
Chapter 10

{Bones Manor}

As if time stood still both women were unsure what to say with what Harry just told them. Tonks mind was in turmoil as her heart seems to break in half. The only thing going through her mind was sorrow and regret, regret for not telling him sooner about the way she felt.

Tonks didn't know when she started to feel this way for Harry, maybe it was the first time she met him at Privet Drive the previous summer or maybe it was when she overheard him asking about her from Prof. McGonagall. At first she was a little upset that they were talking about her behind her back, but after hearing some of the things that were being said she realized that Harry had only been a little curious about her and wanted learn more about her. At first she wondered why he didn't come to her, but after given it a few second of thought she believe that he was just scared to ask her.

But ever since that day she would try her best to get to know Harry and learn more about him. She tried doing that by hang out with him any chance she could get or mail him like she had been doing over the summer by trying to help him. After getting to know him over the last year she couldn't help but slowly fall for him, as she compared him to other males she had met over the years. He always treated her with respect and not once had her ever asked her to change or looked at her like she was a piece of meat. But now before she even got the chance to tell him her feelings, she lost him even before she was even born or something from what she could understand.

Before Tonks and Amelia could say anything in regards on what Ichigo had just told them, Susan who everyone seemed to have forgotten spoke up. "That's a lot to take in Harry may I ask how long were you two together before the incident sixteen years ago?" asked the shy redhead from her seat that was besides the couch Amelia and Tonks were sitting on.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow at the weird question wondering why the shy girl wanted to know how long he and Yoruichi were together before. "Back then we have know each other for three years but have been together for two years," he replied to her question and then he said, "I understand your curiosity about me and Yoruichi but I'm not very comfortable talking about our relationship, so please don't ask any more questions?" Ichigo asked them as he saw them nod their heads.

"I believe ladies that we have more important things to talk about like about what are we going to do about Dumbles." he asked again as the women in the room all nodded their heads once again in agreement. "He is right you know lets concentrate on that for now as the Will reading is tomorrow, anything else can wait until later." Spoke Yoruichi from the door way.

Everyone turned to look at her the moment she started to speak. Tonks from her seat could help but feel jealous of Yoruichi, as she noticed the way Ichigo was looking at her. But she couldn't help but admit that Yoruichi is one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen, now that she had the chance to study her.

"I agree, let's get back our current problem" spoke Amelia as she got up from her seat and started to pace back and forth trying to come up with a possible solution for the Will reading. "Even if we succeed tomorrow and get Ha- I mean Ichigo what is rightfully his, Dumbledore has too much power and will do everything he can to get his hand on you Ichigo," Amelia continued to say after a few minutes of thought but was interrupted by Yoruichi that started to laugh.

"Normally you would be right, but the moment Ichigo woken his powers and memories and the Soul Society got involved that changes everything" stated Yoruichi as she couldn't help but smirk like she know something that they didn't. "What do you mean?" asked Susan.

"You see when the first magical communities came to power it caused a large group of spiritual powered people to gather together; as you know wizards and witches have more spiritual energy than regular people outside the dead zone, and because of the large gathering of so much spiritual energy. Vasto lorde the only hallows that can leave the dead zone came and started to cause havoc and so the Soul Society had no choice but to stop them. The magical communities that were still young could not do anything to stop the Vasto lorde but thanks to the Soul Society they were stopped, the Soul Society then helped them establish their governments fully. The magical communities to show their gratitude, they place in the very charter of the governments that if the Soul Society needs their help or if the government is having issues and that the Soul Society feels the need to step in. then they have the power to do so," answered Yoruichi still smirking letting what she said sink in.

"You mean that the Soul Society has the right to come in and take over any magical government and no one can do anything about it because its apart of their charters and if they try to do anything then they all will lose their magic, because it apart of the magical binding contract that all employees must sign before they can work for the Ministry," stated Amelia in realization.

"Yes," was Yoruichi's only reply.

"There is one issue, it can't be anyone from the Soul Society it must be either the Captain-Commander or a Captain who has orders from the Commander with the signature of the Captain-Commander. It was done like that so not just anyone could take over the magical communities," spoke someone from behind the three witches with only Yoruichi and Ichigo seeing her.

"But you guys are in luck, because not only do you already have a Captain but I also have the orders from the Captain-Commander with me," spoke a young looking woman who stepped out of the shadows. "It's good to see you again Ichi-kun," spoke the busty strawberry blonde lieutenant of the 10th division Rangiku Matsumoto.

"It's good to see you too Rangiku," said Ichigo truly glad to see her, as he had became good friends with her during the whole war with Aizen.

Before the war had truly broke out he only knew her in passing but that all changed when during one of the many battles against Aizen, Rangiku managed to kill Ichimaru. It had been a major victory for the Soul Society, as Aizen had lost one of his strongest; while everyone had been parting Ichigo had noticed that Rangiku was missing and that no one else had notice her absent. He had decided to look for her, and eventually found her in her room in the 10th division headquarters. He had found her crying, at first he wasn't sure why, but he managed to overhear her softly mumble to herself on why did Ichimaru have to betrayed her. When he heard what she was saying to herself he then remembered Rukia telling him that Ichimaru and Rangiku had been friends for years and that it was believed that the two were seeing each other.

