A/N: Ok so this is the last chapter, thanks so much for all the reviews and the support for this fic! It means so much to me! Sorry that this story was just a short one, but honestly it was just a spur of the moment thing! Now I need to go work on my other story! Lol Thanks again Readingmama for a brilliant beta!

Behind These Eyes

Chapter 5

Buffy smiled contentedly, a soft purr rumbling within her chest as Angel stroked her arm softly, his small palm trailing over her pale skin. She opened her eyes slowly to find Angel staring at her with an amused expression on his face.

"What?" she asked sleepily, her eyebrows knotting in confusion.

He chuckled quietly, a soft rumble. "You're purring," he pointed out, a smug expression on his heart-shaped face.

Buffy pouted and folded her arms across her chest as she turned to look up at the ceiling. "Am not," she told him mulishly, for some reason feeling incredibly embarrassed he had heard that. To be quiet honest she had even surprised herself, she had forgotten vampires could purr. The only time she had ever heard Angel purr was the night of her seventeenth birthday, before they had fallen asleep.

Angel chuckled again and reached out to run a hand down her cheek. "You are, and it's adorable." He smirked again.

Buffy rolled her eyes and glanced up at the ceiling refusing to meet his eyes. Suddenly she frowned, puzzled. "Why is there a mirror on the ceiling?" she asked.

Angel followed her gaze, quirked an eyebrow and just smiled at her. Buffy blinked, her eyes opening wide as she finally figured it out. "Oh, now that is just wrong," she muttered shaking her head and looking disgusted. "I can't believe I didn't notice that, did you notice?" she asked, babbling slightly. "I can't believe I didn't notice, I was to busy watching your breast's jingle" she muttered, pulling her mouth down in a grimace.

Angel chuckled. "I like the mirror." His comment caused Buffy's head to whip around in surprise, her eyes opening wide. He glanced up and looked at his reflection in the mirror and suddenly frowned. "Except when I have bed hair," he muttered with a small, mulish frown as he reached up and patted his blonde locks in place. He smoothed down the frizzyness and ran his hands through the long strands of hair to get out the tangles.

Buffy watched him work out the tangles for a few seconds before she smiled and started to giggle. She rolled over, snaked her arms around his waist and pulled him in close, she kissed him softly and smiled. "Now that is adorable," she whispered and smirked as Angel pouted at her, looking hurt and offended.

Buffy ignored him and snuggled in close, leaning her head on his chest and murmuring softly. Angel rolled his eyes, sighed and reached up to brush a hand through her hair as the other hand ran down her arm. Despite herself Buffy started purring again, feeling relaxed as she lay in Angel's arms. She closed her eyes feeling his heart beat a steady drum under his skin and breathed in deep, smelling the sweet scent of her own body wash and the combined essence of their lovemaking. She sighed again.

Angel continued to stroke her hair softly, running his hand through her soft spiky hair; he smiled and closed his eyes, feeling her chest rumble against his belly as she purred. It was a nice feeling, he couldn't ever remember feeling this peaceful before, not even on that night. This was so much more than perfect happiness, he mused, this was what life should be.

He was just about to lean down and kiss the top of her head when there was a sudden high-pitched scream from downstairs, a large crash and a sudden quiet as the music stopped. For a second there was absolute silence, even Buffy and Angel held themselves still in anticipation. Then the screaming started. Wails of terror and pain.

Angel and Buffy looked at each other, identical looks of horror on their faces before they both scrambled out of bed. Angel grabbed at his clothes, pulling on the lacy panties and then the leather pants, quickly fastening them and looking around frantically. Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted the bright red halter top and grabbed it. "Where the hell is that damn bra!" he snapped angrily, glancing around desperately.

Buffy quickly pulled her belt closed, grabbed her shirt and looked around. Her eyes flickered around the room; finally she glanced up, smirked and reached up, pulling the bra off the blades of the ceiling fan. Angel's eyes followed her movements, he blushed a deep crimson.

"Oh," he muttered, moving forward and pulling the garment from her fingers. He quickly fastened it around his body and pushing his breast's into them.

Buffy shook her head and chuckled as she pulled her shirt on; sat down on the bed to pull her shoes on as Angel struggled with the fastening of his top. Finally it was on right and he ran to the door, not even bothering to find his shoes.

Buffy jumped to her feet and raced out beside him, her long legs quickly overtaking Angel as they both raced down the hall. The screams were louder now, panicked and full of pain. Buffy set her jaw and as they reached the edge of the stairs she launched herself into the air, landing on her feet like a cat, crouching slightly and placing a palm on the floor to steady herself. Angel followed a step behind, also jumping down the stairs and landing delicately on his bare feet a few feet from Buffy, his blonde hair whipping around his face as he straitened up and looked around frantically.

Buffy got up quickly, ran across the room and grabbed a pool cue. She snapped it over her leg and threw one of the broken pieces behind her to Angel, who snatched it out of the air and turned around looking for the vampires he could sense. He saw one of them terrorizing a few people in the corner, snarling as it advanced on its helpless victims. Angel narrowed his gaze, hefted the makeshift stake in his hand and lunged forward.

Buffy meanwhile spotted another, she snarled, feeling her face shift instinctively as she prepared herself for a fight. She crouched, raised the pool cue and darted forward; grabbing the vampire around the neck, jerking him away from the women he held in his arms and raised her arm to plunge the stake into the middle of his back. The vampire screamed in terror and pain as it slowly crumpled into dust, the fine particles falling into a heap on the floor. Buffy stepped over the pile, wrinkling her nose and looking for another opponent. A few girls ran past, they noticed her face and screamed, their voices high in panic as they backed away from her and ran in the opposite direction. Buffy rolled her eyes and ignored them, her yellow eyes searching through the harsh blue flashing lights for any more vampires. She spotted a female vampire jumping up onto the stage and seizing the guitarist, who had been standing frozen, unable to move as the carnage erupted around him.

The vampire girl seized the hapless man in a powerful grip, tilted his neck to the side and buried her fangs in the side of his neck. Buffy snarled, bearing her fangs in anger and crouched, preparing herself to spring onto the stage.


Meanwhile Angel was fighting a tall burly vampire with a moustache and the worst case of corpse-breath he had ever experience. He wrinkled his nose in disgust as he ducked a punch to the head, retaliating with a swift kick to his stomach that sent the vampire stumbling into the wall, a dazed expression on his face. He smirked in satisfaction, raised the stake to chest hight and thrust it into the vampires chest, directly into it's dead heart. The vampire's eyes widened in disbelief, it looked down with wide eyes and then slowly crumpled into a pile of dust. Angel coughed waving a hand in front of his face to disperse the dust and glanced away.

It was thankful that he did, otherwise he wouldn't have seen the tall thin vampire look around frantically and sneak out the fire exit. His eyes widened.

"Hey," he snapped, grabbing his pool cue and storming after the fleeing vampire "No one said you could leave!" He reached the door and flung it open; he could see the vampire running away in the distance. He glanced behind him, Buffy had just staked another vampire on the stage, there were no more vampires left, only the one that he was chasing after.

He steeled himself and then ran out into the alley, his mouth set in a determined line as he hurried after the vampire. Ahead of him the vampire suddenly stopped, it's way blocked by a dead end. Angel came up behind him, smirking as he raised the stake. The vampire turned towards him with an angry, desperate snarl on it's lips as it crouched and lunged towards him. Angel steadied himself, watching the vampire closely and then dodged to the side at the last minute. As the vampire stumbled past Angel, he reached out and grabbed the vampire by the scruff of his neck and using its momentum swung the vampire around and threw it head-first into the side of the building. The vampire growled, swiped at Angel's hand and lunged forward again, but this time instead of sidestepping, Angel raised the pool cue causing the vampire to impaled himself of the slender piece of wood. The vampires eyes widened and it glanced down in surprise at the stake in his chest, then it glanced up and with and angry expression and slowly crumpled into dust.

A soft chuckle sounded from behind him and he turned around, his eyes wide, his hair whipping behind him. Spike stood a few feet away, a smoke between his lips. The blonde vampire smirked. "So where is tall, dark and brooding?" he asked his voice mocking, quirking an eyebrow.

Angel paused as he realised Spike had no idea of what had happened, the Scoobies had obviously not told the chipped vampire what had happened, and unlike Tara, Spike could not see the difference between their souls. He glared, put the pool cue on the ground and leaned on it.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he told the blonde vampire seriously.

Spike cocked an eyebrow, pulled the cigarette from his mouth, dropped it on the floor and snubbed it out with his boot. Then he sauntered over to him, looking down into his eyes. He stoped a few feet from him and Angel found himself looking up into the blonde vampire's bright blue eyes for the first time in his life. He glared at the other vampire.

Spike chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "There's no point in fooling me, love, I can smell the old bastard on ya." He chuckled and eyed her, flickering his bright blue eyes over his form and smirking. "So where is he?"

Angel's eyes narrowed again, not liking the way Spike eyed his curves, at all! It made him angry. He gritted his teeth, took a step forward and punched Spike in the face. The blonde vampire stumbled back, his hand going to his face as he snarls in anger.

Spike looks up at Angel with an angry look on his face. "What the hell are you playing at Slayer," he growled.

Angel narrowed his eyes. "Don't call me love," he snarled, pulling back his fist and punching Spike again. This time Spike's head snapped to the side and he slumped to the floor. He looked up at Angel, his face shifting as he snarled again. Angel didn't even give him a chance to get to his feet as he took a step forward and kicked him in the head, rendering him unconscious.

Angel smirked and took a step back; he tossed his hair over his shoulder, picked up his makeshift stake and turned around, heading back up to the Bronze. He chuckled to himself, running down the street in his bare feet. He got to the front door of the building, paused for a second and then slipped inside.

It was chaos; chairs and tables were overturned, people were crying, huddling in corners as they clutched at their wounds. Angel glanced around, stepping over all the glass on the floor carefully and running towards the back of the club. He took a deep breath, trying to sense Buffy in all the chaos but his human nose was nowhere near strong enough. He wanted to scream in frustration, his entire body hummed with anticipation when he felt a tingle up his spine. He froze, his eyes opening wide, and turned around. Buffy was a few feet away, stumbling to her feet behind the drum set, a bloody cut on her forehead. When she saw him she rushed forward, jumped down from the stage, and threw herself against his smaller body.

Angel gave a little grunt, stumbled back a step and automatically raised his arms to wrap around her quivering body. "Buffy…Buffy, its ok," he whispered. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Buffy leaned back, keeping her arms wrapped around his small waist as she looked down at him. "Sorry" she muttered before she noticed the look on his face. She froze "What's wrong?" she asked quickly

Angel winced "He called me love," he pouted, turning his head and leaning his cheek against her chest.

Buffy paused, one of her hands rising to smooth back his hair soothingly "Who?" she asked quietly

Angel made a face. "Spike," he muttered shuddering.

Buffy's eyes widened slightly before she chuckled softly and shook her head. Angel looked up at her, his eyes narrowing angrily at her obviously amusement "It's not funny," he snapped angrily

She giggled again. "Of course it is!"

Angel grumbled and rolled his eyes. "It's really not. He better not call me that again," he snapped angrily, rolling his shoulders back. "It's disgusting."

Buffy smirked, leaned down and kissed his mouth swiftly. "I doubt he realised it was you," she murmured. "I hardly think the others told him, he's not exactly in the loop with most things. He just helps out occasionally, in return for blood and cash."

Angel glared. "You give him cash?"

Buffy shrugs. "Giles does, sometimes…he helped Giles when he was a demon a few weeks ago," she told him

Angel moved away, sighing and tilting his head to the side. "Great," he muttered. "Captain Peroxide is helping you, it's almost funny." he shook his head. "I never would have believed it."

