AN: Here is the last chapter to my story. I'm extremely grateful to all of you who read and reviewed. … all your remarks were very encouraging!

A Huge thank you goes out to Vana1970 for your awesome beta skills. Thanks for all your support and kind words.

To bailey1ak, thanks for all your help and advice and proving me wrong every time I said I could never do it. You were right … it's been a lot of fun!

Chapter 23

Jennifer and Laura spent the next few days getting ready for their trip home. They went shopping so Jen could find a few things she wanted to take with her to Atlantis for her friends. She especially wanted to find a gift for Sam for her hospitality; it would have been harder on her if she'd had to stay at the SGC during her time on Earth.

It was hard to say good-bye to all her SGC friends but Vala organized an impromptu good-bye party in the mess hall and everyone showed up to give her a hug and wish her well. Dr. Lam reminded her that she would always have a place at Cheyenne Mountain and Daniel even gave his overwhelming approval of John, which touched her and brought on the first tears of the evening.

In no time at all the women were beamed onboard the Daedalus and settling in for their long journey to the Pegasus galaxy.

Jennifer relaxed once they were on board thankful she was able to bunk with Laura. She established a routine writing in her journal everyday and going for long walks around the ship. Her sleeping patterns unfortunately reverted back to the days before she slept in John's arms proving his theory that nightmares were a product of sleeping alone. Having Laura with her helped immensely but during the nights Laura was on duty Jennifer would visit the mess hall when the dreams got bad.

In her second week of the trip Jennifer woke with a start gulping for air as a Wraith was sucking the life out of her again. Knowing she wouldn't get back to sleep she wandered down to the mess hall to make a cup of hot tea. She was one of a handful of people sitting at different tables around the room when Major Collins walked it.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I join you?" Collins asked looking down at Jennifer.

"Sure Major, pull up a chair," Jennifer invited smiling.

"I'm Adam Collins," he said holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Major, I'm Jennifer," she said shaking his hand.

"So, is this your first trip to Atlantis? If you'll forgive me for saying so, you look too young to be part of the expedition," Adam said as he stirred his coffee.

"Thank you, I think," Jennifer chuckled. "Actually, I've been a part of the expedition for several years now. I work in the infirmary," she explained. "I've been at the SGC for the past couple of months recuperating and working in their infirmary," she explained knowing he'd have all the details before they left the Milky Way. The rumor mill on the Daedalus was even faster than the one on Atlantis.

"Were you the one who was shot?" Adam asked trying not to sound nosey.

"That'd be me," she smiled. "So Major, are you on duty or just slumming?"

"Can't sleep, still getting used to space travel," he explained. "What about you?"

"Nightmares … I find lighted places help. My bunkmate is on duty tonight so I'm hoping this cup of tea settles my nerves," Jennifer shared.

"So, the nightmares, are they all part of the experience?" Collins asked.

"Pretty much with old-timers. The longer you're part of the expedition the more experiences you have to draw from. Some of those experiences will keep you up at night," she said smirking.

Laura entered the mess hall looking for Jennifer spotting her sitting with the Major.

"Major, sir," Laura acknowledged as she approached the table.

"Lieutenant," Adam nodded.

"Thought I'd find you here. Wraith or dogs?" Laura asked smiling at Jen.

"Wraith, the Major here was keeping me company." Jen explained.

"Sir, is this your first tour in the Pegasus?" Laura asked.

"Actually it is, how about you Lieutenant?"

"I'm currently stationed on the Daedalus but I work with the Atlantis teams as well under Colonel Sheppard's command. Been doing this for quite a while now." Laura explained.

"So is there much rivalry on base?" Adam inquired.

"You'll find military protocols are a bit relaxed on base. We're all a tight knit group regardless of which branch you serve under, sir," Laura described as best she could.

"We've heard lots of stories and sat through various training sessions while getting ready for this assignment. I must admit, I've been looking forward to it more than any other assignment out there," Collins admitted grinning. "We heard a lot of guys at the SGC talking about one of your instructors, Ronon Dex, … have either of you met him?"