He had entered the room and he hugged her letting her continue to cry on his shoulder for over an hour as she told him everything about her relationship with Ichimaru, about how they had been friends for a long time but that they had never been a couple as everyone else thought. That night had been special to both of them as they both had given their virginities to each other, the only person that knew about Ichigo giving his virginity was Yoruichi and no one else knew that Rangiku had been a virgin, as most thought she was slut that would do anything to get laid or that she had been in a relationship with Ichimaru which all her friends had thought.

Rangiku was very happy to see Ichigo again; she was glad that he was finally back. She couldn't help but slowly check Ichigo out and blush. He was even more attractive than before he still looked the same as the last time she had seen him but with many differences, his hair, eyes, scar, and some other minor things. Over the years since Ichigo disappeared, she couldn't help but realize how important he had become to her in such a short time. She couldn't help bite her lip and her eyes to water, and stop herself from pouncing onto Ichigo and crying.

Ichigo noticed that she looked ready to cry, so he got up and started and took her into his arms as he hugged her to his body as he whispered to her how happy he is to see her again, and that he is sorry if he worried her. She finally broke down and started to cry against Ichigo.

Tonks couldn't help but feel both jealous and self-conscious about the women in Ichigo's arms. The woman was extremely beautiful and had a body that any woman would kill for; but what bothers her most is Ichigo's reaction when he saw her. She was the way his eyes lighted up when he was her and how his eyes burn with the same passion as he had been looking at Yoruichi with.

"So what brings you here Rangiku?" asked Ichigo after he let her go once she stopped crying.

"I am here on orders from the Captain-Commander," she finally said, "He decided after the report Yoruichi submitted that it best you have power over the Ministry; but he also thought you would like some back up, so it was decide that for me and a few other to come and assist you," she finished saying.

"Very well, so who else came with you and where are they?" he asked as he took two envelopes from Rangiku. The first was for the Minister of Magic and the second one was his orders. He opened the envelope and quickly scanned through its contents, as he listens to Rangiku.

"Along with me are also Ikkaku, Momo, and Isane," she stated as she once again found herself checking out Ichigo, which got a very amused look from Yoruichi and jealous look from Tonks.

"So what are your orders from the Captain-Commander Ichigo?" asked a very curious Yoruichi who had no idea what the Captain-Commander orders might be.

"Well it would seem that my orders or to do as I see fit and state as long as I possibly need to, and that the Soul Society can handle without me for a few more years," said Ichigo who couldn't help but smirk, he also could hear his two new Zanpakuto deviously laughing in his mind.

"Shit..." was the only thought that was running through the mind of the only non soul reapers in the room, as they saw Ichigo's smirk turn into a devilish grin and his eyes started to glow with an unholy light to them.



At Hogwarts in the headmaster's office we could see Albus Dumbledore sitting at his desk trying to come up with a plan to get Harry back under his control.

"That blasted boy is giving me to much trouble, but thankfully from what Amelia has told me the boy is still in a coma. So I mustn't worry about the boy showing up tomorrow for the Will reading," thought Dumbledore as he stroked his long beard, but he couldn't help but feel that something bad was going to happen tomorrow. Pushing the thought out of his mind we popped a lemon drop into his mouth.

If Dumbledore had looked behind him, he would have notice the disappointed look Fawkes was giving him. And if you could read the phoenixes mind you would hear, "Youwillreapwhatyousowoldfool,"

{Ministry of Magic} {Early Next Morning}

It was early in the morning in the Ministry and the two guards had just replaced the last shift. It had been very quite with only a few people that come are in so early. Both guards were both startled when there was a large group of people all wearing dark robes approaching. But before they could alert Aurors for a possible attack they notice that the head of DMLE Amelia Bones was leading the group with Auror Tonks following besides her.

"Madam Bones are these people with you?" asked one of the guards once the large group was close enough.

"Yes, they are we are here to speak with the Minister, it is very urgent I hope that he is in his office?" asked Amelia as she showed her badge along with Tonks. "And also you do not need for them to check their wands in as they don't have their wands with them," then Amelia said before the guards could ask for their wands.

The guards looked at each other unsure what to do. After several silent seconds both guards gave them the ok to move along. As Madam Bones and her group moved forward the guards couldn't help but feel a cold shiver run down their spines as the tallest member of the group pass by them. And the only thing they could see from the figures shrouded face was a single emerald green eye glowing in the darkness. Both guards could help but freeze in place as the single eye seemed to be looking into their souls and the air around them seemed to get colder. But that feeling disappeared the moment the figure passed by them.


That's the of Chapter 10...

Note: I have official added Rangiku to the harem and plan to add one final member and that person will be from the Harry Potter world so please check out my poll and please vote...

I wish to apologize for the long wait for this chapter. I know its been nearly a year since the last update I have been very busy, so busy that the only thing I do on my free time anymore has been sleeping and homework. I can't promise that I will be able to update regularly but I will try my best as my life sadly for all of you comes first. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of Harry Potter and the Unleashed Soul until next time...