Buffy shrugged. "It's the chip. If he didn't have it, I would stake him in a heartbeat."

"So why don't you?" asked Angel.

Buffy gave him a look. "Because he can't harm humans, how can I hunt something that can't fight back, that's not what a Slayer is about,"

Angel gazed at her for a second, looking into her dark eyes and finding her bright glowing soul. He frowned. "You're really something, you know that?" he whispered, reaching up and brushing his hands through her short dark hair.

Buffy smirked. "Yeah, I'm something…" She gazed down at herself. "Too bad I don't even know what that is."

Angel smirked and chuckled, standing on his tiptoes and kissing her softly on the mouth. His eyes closing slowly as her lips wrapped around his and her arms pulled him close. He could feel her large cool body pushing against his small one, and he shivered in delight.

Buffy's chest rumbled softly as she started purring again.


A few minutes later they were heading out of the club again, their arms wrapped around each other as Angel leaned his head against Buffy's shoulder. He was wearing the heels again, having gone up the stairs again to get them. He tottered along, wobbling slightly and holding onto Buffy for support.

Buffy found it hard not to laugh; Angel was clearly did not like the heels. They walked to the old convertable, Angel let go of Buffy's waist and walked around to get into the driver's seat. Buffy smirked and jumped over the door, settling herself comfortably into the passenger seat as Angel delicately opened the door and eased himself into the driver's seat.

He started the car and backed out of the parking space, looking over his shoulder as he reversed. Buffy watched him intently, a calculating smirk on her face. She smiled, reached out and placed a large cool hand on his thigh, squeezing it slowly. Angel jumped slightly, startled and sucked in a breath.

He glanced towards her, shifting in his seat as his whole body tingled. Buffy smirked again, and slowly ran her hand down his thigh to his knee. Angel took a deep breath, sucking in a breath as he closed his eyes momentarily.

They were a few blocks away from the Bronze now, halfway to Giles house and Buffy continued to run her hand slowly over his thighs. Touching him slightly and causing his whole body to hum.

Finally he couldn't take it any more; he pulled over, parking the car on the curb and swiftly turning the engine off. He threw himself across the seat, setting himself in her lap and wrapping his arms around her neck as he kissed her passionately. Buffy laughed, wrapped her arms around his waist and thrust a tongue into his mouth. Tasting her as he grinned and thrust his pelvis against her. Buffy gasped, her eyes rolling in her head as Angel's scent reached her nostrils.

She grabbed his hips, holding him still as she thrust up, her cock suddenly hard and aching.

Angel moaned softly, leaned back and placed his hands on her belt, frantically pulling at the straps and reaching inside to pull her out. At the same time Buffy tugged at his pants, undoing the buttons and easing the leather down over his thighs. Angel reached between his legs, grabbed his panties and pulled the flimsy cotton to the side as he positioned himself over her weeping cock and thrust downwards, impaling himself on her quivering member.

Buffy screamed as she felt herself slid into his wet passage. She took a deep breath, kneaded the skin on his hips and slowly moved him up and down, there bodies coming together frantically. Angel gripped her shoulders desperately as he bobbed up and down, his slick entrance enabling her to slide in and out easily.

They were both coming fast, their breathing was harsh. Angel was sweating slightly, his breasts quivering as his chest heaved with each breath. Tingles raced up his spine and he knew he was close, he thrust down again, Buffy's cock hitting that sweet spot inside him until he screamed, throwing his head back as his muscled quivered with his release, his juices flowing down his thighs.

Buffy came a moment later, she gripped his hips and held his quivering body still as she thrust up with one powerful movement of her hips. She felt the pressure suddenly release as his muscled quivered in response. She groaned, moving her hips shallowly back and forth as she released her cool seed.

Angel stilled, leaned forward and pressed his cheek on her shoulder. After a few minutes Buffy felt herself start to soften and Angel pulled himself away, tugging his panties back in place, pulling his pants back up his thighs and fastening them quickly.