"It's a very small community so yes, we know Ronon. He's a very honorable man and part of SGA-1," Jennifer smiled describing her friend.

"I imagine working in the infirmary you get to see most everyone who lives in Atlantis at one time or another," Collins said thoughtfully.

"Work in the infirmary?" Laura said raising her eyebrows as she looked at Jennifer. It seemed like such an understatement considering she ran the place.

"Well, I do," she answered shrugging her shoulders.

"Major, if you'll excuse us, I should get our little infirmary worker back to bed. I've been ordered to look after her and I take my orders seriously," Laura smirked as she stood pulling Jennifer to her feet.

"It was good to meet you, Major. I'm sure we'll run into you again before we get to Atlantis. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip," Jen smiled as they walked toward the exit.

Jennifer visited quite often with Major Collins and two of his friends especially when Laura was on duty. It helped pass the time and kept her from stressing unnecessarily. If left alone, Jennifer tended to start doubting her situation. "What if John's changed his mind? What if he's come to his senses and doesn't want a relationship with me?" she kept asking herself. She didn't think she could live through his rejection again. The time apart was becoming unbearable for her.

Laura did the best she could to keep Jen's spirits up. Several nights a week the girls played poker with Major Collins and his friends. Dr. Novak even joined them a couple of times when her schedule allowed.

During their last week of the trip Jennifer was visiting late at night with Adam and his friend when those awkward personal questions were finally asked.

"So Jennifer, are you seeing anyone back on Atlantis?" Collins finally worked up the courage to ask?

"I'm flattered Major but yes, I'm sort of involved with someone," she bumbled feeling like she was back in high school. This was all new to her and she didn't know how to explain that she had a boyfriend. At least she hoped she still had a boyfriend by the time she got home.

"You don't sound too sure. Maybe I'll check again once we get to Atlantis," he teased winking.

"Thanks, but I really am interested in someone else," she explained getting rather flustered.

Just then Adam's friend piped in and asked about Laura and her dating status. Jennifer explained that it'd be best to look elsewhere. Jen was pretty sure Evan wouldn't like her dating anyone. But then again, maybe that'd be the push Lorne needed to do something about their situation. After all, the IOA had finally loosened the fraternization regulations concerning military personnel on Atlantis and the two of them were crazy about each other even if they didn't want to admit it.

The last few days of the trip were the hardest triggering a killer nightmare for Jennifer but Laura was there to help her through it. She was beginning to think that stress contributed a lot to her bad dreams and not just exhaustion.

Finally, early one morning during breakfast they announced over the intercom that they'd just exited hyperspace and were in orbit above Atlantis. All personnel were encouraged to get their belongings together and they'd be docking soon. Laura entered the mess hall to collect Jennifer just as she finished breakfast.

"Hey missy, Colonel Caldwell invited us to come view Atlantis from the bridge if you're done. Major Collins would you like to join us?" Laura asked as they deposited their trays in the bin.

"I would love to, Lieutenant," he said jumping at the chance to see the City.

The three stood looking at Atlantis rising proudly from the surrounding ocean. The sight never got old. Jennifer stood engulfed in emotions as the tears flowed.

"You're home, Jennifer," Laura whispered squeezing her hand.

"Thank you Laura for everything," Jen said gratefully.

"Major, I know new recruits are scheduled to beam down in groups but I got approval for you to beam down now if you'd like to go ashore with us," Lt. Cadman offered. "It'd give you a chance to wander around before your orientation. I'll be delivering Jennifer as soon as we dock," Laura explained.

"I would really appreciate that, Lieutenant," Collins answered excitedly, he couldn't wait. He also couldn't help but wonder about the special handling Jennifer was receiving. He wondered if this was normal.

After beaming in, Adam stood back and watched the reunion unfold before him.

Jennifer looked around at her beautiful city as Evan advanced enveloping her in a big bear hug. "Hey Doc I've missed you," he grinned swinging her around.

Adam wondered if Doc was a pet name or if she really was a doctor. He never actually asked her what she did in the infirmary but after careful consideration he decided that it was probably a pet name since she didn't look old enough to be a seasoned doctor.

