Hi again, everyone! So here is the first chapter of my new story. I was battling myself over which one to do first, and I chose this one. Hopefully the summary will be enough, hope you guys like it! This is my first Criminal Minds/CSI crossover. Reviews are cool…and chapter 1 begins!

Disclaimer: None of the characters or their awesomeness belongs to me, neither does the show…*wallows in depression*


Spencer and Derek's apartment…

Spencer stood up and stretched. He had dozed off on the couch again, in Derek's arms of course. They had been watching a movie when Spencer started feeling sleepy. He didn't want to disappoint Derek by going to bed, so he simply leaned back into his lover and snuggled close to him. He noticed that Derek didn't put his arm around him like he usually did in this position but he brushed it off. Perhaps Derek was too into the movie to notice. Spencer was happy that they had agreed on a movie, Star Trek. It had the science fiction for Spencer and the action/adventure for Derek. Spencer raised his eyebrows slightly; he never fell asleep during Star Trek.

What Spencer had just now realized was that Derek was n longer in the room with him. In fact, he was nowhere in sight. Strange, he wouldn't have one to bed without me. "Derek?" he called out, walking down the hall towards their bedroom. He pushed open the door to find Derek already dressed in his nightclothes, flannel pants and a white beater. He was staring distantly out the window, lost in thought. "Derek?"

Derek turned around and looked at Spencer. He didn't smile, which Spencer thought was strange. "Hey, Spence," he said quietly.

"Is something wrong?" Spencer asked. He approached Derek and put his hand on his cheek, frowning when the other pulled away. "Tell me, please. Tell me what's wrong. Is it something I did?"

"No…no, never," Derek said, moving across the room to sit on the edge of the bed. He seemed distressed. He sighed and looked up at Spencer, taking in the younger man's slender form. "We need to talk, Spence."

Spencer swallowed hard and sat down on the bed next to Derek. What's going on? What does he mean we need to talk? "Talk to me, Derek…you're scaring me."

Derek looked over at him briefly. "Sorry," he mumbled, looking back at the floor. He sighed again and looked up at the wall. "Damn, this isn't easy."

"What?" Spencer asked, trying to hide the evident fear in his voice.

Derek was quiet for a moment before looking at Spencer. "Do you remember that case we had in Vegas a couple of months ago? The serial killed was tying all those women to chairs and tossing them in lakes?"

"Yeah," Spencer said, unsure of where the conversation was going. "We worked with the Vegas crime lab…is something about that case bothering you?"

"It's not the case," Derek said, beginning to fidget with his hands. "When we were working with the CSIs…you remember Nick? Nick Stokes?"

"Yeah, and his boyfriend, Greg Sanders," Spencer recalled. "We worked mostly with them while Hotch and the others were with the rest of them. They were nice."

"Yeah, well…god, I don't know how to say this." Derek stood and looked down at Spencer. "Nick and I have been seeing each other, Spencer. For about a month and a half now. We haven't seen each other in person, but we've been webcamming and texting and stuff."

Spencer sat frozen in place on the bed. He simply stared at Derek in disbelief. "W-What?"

Derek sighed and walked away from Spencer. He couldn't bear the look of sadness and disbelief in his gorgeous brown eyes. "Spencer…Nick and I are together. We love each other. We realized that when we met a couple of months ago."

Spencer still couldn't move. A rush of emotions flooded through him, he didn't know what to feel. Anger? Hurt? Resentment? Hate? No, he could never hate Derek. "What…what does this mean?" He asked in a small voice.

"It means you and I…we can't be together anymore," Derek said calmly. He never pictured this in a million year, breaking up with his Pretty Boy. He always thought he would spend the rest of his life with Spencer, but Nick changed that. He turned away. "Nick is telling Greg tonight."

"I can't…believe this," Spencer said, his voice cracking. A tear rolled down his cheek and he quickly brushed it away. "You…you cheated on me. I thought you loved me, Derek."

"I do, Spence," Derek said, looking once again at the younger man. His heart ached for the younger man, he wanted to hold him, but he couldn't. He's not mine anymore; I can't go on like this without him knowing. "Spencer…you have to move on to somebody else."

"Oh, go to hell, Derek!" Spencer squeaked, standing up and moving towards the door. He didn't get halfway across the room before his emotions got the best of him he crumbled to the ground and sobbed. He wrapped his arms around his knees and trembled, his body rocking with sobs. "I…I can't…believe you would do this…to me," he choked out through tears.

Derek frowned, fighting back tears of his own. He wanted so bad to throw his arms around Spencer and kiss him. "Spence, I-"

"No, no just save it, Derek," Spencer cried, struggling back to his feet he quickly began walking around the room, opening drawers and pulling out his things.

