Hey guys. I am SO sorry that it took me this long to update. I just got so wrapped up on WOAS and had a huge writers block. Also I've been very busy. I had the idea for this chapter since July, I wrote the first 2 pages of it in July, so it's just ironic that its Thanksgiving tomorrow. Remember to review with now flames. Also thank you guys for the very sweet reviews :)

I do not own iCarly. And EstefyO owns Dolores. (If you know Spanish, you know the irony)

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Okay, so it's been 3 weeks since the little intervention, and let me just say, it has been dreadful. Not only did my mom still call me fat, (we decided not to tell her about my little "problem"), but I couldn't do anything about it. Freddie and Frankie were watching me like a hawk. First week they had to force feed me. The second week when I wouldn't eat all of my food at school or at Carly's, Freddie would say 'Sam, aren't you going to finish you food?' and I would argue back with 'Freddie, I'm full' Then he would say that he'll double F. Which is codename for force feed. Now I don't question their reasons, I just do it.

I also have been going to therapy and group sessions with people with the same problem. Some of these people had it more rough than me. A couple of people had to go to rehab for it. My therapist is really nice. Our first session, I didn't talk, but now I'm glad to talk to her three times a week. She has given me great advice. She told me that I shouldn't tell anyone for awhile, because as soon as it's out, people will look at me differently. And I know she's right. Freddie treats me differently. He watches his words, like make sure he doesn't call me fat. I had to let him know that it was my mother's doing, not him. Dr. Campian thinks I'm improving. But she also informed me that I'll be fighting this my while life. It's just like a drug. She has me keeping a food journal. And since today is Thanksgiving, she will want a full report.

So here I was, helping Frankie set the table. "You know Sammy, I am proud of you" he said smiling at me.

I smiled back. "Thanks"

"Now Sam, I'm going to let you go to Freddie's, but you have to eat half of what you normally eat here and the other half for when you go to Freddie's, and he'll tell me if you didn't eat enough."

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

. ~ * ~ .

Frankie told me I could leave around 6. Frankie let me leave early so I could get there on time. I'm in the elevator, on my way up to his apartment. The elevator doors open and I walk out. I walk down the hallway and turn the corner to Freddie's door. I knocked on the door. I chuckled hearing Freddie yelling at Crazy to not embarrass him.

Freddie opens the door trying to act cool. "Well hello there, Sammy."

I laughed, taking off my coat. "Don't call me Sammy, Casa-no-duh" I said shoving my coat to his chest. "Hang this up" walking past him.

I walked into the living room/dining room and see Freddie's Mom in the kitchen. She pokes her head out the door. "Hello Samantha, Happy Thanksgiving"

I smiled at her. The least I can do is be nice. "Happy Thanksgiving Mrs. Benson"

As she walked back into the kitchen, I felt Freddie's arms wrap around my waist, standing behind me. "I'm so glad you could come" he said turning my around and placing a kiss on my cheek. "It gets quiet here around the holidays. Plus I want my grandmother to meet you." My eyes widen. Seems like he understood what I was thinking. "Don't worry; she's not crazy like my mom."

I sigh with relief "Thank goodness" I smiled.

I spot this elderly women walking out of the kitchen. I'm assuming this is Freddie's grandma. "Freddie, your crazy mother told me to tell you that dinner is ready." She looked to me and smiled. "You must be Sam. Freddie has told me so much about you" I blushed looking at Freddie. "He told me you were beautiful, but never this beautiful." Is it possible to get any redder?

"Thank you… Freddie grandma"

She walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "Please, Call me Dolores" she said dragging me to the dining room table. Thos will be a … interesting night.

. ~ * ~ .

"Would you like another piece of pumpkin pie, Sam?" Dolores asked.

I smiles" Three slices are my limit" I laughed.

Tonight went amazing. I was laughing so hard at Freddie grandma's stories, that I didn't notice I was eating like I use to. I felt how I use to.

"Well it's getting late, I should get going" I said getting up.

"I'll walk you home." Freddie said as he grabbed out coats.

"Be careful Freddiebear"

I snickered as I heard my boyfriend groan.

Freddie grabbed my arm, pulling me out the door. "Come on, Giggles"

. ~ * ~ .

"I'm shocked that went well" I smiles as we walked.

Freddie chuckled as he grabs my hand. "I know. And you know what? I'm proud of you"

Why does everyone keep saying that? What does he mean by it? "For what?" I asked

"You're acting like your old self"

I raised my brow. "My old self? Sorry that I've changed."

"Sam I didn't mean I like that." He said as we walked up to my door.

I sighed "I know, I guess it's still something I need to get use to. I'll call you tomorrow." I smiles up at him.

He bent down and gave me a soft gentle kiss on the lips. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. "I love you"

"I love you too" I opened my front door. "Bye"

I walk inside all smiley. I guess Freddie is tight, I'm starting to be like how I use to me again. I start walking upstairs when I hear my mom.

"Why the fuck are you here so late?" she yelled

I turned around to face her. "Sorry, I lost track of time."

"I don't care, next time you call me."

I rolled my eyes, walking upstairs. "Yeah, that will happen"

I felt a pain shoot through my arms and legs. "Don't talk back you piece of shit." My mom just kept hitting me and hitting me. The only thing I could do was cover my face and try not to cry.

When I got the chance, I ran to my room. I could hear her running after me. I quickly locked my door.

I sank to the floor. I couldn't take this. I saw a blanket on my floor and placed it in my mouth. I grabbed a pen from backpack. I lifted up the sleeve my shirt. I need this pain to stop. So I did it. I bit down hard on the blanket but my screams could still be heard.

As I saw some blood coming down my arm, for a moment, I felt relieved."

. ~ * ~ .

How did you guys like it? Let me just say, Sam did not try to kill herself. It's a form of cutting that won't be noticeable. And no, she isn't a cutter, but that scene is important. So please review and have a safe thanksgiving. Happy Turkey Day :)