Buffy ran a hand through her hair, and stuffed herself back into her pants as Angel shimmied back into the driver's seat and turned the car back on. He glanced up, and looked into the rear-view mirror, fluffing his hair and smoothing a few tendrils back from his face.

Buffy took a deep breath and sighed contentedly as Angel pulled back onto the road and headed towards Giles' apartment.


Giles paced around his apartment, his hands clasped behind his back. He was anxious; it was almost five and Buffy and Angel were nowhere to be seen. Xander, Anya, Willow and Tara were waiting patiently. Willow and Tara had gotten all the ingredients ready and had set them out on the table.

Like Giles had mentioned to Angel before, the spell was simple, involving a few sprinkles of some herbs and other ingredients in an urn, then sprinkling the concoction over their hands.

Giles was surprised actually, normally these things didn't go quite so easy. He supposed they needed some luck at some point. He shook his head again, where the hell were they?


Angel sighed in relief as he pulled the big car in front of Giles' apartment for the second, and final time that night. It was almost five; they were running late. Normally this would bother him, not this time. He smirked to himself as he killed the engine, and opened the door to step daintily out of the car. Buffy hopped over the door, not bothering to open it and landed on her feet. She looked around and headed down the stairs with Angel trailing behind.

They both walked into Giles' apartment, identical masks on their faces. Giles whipped around. "Where the hell…" he paused, his eyes opening wide as he noticed Buffy's half-open shirt and mussed hair and Angel's fancy outfit and high heels.

He blinked, completely at a loss of what to say.

Xander's eyes widened and he whistles "Wow, fancy!" Angel glared at the boy, walked around the table and sat in one of the chairs, placing an elbow on the backrest and looking around the room.

Buffy smirked. "We went to the Bronze, we we're bored." She shrugged.

They all looked interested. "Did Angel shake his thang?" Xander asked with a chuckle. Angel glared and rolled his eyes, while Buffy giggled.

"You're kidding right?" he snapped, glancing down. "This top would have fallen off!"

Buffy rolled her eyes. "You're being paranoid," she snapped. She turned to Xander and grinned. "We just kinda chilled and Angel had French fries and Onion flowers," she told him.

Xander cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, did you like them?" he asked

Angel shrugged. "The French fries were great, but the onion flower things were kind of strange…" he paused and looked towards Buffy.

"How do they get them into that shape anyway?" he mused

Buffy shrugged. "I don't know, I don't have them… onions are just bad news,"

"I think they cut them and then deep-fry them," Tara whispered softly

Giles gave a little cough. "Um…children, can we get back to the point please," he muttered, taking his glasses of and polishing them quickly. "We only have a little time."

Angel blushed and shifted in his seat. "Sorry," he muttered

Willow and Tara both got up and walked to the table. "This should be fairly simple," the red headed witch told them both. "It's just a matter of mixing a few things in this sacred Egyptian urn, sprinkling it over you both and then saying a string of fancy-swanky words!" She giggled.

Angel quirked an eyebrow. "Piece of cake," he smirked

Willow laughed. "As always." She turned and picked up the sacred urn while Tara grabbed the herbs and a few other ingredients and sprinkled them into the bowl. When that was done, Willow motioned to Angel and Buffy to come over to her. They stood on either side, facing each other identical looks of interest and anticipation on their faces.

"Ok," she told them quietly. "Just put your arm out and clasp each others hand. This should work almost instantly."

Angel and Buffy did as she said holding each other's hand in a tight, desperate grip. Buffy screwed her eyes shut, she couldn't watch. Angel smirked and slowly closed his eyes, waiting to see if this worked, his body shifting anxiously.

Willow reached for the ancient urn in Tara's hand and slowly put her hand in and brought out a handful of the mixed, powdered herbs and other special ingredients. She raised her hand and sprinkled the powder over Angel and Buffy's entwined hands, then slowly, carefully, she recited a few memorised words in Latin, making sure that she pronounced each word slowly and carefully.

A fine golden mist emerged from the closed eyes of the vampire and the slayer, their souls. The golden mist floated across the distance between them and quickly back into their respective bodies.

