And here it is the moment what you were waitign for... enjoy the reading ;D

Chapter 9

Surprise, surprise

The weeks had passed, and now we're on the last week of October. Arnold and Lily were still dating; and Helga realized that in such short time, she had fall in love with Marco. This was really shocking, cause in all her life, she has only love one person in particular.

She was now in love with him, there was no harm to anybody, right? It isn't like Arnold was her ex-boyfriend, he was just her friend. Even thought that she was with Marco all the time; she spends Wednesdays and Thursdays with Arnold rehearsing for the play. They are the leaders after all; they had to make it realistic, even if it was hard for her. Sometimes, when she felt that she couldn't take it more, she just went to the bathroom to wash her face, cool down a bit, and when she came back, she changed the subject. They talk about school, the football games, and sometimes about Marco and Lily.

She had a big problem; she's in love with two boys; who are best friends. Sooner or later she had to choose one of them. But right now it wasn't the time to do it.

Mean while, Rhonda's Halloween party was today. Everybody was getting ready. Helga and Marco agreed to meet on the party. Phoebe helped her to put the black wig, she was going as a french girl. That's why the wig, if she didn't use it then there would be problems. When they arrived to Rhonda's, there were a lot of people already, some were dancing, others were near the food; and Helga could see a couple leaving from the closet.

"You girls finally arrived! I was almost certain that you weren't coming." Rhonda said.

"And miss this party. Yeah you wish princess."

"Well, well. We have a sexy witch. I love you dress Phoebe."

"Thanks Rhonda, I love how you look as the she devil."

"Of course I look fantastic. Look at you Helga. Or I must say Cecile."

"Are you crazy? What if he was near here!"

"Relax Helga; Arnold is with Curly in the Kitchen."

"You'll better be right, princess."

"If you excuse me ladies, I have to check on my boyfriend."

"Helga, I'm going to look for Gerald. See you later, ok?"

"Yeah, Pheebs; mean while I'll look for Marco." She was looking everywhere, until she saw a very handsome pirate near the balcony with Sid and Stinky. She walked over there and kissed him.

"Whoa! Wait a sec sweetie. If my girlfriend see you, she's gonna beat you up." He knew she was her, he recognized her kiss.

"Well, I don't see her right now." He kissed her. "So, what do you think?"

"You look beautiful, as always. But why the wig?"

"Um, I always want to use a wig, and I said why not now?" She laughed. "Howdy partners."

"Howdy Helga." Sid and Stinky said unison. They both dressed as cowboys.

"So, you guys agreed on the costume or came together?"

"No! We agreed to come like this; I'm the good guy and Sid is the villain."

"If you guys say so." She and Marco laughed while they were leaving the balcony.

They dance for a while. Marco went to the bathroom and Helga was near the food table talking to Phoebe and Rhonda. Meantime Arnold was with Lily. She was anxious to be alone with Arnold, because they hadn't been together for all the practices of football and of the play.

"You look so pretty with your hair like this."


"Yeah, you really look like a french girl." She laughed.

"We're the next couple after the ones who're in; but first I need to go for some water, I'll be right back, ok honey?"

"Sure Lil." He waited and she didn't come after five minutes, it was almost their turn. So he went for her. "Oh there you're! It's almost our turn." She was with Phoebe.

"Huh?" Phoebe shrugged while he was taking her to the closet. It was really dark in there. "Ar…" He kissed her.

"Come on! We were waiting for this, right?" He kissed her again until he run out of air. 'God! This is the best kiss we ever had.'

He was going to kiss her again. "Arnold don't!" He knew that voice.

"Why?" Helga didn't want to stop that amazing kiss, but he had a girlfriend, as so did she.

"Don't you know who am I, football head?"

"Helga! What are you doing here? Where's Lily?"

"I dunno, you were the one who grabbed me here!"

"Why you didn't say anything?"

"You didn't let me. As soon as we get here you kissed me!" there was a big silence. Helga was rubbing her arm and Arnold was now looking at the floor.

"Um… So…what should we do now? I mean should we tell Marco and Lily?"

"No, then they'll think that we have something between us."

"So, we're gonna lie."

"No Mr. goody-two-shoes, we're just not going to say what the hell happen here."

After leaving the bathroom, Marco was talking to everybody mean while he was looking for Helga. Then when he caught her dancing with her friends, he saw that Arnold was going to the balcony. He looked uncomfortable. Since he was one of his best friends he wanted to see what the problem was.

"Hey Arnold! What's the problem?" Arnold tried to look natural.

"Nothing, I just don't feel good." He rubbed his neck. 'Good one Arnold.'

"Wanna go to the boarding house?"

"No it's ok, I'll be fine."

"Ok man, I'm going to dance with Helga if you need me."

"Yeah, sure." Arnold sat alone on the balcony, looking at the sky. 'I kissed Helga. And it was a hell of a kiss. Why did they have to come with the same costume? Why when I kiss her, those are the best kisses that I ever had? It most be cause she's my best friend. But then why my kisses with Lily are that great? Why god? Why? You want to tell me something that I haven't realized yet? That perhaps I'm in love with Helga. Hahaha yeah right me, in love with Helga. I mean I do love her, as a friend; she's my best friend since we where kids. And I'm with Lily; she's beautiful, sweet, funny, um…. Now that I think so she's a bit of spoiled, and superficial. And Helga is also beautiful, funny, caring, sweet, smart, and her eyes are so deep when I look at them, her smile is so sweet and when she laughs is so… and I'm never bored when I'm with her.' He saw that Helga and Lily dancing. 'Oh fuck! I do love Helga. I love Helga Geraldine Pataki.'

yey! he finaly realized it yey! well guys what do you think? do you think i'm improving with my writing skills? do you think i need to paint my room? do i need i sanwich now? yeah i need one hahaha now like always. thank you guys fo rreading my fic, tthis means so much for me, and every review you send i smile for all the day (geesh that was corny, eh what the hell i'm happy)

i love you guys (in a sane way) and leave reviews! ;D