Disclaimer: I do not own Life With Derek or any of its characters. I also do not own the song Daisy Bell (the "bicycle built for two" song).

Dasey Bell

"Hey Marti, what're you doing?" I asked as I walked into the dining room. Marti was sitting at the table drawing something and it was my way of asking what as politely as possible. Derek may be able to get away with asking directly, but not me. After all, I'm the step-sister, and the one that Derek hates and therefore only about two steps away from "Marti Enemy Number One." Luckily, I managed to get her to like me before Derek's bad influence.

"I'm drawing Dasey," she answered smiling, "I love Dasey." She continued to color the picture. It was of a girl in a white dress. Daisy must have been her imaginary friend or something because I knew her friends and I couldn't recall one named Daisy.

"Oh really? Did you know there's a song about the love of a girl named Daisy?" I asked, I had no idea why it came to mind, but it had been in my head for the past couple days for some reason.

Her eyes lit up, "Really?" She was forgetting about the picture.

"Yeah, do you want me to teach you?" I asked, amazed that she was this interested.

She nodded enthusiastically, so I sang:

Daisy Daisy

Give me your answer do

I'm half crazy

All for the love of you

It won't be a stylish marriage

I can't afford a carriage

But you'll look sweet

Upon the seat

Of a bicycle build for two

She grinned again, "Can we sing it together now?"

"Sure," I said, and we sang it several times before it was time to get ready for dinner.


Several weeks went by and Marti continued to be obsessed with the "Daisy" song. I was surprised she hadn't gotten over it yet, it wasn't as tangible as her usual obsessions, yet it was lasting just as long.

Derek came down the stairs and groaned, "Did you have to teach her that song? She won't stop singing it." He sat in his chair and grabbed the remote from me.

I sighed and let him have it for once, "I'm sorry Derek, I didn't expect her to latch on like that; it usually takes something she can touch or act like to keep her interest for that long." And that was completely true, I never thought the song would stick like it had.

"Excuse me, did you just apologize to me?" he asked, clearly thrown by the fact that I let him take the remote without a fight. "You never apologize to me."

"I apologized to myself and the rest of the family, not to you," I said exasperated, "I have to listen to it too you know."

"Hey, my sister is a great singer," he replied, looking way to serious.

"I never said she wasn't. And who was the one who just came downstairs complaining?" I sensed the fight coming, and I wasn't going to be the one to back down.

"Oh right, so now it's my fault? You're the one that taught her the danged song!"

"Oh, yeah, and you had nothing to do with the 'wrong animal sounds stage.'"

"I was just helping her gain a sense of humor, not giving her annoying songs to plague the house with."

"So now she's a plague? When did you start calling 'Smarti' a plague?"

"I never said that."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't."





"Casey! Derek! Want to hear my song?" A cheerful Marti asked from right in front of the TV. Somehow both of us had completely missed her coming downstairs. I hoped she didn't hear what the argument was about. And even though I cared about her feelings, I was about ready to say no, we were busy when Derek answered for us both.

"Sure, Smarti. We'll listen," he said with sincerity that only Marti could extract from him. He had seemingly completely forgotten his earlier annoyance. Oh well, I thought, might as well get used to him listening to her and only her.

"Okay!" She replied quickly.

Dasey Dasey

Give me your answer do

I've gone crazy

'Cause I love both of you

You don't need a stylish marriage

Don't even need a carriage

'Cause you'll look sweet

Upon the seats

Of a bicycle built for two

"Aw, Marti, you changed the words," I said Derek looked at me like I was crazy.

"What do you mean? She's been singing that same thing for weeks."

"Well those aren't the words, but I don't expect you to know that as you were apparently dropped on your head as a child and don't remember any of the nursery rhymes properly."

"Casey's right Smerek," Derek looked at her dumfounded.

"What? You think I was dropped on my head too?"

"No silly, I changed the words. They're better now. They match my picture," she said proudly.

"What picture?" I asked, now just as confused as Derek looked.

"The one I was drawing when you sang the song to me," she said looking slightly hurt that I had forgotten.

"I remember you were drawing a girl named Daisy and that's why I offered to teach you the song," she looked even more hurt now and I had no idea what I was saying wrong.

"Why don't you go get the picture and explain it to me? I haven't seen it, and I want to know what this is all about," said Derek, trying to get to the bottom of this, whatever this was.

Marti ran up the stairs to get her picture. When she got back down she climbed into Derek's lap so I got up to lean over his shoulder. The picture was no longer just a girl in white. It now also contained a boy in black and a tandem bicycle in the background.

"This is Dasey," she said proudly.

"Daisy?" Derek asked, "Smarti, a daisy is a flower, or a girl's name. Is this Daisy?" he pointed at the figure in white.

"No silly, that's Casey," she explained.

"That's me? I thought you said you were drawing Daisy, not Casey," I said, still confused.

"Oh, no, you don't get it do you?" she was grinning from ear to ear. I shook my head as did Derek. "The whole picture is Dasey. This is Derek, and this is Casey," she said pointing. "Derek and Casey makes Dasey."

The two of us just stared at her.



A/N: This is my first attempt at a fanfic. I know it's not the best. Please review and let me know what I can do better.