Wow, I can't believe this started out as a cute little brain storming one-shot and has become my most successful story. Thank you guys so much for all your support you really make me love writing this twice as much.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I've gained a recent addiction to Twitter, but here I am now.

I do not own Starstruck, I also do not know Sterling Knight yet, both are a work in progress. :)

"What" Jessica said in shock.

"OMJ WHAT" Sara squealed. "I HAVE to meet him." Among other things.

"Why is everybody screaming.?" They heard Stubby's voice coming towered them from down the hall.

"Oh hey man, you find a Subway?"

"Yeah, but the screaming?"

"Yeah this ones pretty funny." He chuckled "Sara's moved on from me."

"Good" Stubby smiled hopefully.

"But now, she's obsessed with Chad." Chris started cracking up earning him odd looks from Jessica and Sara.

"As in Dylan Cooper. As in your brother." Jessica was the only one who noticed Sutbby's smile fall as he began laughing.

In case you were wondering instead of OMG my friends and I say OMJ. It means Oh my Jonas.

Well this is epically short, but I like ending on little OOOO moments like this. I'll have another chapter up REALLY soon tomorrow, or even tonight. :)

Also As I previously stated I now have a Twitter it's PRETTYbandie if you guys want to follow me. I usually post new ideas, when I'm typing, when I'm posting, etc. up there.