extremely confused, averting his gaze from her; but Rukia cradled his head in her hands, motioning him to look at her again.

Her eyes were glistening, her smile was wide and her cheeks were washed in tears.

"Because I think you have just cast the spell on our son" Byakuya's eyes widened even more, as he looked deeply into his wife's eyes; Rukia nodded her head, laughing when she saw Byakuya's smile crawling on his face.

He leaned forward and captured Rukia's lips in the most loving kiss they ever shared before.

"You know what the best part is?" asked Byakuya pulling away from the kiss, caressing his wife's slender waist lovingly before wrapping his arms around it, pulling her on his lap.

"What?" asked Rukia locking her arms around his neck.

"She is going to love him back" replied Byakuya, watching both a frown and a question appear on Rukia's face before he wiped both away with another loving, happy and mind-blowing kiss.

Did you like the ending? PLEASE, REVIEW! This is your last time to make me smile :D