A/N: So, this is an AU. I have no idea where so don't even bother asking. Don't know how long the story will be, but I will try to update as often as possible, although I can't guarantee long chapters every time. Hope you guys enjoy, and reviews, please. They make my day, even if they're constructive criticism. No flames, please.

PS: Kawari means 'change' in Japanese

Disclaimer: *Check's Naruto episode* Nope, my name's still not in the credits. Guess I still don't own it then.


Tenten has been a poor girl her whole life. She struggles to make ends meet alone since her father is unable to help her. When her father is arrested, Social Services comes and takes her away. Her foster parents send her to the top high school in the country: Konoha High. Everyone there is rich and talented and Tenten struggles to find her place. Things only get more complicated when the mysterious boy Neji Hyuuga comes waltzing into her life. She had better prepare herself because her life has now taken an unexpected...


Tenten fidgeted in her seat on the bus, picking at the dust on the base of the window. It was second time this year she'd moved. She tried not to think about why this had happened.

Tenten's dad always had problems. There were times he came home with women he barely knew. He got drunk a lot, and a lot of people were fearful for Tenten's safety. But she loved him nonetheless. That's what happens when they're the only family you have anymore.

Shit. The tears were threatening; Tenten turned her face up to keep them from pouring down, and she certainly didn't need the makeup her foster mother had so carefully applied to be streaming everywhere.

He gets arrested, again. Tenten doesn't have the money to bail him out, so she takes care of herself for a while. A few months later, the Social Services come in. And they take her away. Away from him, the only family she has left. It's useless to say it didn't break her.

She pulled out a tissue and dabbed at the running mascara. Maybe she should have persisted more in saying she didn't want makeup.

The first nights were horrible. She kept having nightmares. Her foster parents understood, though. They put up with it, and let her stay home for a month before they sent her to school again.

The bus came to a skidding halt. Tenten stood, still uselessly wiping at the black streaks. She knew she looked horrible. She thought with a homesick pang that her sister would've helped her now; except, well, Tenten didn't know where she was anymore. Years ago, she ran away and left Tenten alone with a drunken, unstable dad. She was bitter towards her, but she still cried herself to sleep about how she missed her big sister.

She didn't want to be last off the bus, so she stood and lost herself in the clamoring crowd trying to get off. She ducked her head down, her face invisible under all the coats and backpacks.

She shuffled herself obediently off the bus and hurried over invisibly to the corner of the opening courtyard, trying not to look at anybody. She hid herself behind a tree while she continued to wipe at the running makeup, thinking that the last thing she needed was to be stared at by her classmates. While doing so, she examined the building. It was a large, gray stone building with classic marble bricks built into it. A stylish steel plate reading the name of the school was placed above the sets of double glass doors. Konoha High. The most elite in the Fire Country. Her foster parents were rich indeed if they could afford her tuition at a place like this.

She gasped inwardly at how expensive and high class this place looked. The windows were all perfectly clean, revealing the modern light fixtures and furniture within. The students around were wearing preppy clothing, the complete opposite of what Tenten used to wear, emphasis on used to. The girls were all wearing navy skirts and pristine tops, added with a personal touch of a cashmere scarf, designer hat or metallic sandals. The guys Tenten would've assumed gay from their clothing if not for their broad physiques. Kid you not; every guy there could've been a model. Tenten wore the exact same thing, courtesy of her generous rich foster parents. The school and outfit had been the only charities she accepted; any more and she might've felt nauseous at the pure expense of it all.

Although she would never admit it, she did have to scavenge for her outfit sometimes in the past. When your only other family won't work and you're a student yourself, you have to watch the budget…a lot. Besides, the stuff people threw away wasn't always half bad. Maybe a rip here, a hole there, but nothing too noticeable. If she just washed it, people wouldn't even notice. At least, that's what she tricked herself into believing. No one had the guts to say it to her face after she demonstrated her physical prowess in gym, but she heard them whispering about her all the time. So she earned a reputation as a cheating, poor and robbing thug. And she took it because she wouldn't let anyone ever damage her pride. Never.

She didn't fit in here. Everyone here was rich, smart, beautiful, perfect, just…happy. Things she had never been able to call herself.

