Author's Note: Here we go...the final chapter. Let me know what you think.

Chapter Five: Lost and Found

"Finn...Finn, it's Rachel. Please call me back." Rachel shoved her phone back into her bag, her thoughts racing. Where was he? Rachel had been looking all over the school for Finn and could not find him anywhere. He hadn't been in the chorus room, the auditorium, wood shop, or on the football field. He certainly hadn't been in English class, which was where he was supposed to be this period. Rachel shook her head, concerned that Finn would now fall further behind in the class than he already was. In a moment of desperation, she'd even checked the library. Rachel didn't even care that she'd cut not one, but two classes, to search for him. She shivered a bit, pulling her cardigan more securely around her shoulders as she looked out over the football field from the bleachers.

What had she done?

Finn had tried everything possible to convince her that he truly wanted them to be together. He had been the one pursuing her for a change; this was what Rachel had been waiting for! Yet...she'd been so sure that attempting a relationship now was a monumental mistake. She'd been too scared to risk their friendship. To risk the possibility of their future.

That was the problem, Rachel realized. She'd been afraid to take the risk. Ms. Pillsbury was right; she and Finn were already in a relationship. All that was missing was the label.

Rachel felt sick to her stomach thinking about the look on Finn's face as he left the guidance office. She'd never seen him looking so dejected. Rachel knew that she had to fix this, and waiting was not an option. She grabbed her bag and started down the bleachers.

"Hey." Rachel turned around and spotted Noah sauntering out from behind the bleachers. "Rachel Berry cutting class? Is Armageddon approaching?" He added with a smirk.

She continued past him without a word. "Hey, Berry, I'm talking to you!" Rachel stiffened her shoulders and kept going. "Rachel...Rachel, wait!"

Rachel stopped but did not turn to face him. Noah jogged up to her and released a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry, okay?"

Rachel could not believe his nerve. "Sorry? Sorry for what, exactly, Puck?" She whirled on him. "Sorry for insulting me just now? Sorry for going out with me after just having impregnated another girl?" Her eyes flashed. "Or are you sorry for completely betraying your best friend?" He flinched. This was clearly the largest of all his transgressions as far as Rachel was concerned. "Is that why you pursued me in the first place? To hurt Finn?"

"Look, I'm sorry you got hurt by any of it," He said tightly. "But don't forget--you ended it with me, not the other way around. For Finn, remember?"

"Is that what everything was all about? Getting back at Finn?" Rachel could not even process that one person could set out to systematically destroy another's life like that.

"No. Believe it or not, my life is not all about Finn," he spat out, turning his back on her.

Rachel sped up and yanked his arm, forcing him to face her. "Oh no, you don't. You started this. Now, you can finish it. Tell me why!"

"You know why!" He growled. "Remember, Berry? When you dumped me, you said that we both wanted other people. You'll be happy to know that you were right. I wanted Quinn. One night, she let me have her."

Rachel was still trying to put the pieces together. "So you slept together and she got pregnant. But why did you both lie to Finn and let him believe that he was the father? How could you do that to your best friend?"

"It was Quinn's idea, okay? She said that I was a Lima Loser and would always be one." Rachel briefly softened at the pain she saw etched on his face. Then, his mask slid back into place. "She was already knocked-up and scared. I didn't want to make things worse for her." His voice lowered, a sure sign that he was about to admit something that he found less-than-manly. During the short time they'd dated, Rachel had discovered that Noah believed that his "badass" image was all he had. "Also, I didn't want her hating me, okay? If I had told Finn, she never would've forgiven me."

"You wanted to tell Finn the truth," Rachel realized. "And you actually want the baby."

"Hell no," He said with false bravado. "Who the hell needs a whining kid around?"

"She hurt you, too." Rachel could not believe that she was actually feeling sympathetic toward Noah, after all he'd done to Finn. Still, Rachel found herself softening. Whatever he'd done, she couldn't forget that he'd chosen glee over football, risking his precious status. There had also been a time, not so long ago, when he'd actually seemed to like her. Rachel still wasn't sure just how much of it had been an act and she'd probably never know.