Angel, now in his own body took a deep unneeded breath feeling his chest move slightly as he breathed out. Buffy coughed and choked and then cracked an eye open. "Oh, breathing…right," she muttered clutching at her chest and taking a deep breath. Her wide hazel eyes opened with alarm as she started breathing again.

Angel opened his eyes, blinked and looked around. He smiled. "It worked!" He took a hasty step towards the witch and threw his arms around Willow's shoulders. "Thank you," he gushed before he took a step back, looking slightly embarrassed.

Willow beamed happily while Tara ducked her head, a small smile on her face. Buffy glanced over at the two witches, grinned and then turned and looked at Angel.

"Now that is such a relief." She chuckled and glanced down as she ran her hand down her arm, bouncing on the balls of her feet and laughing. "It's good to be in my own skin again." She giggled and placed her hands on her breasts. "I have boobs again!"

Angel laughed, as he looked down at himself, fluffed up his hair and then smirked. "Finally, I don't have to look up at anyone."

Buffy scowled. "I told you, I'm not short…I'm fun sized." Angel quirked an eyebrow which caused Buffy's eyes to widen in alarm, and she glanced away hastily.

Xander coughed loudly. "So… dead boy, now that you're well, you. Are you going now?" The dark haired man glared at the vampire.

"It's going to get light and burny soon," he reminded him.

Angel glared but glanced behind him to look out the window. He sighed, glancing at Buffy with regret in his dark gaze and nodded. "Yeah, it's going to take a good hour to get back to LA with my driving,"

Buffy sighed, not wanting him to go. She enjoyed the night they had just spent with each other, but now it was almost morning and everything was back to normal. Angel still had his curse; nothing had changed except the memories were so much more recent. She glanced down and nodded. "It's probably for the best," she whispered.

Glancing up she noticed Angel looked just as unhappy as she felt. Willow and Tara both looked on awkwardly as Buffy took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Angel's solid body. Leaning forward she leaned her head against his chest, smiled briefly before she slowly stepped back and let her arms fall to her sides, a few tears shimmering in the corners of her eyes.

Angel looked just as bad, his eyes were full of pain and he looked down at Buffy with an unhappy look on his face, it physically hurt when he felt her move away from him.

Giles cleared his throat pointedly while Xander continued to glare at the former lovers.

Buffy bit her lip. "So I guess I'll see you later," she murmured her eyes sad.

Angel nodded looking down. "Later," he confirmed softly.

Anya looked between the vampire and the Slayer with curiosity. She smiled widely. "Isn't this a good thing?" she asked softly. "I mean you can't stay here!"

Angel eyes briefly flashed yellow in anger before Buffy took a step towards the former vengeance demon and started to explain, not really knowing herself why.

"Yeah, we know he has to go, but it doesn't make it easier." She glanced behind her shoulder and caught Angel's eye.

Anya blinked, nodded slowly in understanding. "Well, I suppose," she muttered and then brightened. "Oh well, look on the bright side, at least it was only one night. Imagine what it would have been like if this had gone on. No telling what you too would have done then," she announced.

Buffy froze her eyes opening wide, she glanced at Angel noticing he almost looked amused, he coughed. "No kidding," he muttered looking her directly in the eye.

Buffy caught his eyes and then smirked slowly, the corners of her mouth twitching humorously as she remembered the night they had just spent together. "Yeah, lucky us," she whispered huskily, her eyes twinkling.

A/N: Tada. Finished. I hope you all liked this short little musie-beast of a story. Buffy's little rant of "I'm not short, I'm fun sized" is actually a quote I've seen on a few T-Shirts. If I wasn't so tall I would totally wear a T-Shirt that said that!

Angel 'shacking his thang' just cracks me up!

Anyway, just wanted to say a big thankyou to everyone who has been reading and reviewing, or if you've added this to you're alerts. It mean's so much to me! I was a bit surprised at the amount of positive feedback this story has received! So, yeah…thanks guys and girls. You rock!