An automatic speaker clicked on, shaking Tenten from her reverie. A soothing feminine, robotic voice warped on, alerting students to their classes. Once again hastily checking her bag for her books and wiping her face messily once more, she hurried in, her new low black heels tripping her the whole way up the stairs. She straightened her twin buns, hoping they weren't in too much disarray. She pushed through the doors, jaw hitting the floor.

The opening hallway was massive. A glass, overarching ceiling ran down a long, huge hallway. Several crystal lights hung on the stark white walls, glittering from the bright light pouring in. The floor was all white marble with specks of gray and black. Small, creamy colored marble fountains scattered center of the whole hall, spraying glimmering droplets into the air. Several exotic looking flowers were stationed everywhere you looked.

Soft leather chairs rested on plush carpets in groups all along the hallway. Students sat there, poring over textbooks or flashcards. A few students were sitting at the rims of the fountains, gossiping and laughing. The rest of the student body was either buying food at the enormous buffet line placed off to the side of the hallway or hurrying to class, scrambling through the doorways.

Suddenly, someone bumped into Tenten, crying out in surprise. Tenten let out a surprised oof!

Tenten turned around to see a pale, blue eyed blonde girl on the floor, a couple of her bag's contents spilling out, an indignant expression on her face. She hurriedly gathered them up, casting Tenten an impatient glare.

"Stop standing there like a moron and clogging up the hallway!" she shot at her angrily while shouldering her pack.

Tenten's mouth was wide open. The earlier awe of seeing the main hallway hadn't worn off yet.

"What, are you stupid?" she waved her hand in front of Tenten's face, other hand on her hip, looking for a reaction. "Uh, whatever, I'm leaving." She started to stomp off before a large hand snatched her hand firmly and pulling her back in front of Tenten.

"Ino, is that really any way to treat the new girl?" the boy said lazily. He had slightly spiky hair and an extremely bored expression on his face.

Ino just hmphed and stubbornly turned her head the other way. The boy sighed and looked at Tenten apologetically.

"I'm sorry about her. She can be really troublesome sometimes; believe me, I know, she's my girlfriend." He shook his head, annoyed, and then pointed a thumb at Ino. "Ino Yamanaka." Then he patted his own chest. "Shikamaru Nara."

Tenten extended her hand. "I'm Tenten." However impolite, she didn't like disclosing her last name. Every time she said it, she remembered her father, and felt ashamed and depressed at the same time.

Shikamaru noticed Tenten's dejected expression and leaned down, examining her face. "You OK?"

Tenten shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yeah, just…nerves, I guess."

"Huh," Shikamaru clasped his hands casually behind his head. "I guess that's understandable."

It was quiet and awkward for a moment, Tenten shifting her weight unevenly and nervously between the black heels. Shikamaru looked like he was about to doze off. Ino stood there, exchanging her gaze between Tenten and the ground. Finally, Ino just sighed and turned around again, her expression exasperated.

"I'm sorry, I can't stand it anymore. Your makeup is horrid; it's just cruel to let someone walk off looking like that." She opened her pack and brought out an enormous makeup bag, taking out a sponge and brush and lightly dabbing at the ruined color palette on Tenten's face.

Tenten sneezed as the foundation irritated her nose, and giggled at the ticklish sensation of the brush on her cheeks.

"Try and stop moving...I'm almost done..." Ino put away her brush and examined her handiwork, turning her head this way and that. She walked in a circle around Tenten, straightening her clothes or brushing a stray hair out. Finally, she stood in front of Tenten, saying disappointedly.

"Not much more I can do...sorry about that. At least you look somewhat presentable." Tenten turned her gaze over to the side at the buffet line, examining her reflection in the chrome counter. She looked better than she usually did at school; a hell of a lot better than she was a few minutes ago.

"No, I like it." Tenten insisted. "I look better than usual."

Ino stared, as if shocked by the statement, and then shrugged it off standing on her tiptoes and planting a kiss on Shikamaru's cheek.

"I'll see you later. Gotta get to class." He nodded and hugged her waist. She looked at Tenten, a small smile on her face.

"Maybe I'll see you around too, Tenten." she said, before she disappeared into the crowd.

Shikamaru yawned loudly after that, and started to turn away from Tenten, arms still placed behind his head lazily. "I should probably get to class too. Maybe I'll see you around."