"Finn should throw me a damn parade!" He smirked. "You, too. Now you can both have what you really want." Noah brought his face close to her own and spoke as if they shared a secret. "Or should I say who you really want?

"Don't hold your breath for the marching band." She sighed, compassion narrowly winning out over indignation. "I am sorry you're hurting, Noah, for whatever it's worth."

He shook his head in irritation. "Why do you always do that? Why the hell aren't you still pissed at me?"

"I think what you're going through is punishment enough. Don't you?" She started to turn, but he reached out, grabbing her arm like a lifeline. Noah seemed to want to say something more, but he struggled to come up with the words. Rachel, reading his frustration, stepped in. If nothing else, she could offer him hope. "Maybe things will work out. Quinn's life has just been turned upside down again now that the truth is out. Just give her some time."

Noah didn't seem to know what to say to this, so he averted his eyes for a moment. "I know I'm gonna regret asking, but I have to know. Why is Rachel Berry cutting class?" He was smirking again, but not unkindly. Rachel realized that Noah was clearly and intentionally closing the door on the topic of Quinn. Rachel went along with his somewhat lame attempt to change the direction of the conversation.

"If you must know, I'm looking for someone."

"For Finn," he said, his brows lowering.

"I didn't say--"

"You didn't have to. It's always about Finn. For everyone." He stiffened and took off. He was nearly at the entrance to the field before he abruptly paused and looked back over his shoulder. Noah stared at Rachel for several long moments with an undefinable look on his face. "The bowling alley. He always goes there when he wants to blow off some steam." With this, he turned again and left.

Of course! Finn had told her he went there when he was stressed. That had been his whole pitch to get her to go bowling with him in the first place. Rachel rushed toward the parking lot, relief washing over her. Finn had said it himself: she could make everything okay. Rachel just had to have as much faith as he did.

Finn began slowly, then picking up the pace, just let go. And...gutter ball! What the hell was the matter with him? He hadn't thrown a gutter ball since he was nine years old! At least then his mom had been there to cheer him up with an ice cream sundae. He hung his head in shame and went to wait by the ball return. So much for getting rid of some tension. This so wasn't worth the detention he'd get for cutting school. Finn grabbed his ball and gave it a light toss for good measure.

He stared down the lane, focused on the pins and stood at the ready. Just as he was about to stride forward, Finn was jolted by an unexpected touch and the voice that followed.

"Just like the first time...but better." Finn's heart just stopped. He turned his head and saw Rachel standing just behind him with her hand resting on his shoulder. She looked so un-Rachel. Staring at her, his heart began to accelerate, beating so hard against his chest that Finn was sure she'd be able to hear it. He searched her face anxiously, trying to read her. Then, eyes locking on his, she smiled.

That was all it took. Finn moved to wrap his arms around her, but something got in the way. His brows knit in instant irritation. "I think we should put this down first," Rachel said with a smirk and took the bowling ball from his hands, her fingers grazing his. His eyes followed as she turned and walked over to the ball return. Finn always enjoyed watching her from behind, especially when she was wearing one of her little skirts. Was it his imagination, or were they getting even shorter? Finn was so distracted by that appealing thought, he was unprepared when Rachel turned back and launched herself into his arms. "Oof."

"Sorry." Her response was muffled because her face was buried in his shirt. Finn looked down at the top of her head and sighed in relief. He smiled slightly, realizing that coming to the bowling alley had helped ease his tension, after all. After weeks of chasing Rachel, all it had taken was ditching school for a couple of periods to get her into his arms. Finn decided that girls, especially Rachel, really were insane. "I'll never be bored."

"What?" Rachel met his eyes.

Crap. Had he really said that out loud? Way to go, Hudson! Try talking yourself out of that one. Okay, there was only one way out of this. "I'm really glad you're here," he said, adding a heart-melting grin.

Rachel's eyes warmed and her smile bloomed. Safe! "Me, too. I was worried when I couldn't find you at school."

"Wait...did Rachel Berry actually cut school? To come look for me?" He was loving this. "Well, you must really like me!"

"Okay, okay." She shook her head in mock irritation. "Seriously, though, you didn't even call me back."