Colonel Carter joined the festivities on the gate room floor.

"Welcome home, Jennifer," Sam said as she hugged her friend.

"Thank you Sam for all your help getting me home," Jen whispered wiping away a lone tear that found it's way down her cheek.

Lorne was so caught up in the moment that he let his guard down long enough to give Lt. Cadman a hug whispering in her ear how much he missed her. Laura acknowledged his sentiment with a blush, which was very unmilitary like in appearance.

Adam realized two things as he watched the welcome unfold. First of all, the Lieutenant was definitely off limits, which he planned on passing on to his friend and the military protocol was a lot more relaxed than he expected. He knew he was going to like his new posting.

Colonel Carter informed Jennifer she wasn't on the work schedule until later in the week and suggested she take some time to settle in. They only had one team off world right now so the staff should be able to handle the load in the infirmary without her.

"I might help out with new recruit physicals for a while. Which team is off world?" she asked anxious to know where Colonel Sheppard was.

"Colonel Sheppard's team, I'm sure your staff would appreciate the help with Ronon when they return. I think they should be back later tonight. But Jennifer, be sure you don't wear yourself out," Sam instructed firmly.

"I promise," she agreed. "It's just good to be home."

Jennifer introduced Major Collins to Major Lorne and Colonel Carter who turned him loose to explore the immediate areas around the central tower. Jennifer noted he looked like a kid in a candy store as he headed off toward the mess hall.

Colonel Sheppard had been having trouble focusing his mind all day. He'd decided to keep his relationship with Jennifer to himself not wanting to talk about it with anyone. It still felt too private, too new and he didn't want to jinx it or share it with anyone until she arrived. Jennifer would be in the City by the time he and his team gated home, John smiled at the thought of the plans he had for her first night home.

His team knew something was up, but they'd never have guessed he was a bundle of nerves waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. He couldn't stop thinking about her, couldn't stop hoping Laura was taking good care of her. This was the last time she'd be away from him for so long if he had any say in the matter.

SGA-1 returned through the Stargate at 1900 hours. Their mission had been an easy one, dropping off supplies to a new trading partner. After transporting the boxes and crates to the village square the team offered their help to the locals who were raising the walls on a new meeting structure. They walked back through the gate very tired and hungry but agreeing it'd been a good day.

"Welcome home," Colonel Carter greeted walking across the gate room floor. "I trust you're looking forward to a hot meal. We'll meet at 0900 hours tomorrow morning for your debriefing … get to the infirmary for your check-ups and I'll have the mess hall keep some food warm for you."

"Thanks Colonel, appreciate that," Sheppard answered as everyone headed toward the infirmary. "Has the Daedalus arrived?" John asked.

"They docked earlier today, we're already processing new recruits so the infirmary may be a bit crowded," Carter answered.

Dr. Keller was working in the back corner of the infirmary helping with the new recruit physicals. She wanted to be close by when SGA-1 returned from their mission. To say she had butterflies was an understatement. She knew she'd do better keeping busy than stewing in her quarters about what the future held.

"Well boys, how'd I get so lucky drawing your names?" Doc asked as her Daedalus buddies approached.

"Hey Jen, I told you we'd meet again." Major Collins grinned.

"Okay, Major, you can take this bed," Jennifer instructed. She settled the other two recruits on the adjacent beds before starting the physicals.

"Well, I guess you are old enough to be a doctor! Looks like I owe you an apology," Collins said sheepishly. "So Doc, how about showing us your mess hall when we're done here?" he asked taking his shirt off.

"Major, I thought we went over this already?" Jennifer replied chuckling.

"Sure, Doc but I sort of asked around when we got here and people seem to think you aren't dating anyone at the moment," he answered raising an eyebrow.

"At ease, flyboy, I don't tend to advertise my personal life. But trust me, I'm not available," Jennifer assured smirking. "At least I don't think so," she mumbled under her breath as she reached for her stethoscope.

Jennifer turned toward the front of the infirmary as she heard the team enter. Her butterflies intensified watching Colonel Sheppard walk across the floor and take a bed at Dr. Cole's station. She kept her eyes focused on him until he spotted her. Lost in her own thoughts, she held his gaze for a few moments before turning back to her patient.

"You okay, Doc," Major Collins ask. "You seem distracted.

"Sorry, I was just um … sort of have something on my mind," she stuttered totally embarrassed.

"Dr. Burns, would you please relieve Dr. Keller and ask her to take care of Mr. Dex?" Dr. Cole asked as she situated the team on different beds preparing to check in Colonel Sheppard.

"Happy to," Dr. Burns answered as he walked across the infirmary floor. Burns chuckled to himself hearing Ronon growl at the nurse who was trying to check his vitals. He'd much rather deal with new recruits any day than interact with their resident warrior, he thought.

"Dr. Keller, would you mind giving Ronon his return physical?" Burns asked approaching her workstation. "I'd be happy to check in your new recruits," he added.

"Sure … sorry boys, duty calls," Jennifer said addressing the recruits. "Dr. Burns will take good care of you."

As she left to cross the room she could hear Major Collins and his friends talking about the stories they'd heard concerning the infamous Ronon Dex.

"Hey Ronon." Jennifer greeted her friend as she approached.

Ronon met her pulling her in for a big hug.

"Hey Doc," Ronon returned. "Welcome home, you've been missed," he grinned mischievously.

"Missed you guys too," she said looking genuinely happy.

"How was your trip?" he asked sitting back down on the bed.

"Very long and not one I want to make again anytime soon," she said rolling her eyes.

The two exchanged small talk as she completed his checkup. "Well, you're fit as a fiddle," Jennifer announced. "You're free to go get yourself something to eat," she smiled.

"Are you done for the day?" Ronon asked.

"Actually, I'm not even on schedule today but thought I'd help out with the new recruits," Jennifer explained.

"Good, you can come eat with us," Ronon stated directing her toward the door.

Dr. Cole finished with Colonel Sheppard pronouncing him 'good to go' as she moved aside, giving him room to slide to the floor.

"Ah … Doctor, do you think you could ask Dr. Keller to … ah …. take a look at my throat? It's been acting up a bit lately," Sheppard asked with a boyish smirk.

"Would you like me to take a look?" Dr. Cole asked.

"Well, ah … I know you're pretty busy right now so I'll just let her take a look if you don't mind," Sheppard replied feeling very uncomfortable.

"Sure, let me grab her before she leaves with the rest of your team," Dr. Cole answered. She loved seeing him squirm and wondered what was going on.

"Dr. Keller, would you have a minute to take a look at Colonel Sheppard's throat for me?" Cole asked as she approached the group.

"… um, sure," Doc said trying her best not to blush in front of her colleague. "I'll just be a minute," Jennifer said turning to Ronon, Teyla and Rodney. "You guys can go on and I'll meet you in the mess hall."

"No problem, Doc, we'll wait," Ronon answered leaning against the doorframe.

Ronon watched Doc walk over to Sheppard who was still sitting sideways on the bed. "What's that about?" Ronon wondered aloud.

"Do you think that Colonel Sheppard is feeling unwell?" Teyla asked.

"Seemed fine to me," McKay announced growing impatient waiting.

Jennifer slowly walked over standing in front of John trying to keep her hands from trembling. Moment of truth she thought to herself.

"Colonel," Jennifer addressed, "are you feeling ill?"

"Hey Doc, I just haven't been feeling myself the past three weeks," he answered not taking his eyes off her. She was a sight for sore eyes, he thought.

"Well, let me take a look," she said trying to sound professional as she pulled her stethoscope from around her neck. Two can play this game, she decided.

Jennifer began running John through a series of routine tests using an unusually gentle touch. She started by checking his lungs and heartbeat. "Colonel, I'll ask you to scoot sideways and face the wall. I'm having a hard time hearing through your clothes so I'll just run this under your shirt if you don't mind," Jennifer whispered in his ear as she reached around to run the chest piece of her stethoscope up his back letting her fingers gently trail along the skin on either side. She purposely leaned closer letting her warm breath tickle the back of his neck.

John was determined not to let Jennifer get the better of him. He gritted his teeth wondering if this little game he started was a good idea.

"How was your trip?" he asked concerned.

"I spent a lot of time in their mess hall … having a hard time sleeping alone anymore," she confessed smiling.

"I have a remedy for that I'll share with you later," he offered smirking.

"I'm certainly open for suggestions," she fired back. "Colonel, please take a few deep breaths and let me listen to your lungs," she whispered letting the warmth of her breath run along his jaw line. Her back was to the group waiting for her at the door, partially blocking their view. She hoped no one was wise to the game they were playing. "Maybe I should check your heartbeat next."

"I think my heart is doing okay, Doc, it picked up the pace once we got back here to the infirmary. I think it sensed your presence," John said with a slow grin knowing his remarks would cause her to blush. Sure enough, he was rewarded with a slow reddening, which continued to deepen as he held her attention.

"Did you have any bad nightmares on the Daedalus?" he asked frustrated that he'd sent her home alone.

"Just one bad one but Laura was there … we bunked together," she answered hoping to put his worries at ease. "Let me check your throat and lymph nodes," Jen said softly. Time to turn up the heat, she thought. She wasn't about to lose this battle of the wills. Jennifer moved to stand in front of him leaning just inches from his face.

The two of them continued this sensual dance oblivious to the audience they had across the room. Dr. Burns and the recruits looked on curious about their odd behavior.

"Is it possible to have Dr. Keller finish my exam?" Major Collins asked laughing.

Jennifer reached in gently holding Sheppard's face with her hands on either side of his jaw line. The sensations she was causing with her delicate touch were driving him up the wall.

"Doc, you seem to have a fan club over there," Sheppard frowned nodding behind her.

Jennifer turned around and smiled at the recruits. "We met on the Daedalus. They're my back up in case we don't work out," Jennifer explained raising her eyebrow.

"I hope you told them you were spoken for," Sheppard warned sternly.

"I may have mentioned I was interested in someone else but they don't seem to believe me," Jennifer said shrugging her shoulders.

Jennifer returned to her examination. She slowly moved her fingers along Sheppard's jaw line checking his lymph nodes. "Colonel, nothing seems out of the ordinary," Jennifer said as she slowly ran her hands down the sides of his neck resting them on his collarbone.

"What's Doc doing?" Ronon asked smirking.

"How come I never get checked over like that?" Rodney complained.

"It does seem a bit unusual," Teyla added.

"Colonel, let me check your pulse," Jennifer suggested. She slowly trailed her fingers down this arm and lightly ran small circles around his wrist checking for his pulse. "How does that feel?" Jennifer asked seductively.

"Woman, you're going to be the death of me," Sheppard growled as he reached out grabbing her wrists.

"Does this mean you surrender?" Jennifer giggled trying to retreat from his grasp.

In one swift move, Sheppard slid off the bed quickly invading her personal space. He reached up taking her face in his hands kissing her deeply … making up for three long weeks of separation.

Jennifer leaned in lost in the kiss, gripping his shoulders to keep from sliding to the floor. As they broke the kiss the two stood with their foreheads touching.

"Hey Jen," John whispered.

"Hey John … I missed you," Jennifer softly answered reaching up to touch his face.

"Missed you too," he added. John leaned down gently kissing her once more putting his arms around her and pulling her close.

Jennifer wound her arms around him feeling at home in his embrace.

Major Collins raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Well boys, looks like the good doctor is indeed interested in someone else," he laughed. "If I'm not mistaken, that would be our new commanding officer."

John held her in his arms completely at peace. "I guess we'd better join the team, we may have a bit of explaining to do," John chuckled.

"You think?" Jennifer laughed rolling her eyes.

"I'll share you during dinner but then you're all mine for the rest of the night," he whispered wiggling his eyebrows.

As they turned to join the team, John leaned down and sweetly kissed her on the cheek. "Welcome home, Jennifer," he whispered.

Jennifer wrapped her arm around his waist as they headed toward the door. "You are my home," she said feeling completely content.

The End