Tenten nodded, before she suddenly responded. "Wait a sec!"

He turned and raised an eyebrow at her. "Hm?"

"I, well, I-well you see I…" she stuttered. Then she just sighed. "I don't know how to get anywhere. Could you maybe take me to the office so I can register?"

Shikamaru's expression became whiny and annoyed for a minute; before he wiped it clear again. "K, sure." He started off walking again, weaving through the hallways carelessly, while Tenten struggled to keep up in her shoes.

After less than 10 seconds, Shikamaru turned. "Just take the shoes off if they bother you. No one's gonna care if you wear them or not."

Tenten started at him wide-eyed, then nodded. She bent down and slipped the heels off and putting them in her bag, and then catching up to him, the sound of her bare feet slapping on the floor echoing through the now crowd-thinning halls.

He gave her a brief tour of the school, pointing out the different hallways and where the help desks were if she got lost. (A/N: Don't ask about the help desks, it's a big school, k?) He also showed her the alarms of the school, which were carefully hidden behind the wall blocks. One would have to punch in their ID number, where they would immediately be allowed to pull an emergency lever. However, in the past, there had been issues with students toying with it, leading to the emergency alarms being nothing but a nuisance and not a reliable way of getting help. The principal had then stated if anyone was caught toying with the alarms again, it would lead to suspension for a first offense, and expulsion for a second. There was never a false alarm again after that, as going to Konoha High was a great honor and not something taken lightly.

Finally, they arrived at the office, which was essentially right down from the main hallway, the trip only taking longer because Tenten insisted on seeing all the other important portions of the school.

Shikamaru led her to the glass door, opening it politely for her. "Well, I guess here ends the tour." He gestured for her to enter.

Tenten smiled. "Too bad. The tour was just getting to the good part."

Shikamaru shrugged. "Whatever. Hey, I guess I'll be seeing you around then, right?"

Tenten nodded at him. "I think so. Thanks a bunch."

Tenten raised her arm in a farewell and entered the office, approaching a young woman at the desk who started hi-lighting a schedule and map.

Shikamaru was walking away from the office when he noticed the Hyuuga walk by. Both nodded at each other in greeting, Shikamaru stopping and turning to walk side by side with him.

"So, where're you heading?" he asked casually, placing his arms in their signature position behind his head again.

"Office." He held up a folder. "Iruka says I need to fill out paperwork or something."

The two went down the hallway once more, not speaking, and both uncomfortable with it. Finally, Neji asked,

"Shouldn't you be in class, too, right now?"

Shikamaru reached into his pocket, pulling out a small card. "Hallway pass."

Neji raised an eyebrow at him. "Naruto." It wasn't even a question; just a statement

Shikamaru nodded. "He owes me one anyway for getting Sakura to go on that blind date, anyway."

Neji nodded, and then looked up. Having arrived at the office, he placed his hand on the silver handle, before his eyes widened at something on the other side of the glass.

"Hm? What's up with you?" Shikamaru asked.

Neji grabbed his Shikamaru's arm firmly and hid around a silver pillar, dragging him along behind him.

"Neji, what the f-" he demanded angrily.

"Shh, shut up." Neji shushed Shikamaru, placing a hand in front of him, causing Shikamaru to roll his eyes. Neji looked from behind the pillar and jerked his head in Tenten's direction, his pale eyes watching her intently. "Who's that?"

"Huh?" Shikamaru looked around. "Who?"

Neji placed his hand on Shikamaru's head and turned it to face Tenten, indicating her with his thumb. "The girl with her hair in two buns."

"Oh, that's Tenten." He answered bluntly, shoving his hand off his head and straightening his outfit.


"New girl."

"Huh. Interesting." Neji turned his face to watch Tenten again. "Who's class is she in?"

Shikamaru protruded a bottle of Narutonic and chugged it before he replied. "No idea. She's in there finding out."

Neji made no inclination as to hearing him. Then, he said to himself. "Tenten...nice name."

A/N: Love, hate, don't care? Reviews, they make my day and I love love love the people who review me. I always end up reading their stories when they review me, so please please please. Oh, and check out my other stories while you're at it. Alright, thanks a bunch!