Kyoko and Ren don't react to the kiss in this chapter that will come later. It just didn't fit here. I tried it but they didn't act normal. It works better to put the situation into the next day.

Sorry to ZP8892, this chapter isn't very long either. I think a long one is coming.

Disclaimers apply

Chapter 11 The Inn

When Ren and Kyoko walked into the inn that evening they were shocked. The town didn't look that big but the main room was packed. There was smoke in the air from pipes and the lamps on the tables were the only source of light, with the exception of the big on hanging from the ceiling.

Jen pulled the two towards the bar and started speaking to the inn keeper. "Butterbur have you found anyone to help out with the situation of these two?" Kyoko looked at the man named Butterbur; he was big but had a gay smile.

"Yes I have," he said through his mustache and beard. "The mayor says that for the festival this year some people from the main land are coming in. It's possible the two love birds could catch a ride with them back. Kyoko became embarrassed at the man calling them "love birds" but then she realized Ren had his arm around her waist. Kyoko didn't know it but Ren wanted to give a very strong impression that she was his, and nobody was to touch her.

"What festival?" Ren asked looking between Jen and Butterbur.

"The island has an annual festival and this year it is being held here in Portsmouth. Islanders from all over Cadian Island go to the festival, and so the inns always fill up. That's why you couldn't stay here last night, Butterbur had no more room." Jen explained to them.

"Is there only one inn?" Kyoko asked.

"There are three others but mine is the best if I do say so myself." Butterbur said with a smile from ear to ear. "The mayor's not here tonight but why don't you two go and mingle with the towns folk, have some fun." To emphasize his words Jen pushed them into the crowd of people.

Ren tightened his grip on Kyoko's waist so they wouldn't be separated. "Ha-ha you two look lost." A voice said from behind. Kyoko and Ren turned to see a young man of about twenty speaking to them. "You must be the newly weds Old Man Tucker fished out of the sea. Why don't you come and sit with me and my friends?" He turned to lead the way to a nearby table occupied by three other young adults. "By the way my name is Yusuke and this is my fiancé Yim." He said sitting next to a pretty blonde.

"My name's Karu," the read head female said.

"I'm Kurama," the dark haired male said. "Hey are you guys going to be here for the festival?" Kurama asked eagerly.

"Yes," Ren replied seating Kyoko then himself.

"That's awesome!" Yelled Karu. "You two would complete our team! We need six people but we only have four. Would you please compete with us?" Karu begged. Ren and Kyoko looked at each other unsure of how to answer but Yusuke spoke for them.

"They only just arrived here last night; give them time to think about it. And you didn't even give them a chance to introduce themselves." Kyoko jumped up in horror at being so rude as to forget to introduce herself. She quickly bowed in greeting. "My name is Kyoko Tsuruga," Ren felt a jolt at his sur name being attached to Kyoko (even if it was just a surname). "And this is my husband Ren." Kyoko was glad she was bowing because that meant no one could see her blush.

"Wow so you two really are married," Karu said pouting. "Why are all the good looking ones taken?"

"Hey! I'm right here ya know." Kurama blurted in exasperation. Karu, Yusuke, and Tim just laughed at the joke. It made Ren and Kyoko feel a little easier.

That night they mostly just sat and listened to the conversation of the other four. Ren was feeling ready to sleep when Yim winked at him and pointed towards Kyoko. She was fast asleep leaning on the table. Ren smiled down at her tenderly and kissed her hair. Then he picked her up princess style and faced their companions for the evening. "Good night and thank you for welcoming us." Ren said using his gentlemanly smile. Ren turned and made his way through the crowd to the door. Someone opened it for him on his way out. Beck up at the house Ren laid Kyoko down gently and lay down beside her after changing.

Seeing someone carried out of the inn princess style was unusual. Ren had been too preoccupied with his beloved wife to notice, but the inn had gone silent watching him leave. One set of eyes was glaring.


If you have any ideas for activities at the festival please let me know. I've only got a couple.

Thank you for reading and reviewing.