"What are you doing?" Derek asked.

"Leaving," Spencer said, brushing more tears off his face. "You obviously don't want me here, so I'll go."

"Spence…you don't have anywhere to go," Derek said desperately. "Please, stay here. I'll sleep on the couch, you can have the bed."

"I'll go to JJ's," Spencer interrupted. He quickly packed a suitcase and sighed. "I'll be back for the rest of my things after work tomorrow." He grabbed the suitcase and his keys and began to leave.

"Spencer, please try to understand me," Derek said, rushing after the younger man.

"I get it, Derek," Spencer said as he opened the front door. He looked at Derek one last time before leaving. "You don't love me anymore." He shut the door, leaving a shocked and teary-eyed Derek standing alone.

Greg and Nick's apartment…

Greg bound happily into the bedroom. He had a good day at work and was more than ready to spend the day curled up next to his lover. Maybe he'll give me a special reward for solving the case today. Greg grinned mischievously to himself as he entered the bedroom, he was surprised to notice the lights were already off and Nick was under the covers. Weird, it's still early; he usually has the television on or something. He walked over to the bed and slowly got under the covers. "Nicky? You ok?" he asked.

Nic rolled over and looked at Greg, who was making himself comfortable. How the hell am I going to do this? We've been together for six years, and I'm going to tell him I'm leaving him for someone I've only seen in person once? He swallowed and moved closer to Greg. He wrapped his arms around the younger man and pulled him close to him, not sure he was ready to let go of this feeling yet.

"Something's wrong," Greg said quietly, looking up at Nick.

"What?" Nick said, looking at him in confusion.

"Something's wrong, I can tell by the way you're acting," Greg said, propping himself on one elbow. "Tell me about it."

Nick bit his lip and sat up, turning on the lamp as he did so. He sighed when Greg sat up and moved closer to him. "G, there's something I need to tell you."

"Go ahead, I'm listening," Greg said. He could sense that Nick was very upset about something.

"Greg…you remember when we worked that case a few months ago about the serial killer? The FBI was with us, Derek and Spencer and all the others?"

"Oh yeah," Greg said, instantly remembering the case. "Yeah, I remember them. Derek and Spencer are together if I recall. They make a good couple."

"Yeah, well…um," Nick stuttered. Shit, here goes nothing. "Greg, I'm breaking up with you for Derek."

Greg felt like he had been slapped in the face. He had never seen this coming. He stared at Nick in disbelief. "You…and D-Derek?"

Nick frowned. "I'm so sorry, G."

Greg suddenly found himself out of the bed, standing on this floor. Tears were flowing down his face. "How long?" he demanded.

"About a month," Nick said quietly. "Derek told Spencer tonight as well."

Greg gasped, more tears flowing down his face. He remembered Spencer vividly, how in love he had looked when Derek was around him. He didn't deserve to have his heart broken too. "You both…you and Derek…you planned this! You planned to screw us over, didn't you?!"

"No, Greg, it's not like that."

"Don't lie to me," Greg cried pathetically. He backed up against the wall and let his tars run free. "I can't believe this."

"Greg, when Derek and I met, there was this…spark. I can't explain it, but he felt it too. We just knew-"

"Save your sappy, screwed up love story for someone else, Nick," Greg snapped. He grabbed his pillow. "I'm sleeping on the couch, I'll be out of here by tomorrow."

Nick frowned as Greg slammed the door behind him. He felt tears prick his eyes every so lightly. He hadn't wanted it to go this way. What happens if Derek and I don't last? He'll never take me back after this. I betrayed him; he'll never trust me again. Nick bit his lip and lay back down in the dark, forcing the tears back.

Greg flopped down on the couch, trying his hardest not to sob out loud. He pulled out his phone and texted Sara. Nick cheated on me. I need to leave; can I stay with you for a few days starting tomorrow after work? "Why," he quietly cried to himself, leaning back and covering his face with his hands. He loved Nick so much; there was no way he was going to be able to get over something like this. He looked down when his phone buzzed. It was a text back from Sara.

He cheated on you?! Unbelievable. Tell me about it at work later. Of course you can stay with us for a while, it wont be a problem at all.

Greg texted back a quick thank you and closed his phone. I guess I should try to sleep. He sniffled and wiped more tears off his face as he curled up under a blanket on the couch. What do I do now?


Ok, the end of chapter one. I have many plans for this fic, and a few epic twists I might add. Hope you like it so far. Review please. I'm off now to do what everyone else in this chapter is doing…sleep!