What if Redux : "I'm not EVE!"

Desclaimer: not mine

Open pervious chapter for more details (AN, legends, summary, genre, rate, etc). I'm too lazy to write the same thing over and over again.

Kapitel X interlude: The Message

Ayanami sighed heavily, he knew something bad would happen…but he couldn't do anything. Not when he had a lot of problems on his table. He massaged his temple in frustration. "Say again, Lady K?"

The lady sighed too. "For the love of Chief of Heaven….I told you once, I don't want to repeat it again."

"Why?" he replied.

"You're my superior, you should know why…you can read my mind!" she snapped at him.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to be polite, Milady," he said sarcastically.

While both of them threw insults at each others…the Emperor of Barsburg face palmed. "Okay, okay, both of you…stop it. you're being childish right now."

Ayanami gave the Emperor half-hearted glare. "Hn."

Lady K scowled. "Whatever, I have to go back to them. They need me more than you people. By the way, don't be LATE."

As the woman flied away in her real-form, Bastian glanced at Ayanami. "So?"

Ayanami shook his head in defeat. "I told you humans why sometimes I HATE Him already…" he mumbled in disdain. He groaned slightly, "Tell me what I should do now?"

"'This war will cost you someone important, Lord of Darkness…', was she said…" Bastian said as he rubbed his chin, "'just as the book of Fate stated.'" Bastian raised from his seat. "I have to go back to Jio-sama…I'll find a way to fix this….I hope."

"Please," the silver-haired general muttered before went back to sit right in front of his Emperor. "Tell me, Your Majesty…what should I do?"

The Emperor gave him a sad smile. "I don't know, Ayanami…I don't know…"


AN: oookay….after some…unimportant filler…next chapter will be the real Kapitel X. and…eh? There will be…unexpected twist (I hope that you people didn't expected it…and I hope this twist will be original/the first twist in this fandom, since I hardly read fanfic nowadays…) Hmm…just hoping that you won't KILL me or flame me for that…heh~ so..ciao~ ::Runs away::

Ps. Suddenly I forgot about the next twist/plot. ::sweatdropped::

R&R please c: