Summary: Spencer knew what he was going to say was going to hurt, a lot, but it needed to be done. There was nothing he or Sam could do. "Let her go." Mentions of CAM.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea of this fic.

Warning:Mentions of a little bit of lesbian content and the F-bomb once.

A/N: This really wasn't going to be a multi chaptered story but I just wanted to post this small chapter because I felt it was a very powerful piece. This chapter basically explains what Sam was doing in those four years she was gone. I'm not sure if another chapter will be added to this or not but keep your eyes open for updates on this just in case.

Let Her Go

Cold sweat trickled down her skin as she awoke from her nightmare. It was the second one that night and she knew sleep would no longer come to her for the rest of the night. She brushed her blond locks out of her eyes and slowly pulled the covers off of her exhausted body.

Four years of war had built up and toned the muscles in her body, but it also torn apart her mind, brick by brick.

Tired footsteps were the only sound in the room until the shower being turned on filled the silence. She stripped the clothes off her body and stepped in the warm water, letting it wash all the muck and grime away. As the water cascaded down her body, her mind wandered to the paralyzing dream she had again...

"Stop! Stop or you will be shot!" Sam cried out while pointing her M-16 at the small Afghani child with a bomb vest strapped to his torso. But even as Sam pleaded for him to stop, he kept walking.

"Please! Just stop!" She screamed for the last time. The child did not stop. BANG!!!

Tears slid down her tanned cheeks as she collapsed to the ground on her knees staring at the boys now lifeless body. Her rifle lied on her legs as she looked up to the sky, praying for the child she was forced to kill to save the life of innocent civilians and soldiers.

Tears streamed down on her face as she roughly scrubbed at her arm, washing away the blood that only she knew existed. The water turned cold but she still continued to scrub, the blood never washing away. Her knees buckled and she fell to her knees before falling to her side and breaking down. All the pain and suffering overpowering her.

The water was ice cold before she had managed to regain control of herself. She stepped out of the shower and dried herself off before throwing on a pair of pajama pants and a tank top. Almost immediately, she went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of beer before letting her body collapse onto the couch.

She took a swig of her beer and flipped on the TV trying to distract her mind from the nightmares that plagued her.

~The End~