Godzilla and Gamera: The First Final War

Chapter 1: A Change In Plans

2004 A.D


It has been 50 years since Godzilla was sealed away by the Earth Defense Forces. Over the decades, numerous other monsters have appeared and threatened mankind. One day shortly after a monster called Manda was killed in the North Seas of the United Kingdom during this year of 2004, monsters suddenly appeared in major cities around the world. Then, almost as soon as they came, they vanished. An alien race arrived to Earth, claiming to be allies, having used their ships to remove the monsters.

The Xiliens, also claimed a planet called Gorath was on an imminent collision course with the planet. Thus, they set up a base of operations and hovered over Tokyo in their gigantic orb shaped ship. However, a small group of humans revealed their true plans, and as a result, the aliens attacked the human race.

Almost entirely destroying civilization as we know it, the group who exposed the Xiliens for who they truly were, had only one option left to save humanity from the invasion; free Godzilla from his icy tomb!

Boarding the Gotengo, the famous flying battle ship that had sealed away the King of Monsters in 1954, the heroic band quickly made their way to Antarctica, to free the King from the freezing pit he was trapped in-Area G.

Captain Gordon

"Sir, Gigan has appeared off starboard!" one of the female crew members manning the sensor arrays states. As the ancient Cyborg bore down on us, I knew we had to act quickly. As its giant abdomen blade cut one of the power circuits, I saw an opening as the dome covering Godzilla's body slide open. "Fire Missiles!" I order.

Immediately, Ozaki fired the missiles past Gigan, and directly into the ice where the tyrant lay in suspended animation. As we crashed, Gigan landed nearby, and turned to face us. Just before he could advance however, a burst of atomic energy fired from the smoke of the missile explosions, and sent Gigan to his feet. Godzilla was freed at last.

By nightfall, we'd led Godzilla to the mother ship. Godzilla had defeated all the monsters the Xiliens sent before him, and was on his way here to fight the aliens with us. "This is it, empty your guns…theirs no turning back" I say as the giant floating sphere comes into view.

Just then, the King of Monsters suddenly appeared in front of our path, and was staring us down. "I thought Godzilla was further behind us!" I shout, angry at whoever had made the miscalculation. "He must have sped up sir" Ozaki replies. "Prepare to fire Maser!" I roar. At the same time, Godzilla was preparing his atomic ray.

After several seconds, the maser blast was ready, and I gave the order, "FIRE!!!!"

Simultaneously, Godzilla's nuclear beam and our maser collided in mid-air. As they struggled back and forth for several seconds, it seemed like Godzilla's might win. But then, something happened.

The beams both suddenly vanished for an instant, but as soon as they had disappeared, leaving a ripple in the air like that over a fire-an enormous explosion rocked the entire area, and the entire place lit up like Hiroshima. Then, as the light died down, a blue void opened up where the beams had collided, and a great wind stirred out of the blue; the wind then created a vortex and began to suck us toward the void.

As the void began to suck the ship inside, all I could think was, "Well this certainly means a change of plans"