This is my first Grey's Anatomy fanfiction. Don't know much about medical terms. Sorry about that.

Disclaimer: Don't own Grey's Anatomy or its characters

Chapter One

A Shepherd is Born

Derek looked at Meredith, who was smiling. They both knew that in a few minutes, their baby would be born. As they were waiting for the doctor to come back in, Meredith thought how complicated the baby's life would be.

She and Derek had a one night stand. After they found out that they would be working together, they decided to keep dating. Meredith was shocked when Derek's wife came back into town. He never mentioned her. What made it worse was he chose Addison and that was when Meredith found out that she was pregnant.

She didn't tell Derek because at first, she wasn't sure she wanted to have the baby. She remembered what it was like, growing up without a father. She didn't want her baby to go through the same ordeal she did. After a lot of thought and talking with her friends, she changed her mind and decided to have the baby. Yet, she still didn't tell Derek.

He eventually found out by Richard, who thought that he already knew. Once he did know, Derek wanted to help raise the baby. Meredith wanted to know about Addison. Derek told her that he would tell her and he did. She was surprised and didn't know how to react. He told her that they would work everything out once the baby was born.

Meanwhile, Meredith told her friends, who were all surprised, but happy for her. A few months later, they found out that the baby was going to be a girl. Everything was going good right up until the due date. Meredith wasn't feeling well and thought that there was something wrong with the baby. Addison ended up being her doctor even though neither of them knew what to think of it.

That brought Meredith back to the present moment with Derek. Addison and a couple nurses came in. "Is the baby ok?" Meredith asked, worried.

Addison didn't say anything for a moment. "The baby's heart rate is a little low. I recommend a C-section." Addison was about to explain the procedure when Meredith spoke. "I want to have this baby naturally," she said suddenly.

Derek and Addison looked at her. "Meredith, it would be safer for you and the baby to have a C-section," Addison replied.

Meredith shook her head. She didn't care what anyone said. She had wanted a natural birth ever since she decided to keep the baby. "I don't care. I want a natural birth. I want to hold my baby right away. Please," she begged.

She looked at Addison hard and Addison looked at Derek. Meredith didn't know what she was looking for, whether it was support or something else. However, Derek took Meredith's side. "Arrange it," said Derek. Addison nodded and left the room.

"You didn't have to do that," Meredith told him as soon as she was out of the room.

"She's my little girl too. Besides, I wanted to respect your decision," Derek replied. Meredith had a feeling that there was another reason behind his decision. She didn't know what though.

A few minutes later, Meredith was pushing. So far, the baby wasn't coming out. Meredith was getting tired, but was determined to push the baby out. She pushed again as Addison checked her. "Stop pushing. Something's wrong," Addison said. Meredith held her breath as Addison checked her again. "The baby's coming out breech."

Meredith knew what that meant. "Promise me the baby will be alright."

Addison nodded. "I promise your baby will be alright." Meredith felt some pressure as Addison turned the baby around. "Alright, one more big push and she should be out."

Meredith grabbed Derek's hands and he looked at her. "You can do it," he said. She nodded and squeezed his hand. Addison noticed the look, but she had to concentrate on her work.

Meredith pushed once again and cried out in pain. She then opened her eyes and saw their baby. "Congratulations, it's a girl," said Addison even though she didn't sound as happy as she should have. The two nurses helped clean her off. Addison then gave the baby to Meredith, who was smiling away.

She looked down at her little girl and fell in love with her at once. She touched her soft little hands. She couldn't believe that she wanted to give this little angel up. She then knew that changing her mind was the right decision, even if she was going to be a single mom.