Rachel looked so down at the thought, that Finn felt immediately guilty until he realized that he hadn't ignored actually her call. "Rachel, I'm at a bowling alley. It's kind of noisy. I never heard my phone ring."


His eyes were drawn to her pouting lips and he began to bend his head, until he realized that nothing had actually been resolved between them, yet. Finn took her by the arm and led her to the table behind Lane 12. He sat down beside her, turning to look her in the eye. "So...what did you want to talk about?"

"What did I want to talk about?" Rachel was incredulous.

"Well you came all the way out here to find me, during the school day, so I figure it's gotta be pretty important."

"Finn!" Rachel crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, okay. Not the time for teasing. Got it."

Rachel met his eyes. "I'm sorry, Finn. I didn't mean to hurt you. I felt awful after you left," she said taking his hand.

"I'm sorry, too. I just...I thought we could, you know, be together now without all the drama. I thought you wanted that, too, and I didn't want to waste anymore time." He shook his head in regret. "But, I want you to know something. I'm not in love with Quinn. I don't think I ever was. I mean," he began, looking uncomfortable, "I cared about her and everything. But, if I'd loved her, I never could have been so into you." Finn paused, waiting for the quick sting that now came whenever he thought about Quinn, Puck, or the baby he'd begun to love. It didn't come. Hearing their names no longer made Finn feel like punching a hole through a wall using Puck's face, either. Now that he was over the first waves of fury and pain, Finn felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

"Finn, you know that I want to be with you," Rachel said, turning to face him fully. "I've never hidden that. I honestly thought that you just needed time after everything that's happened. I was trying to be smart about this."

She'd finally said it. Out-loud. She still wanted him. Finn felt like he could breathe again. Hell, he could even bowl again! No matter what Rachel thought, Finn knew that he was ready to move on. He opened his mouth to respond but sensed that there was more to the story and waited, giving Rachel time to sort through her thoughts. "Also...I was scared. Am scared," she corrected.

"Of me?" Finn was truly stunned.

"Not of you...of you breaking my heart." Rachel hadn't added "again," but Finn heard it just the same.

Finn had known that he'd hurt Rachel, but he felt sick hearing her say it. He had once promised to make everything up to her someday, and he wanted to start now. Still, looking down into those incredible eyes that reflected each and every emotion, Finn knew that he would wait for her. She'd waited for him, hadn't she? He was not about to let her go now. "I get it." He brushed her hair back behind her ear, loving that he was allowed to do stuff like that now. "And I'll wait until you think we're ready." He pulled her close, and Rachel rested her head against Finn's chest. "You know, going to Ms. Pillsbury was only one of my brilliant plans."

Rachel looked up, smiling indulgently. "What was another?"

"Well, I was going to sing to you, obviously." He shot her a sour look, clearly remembering Puck's serenade of "Sweet Caroline." Then he grinned mischievously. "Then I realized that it was such a cliché." After a beat, he shot her look of uncertainty.

"Yes, you used 'cliché' correctly." She turned to face him, taking his face in her hands. "And I agree. I like it better when we sing together." She leaned up and kissed a surprised but eager Finn. Seizing the opportunity, he deepened the kiss, snaking his arms around Rachel, drawing her as close as their seated positions would allow. Finn may have agreed to wait, but he certainly wouldn't hesitate to hasten the process.

When Rachel pulled back, they were both out of breath. "Finn, I think we're ready." Finn grinned wolfishly. "Not for that."

Finn had to laugh. Nothing could ruin his mood right now, not even the knowledge that he may be doomed to remain a virgin for the foreseeable future. Rachel just looked so hot with her swollen lips and bright eyes. She was happy and she was his. He had made her happy. With a look of triumph, Finn leaned down toward her again but suddenly pulled back as something occurred to him.

"Does this mean that I was right and you were wrong?" Damn, she was sexy when her eyes flashed like that. He wanted to hear her admit, just once, that she could be--whoa! Rachel's lips were suddenly attacking his and...and...we're there.

Author's Note, Part II:This was really not the ending I had planned at all! Puck was never supposed to make an appearance, and I never had any intention of revisiting the bowling alley. Rachel and Finn appear to have hijacked their story somewhere along the way, and I do as I'm told. Thanks so much for all of the amazing feedback!