Hiya! Myou_mori here and this is my very first published fanfic! Thank you, thank you! Hold your applause because I do have to get the legalities out of the way:

Disclaimer: In my world Sasukegets that icicle out of his butt and gets Naruto stuck up there, Neji and Gaara are living in Suna doing the nasty constantly (sometimes lee depending on my mood) Sakura drops off the face of the earth...does any of this match the show or manga that we know and love? No? Well then I guess I don't own Naruto because it would soo happen.

Warnings: Grammer and I have never been friends. In fact I don't think we have even met or are in the state not to mention on the same planet. So beware my grammer and spelling mistakes. Also I would also like to note that this is a YAOI fic. So if you are a spying parent please continue reading it may shock you, it may horrify you, it may even kill you, but one thing is for certain if you had NOT spied you would not know the horrible truth that lives in your world and in your child's computer! If you happened here on mistake and don't like boyxboy stop and run, run like you have never run before!

Rating: M (I make no promises...I just know that my mind loves the gutter)

Now that that is out of the way...on with the show!

Chapter 1

It is supposed to be the best time of the year. One of the best things about this small festive holiday is that everyone has one of their own and that they happen everyday of the year. It's the one day out of the entire year that is your own, the day that everyone celebrates that you were and alive. Families throw big birthday bashes for the younger children while the teenagers get together with their friends while their families wait at home to celebrate in private. It's the one day that no one should be forgotten or ignored in favor of something else. That is not the way of the ninja. If you are called on a mission you do the mission and nothing should come between that fact. Except many are given the day off if it can be helped and if it can't the person's teammates go out of their way to make the day special. Even if it means that he or she doesn't have to chores or keep watch that night, the day is still special. That is the way birthdays should be treated, as an honored day that no one should regret or shed bitter tears.

Cerulean blue eyes opened slowly, allowing the morning's first rays of sunlight to lighten the dark. Sitting up Naruto rubbed his eyes, trying to remove any last traces of sleep and dislodging the work the sandman did during the night. Slowly Naruto stood up and began his normal morning rituals: washing, dressing, eating breakfast, brushing his teeth, consider brushing his hair, and finally glancing at the calender. The last one was new. He was keeping an eye out on the date, one of the first times he had ever done so. The few other times had been the last day of the academy, the day he met Kakashi-sensai, and the chunin exams. Those days had earned marks on his calender and a spot in his morning ritual. As his mind focused on the red mark that circled the day's date his mind searched for the reason why the date had been circled. Suddenly a blinding smile lit his face. It was his birthday! Normally a person wouldn't need to mark his birthday on the calender but since he had never celebrated his birthday he figured he'd better do so just in casehe forgot. This year he had friends to celebrate withand he was in Konoha with said friends! It was going to be the first time he celebrated his birthday in his sixteen year long life and there was no way he was going to miss out due to sleep. He knew Sasuke liked to treat himself with an extra four hours of sleep on his birthday but that just wasn't Naruto. No today would be spent spending time with his close friends.

He'd been planning it almost for a whole month, gathering food besides ramen so that his friends would have something to eat, music, and decorations. In fact Narutohad even spent yesterday cleaning his home, putting up the decorations, and preparing most of the food. He had lots of fruits, and had special sauces to go with them, chocolates, different meats and he even had vegetables! He had made sure that there was tomatoes and onigiri for Sasuke-teme after Naruto forced him to come. Narutolooked around at his home and smiled satisfied withthe last few touches he had given. Now all he had to do was go to training with team seven. He had made sure to send out invitations to his party two weeks ago to make sure that they would be free so there was no reason to ask them.

Laughing with glee, Naruto quickly left his apartment to head towards the bridge. Even though he didn't expect anything he could not help but wonder what his friends might have gotten him. He remembered what everyone got Sasuke, much to the bluenette's dislike, for his birthday. It had made him excited for his birthday. He wouldn't mind if Sakura bought him a book, or if Lee got him a jumpsuit, or even flowers from Ino. The items were just a symbol of the feelings his friends had for him.

Naruto surprisingly got to the bridge before any of the other team seven members arrived and had to wait until each member showed up at their own pace. Naturally the first person there was the anti-social Sasuke who looked like he wanted to kill the next person who talked to him. So as the law of nature dictated Naruto gathered up as much air as he could before shouting his cheerful greetings giving Lee a run for his money. "Teme! Good morning!"

Obsydian eyes locked onto Naruto's form before sharpening into the 'eat-crap-and-die' glare which the blonde was immune to. When Naruto's smile didn't fade he looked away. "Hn."

Naruto watched as Sasuke leaned against the bridge's rails and waited for at least a happy birthday but when nothing came forth he shrugged it off. After all Sasuke-teme was just what his nickname called him, a teme. Naruto snickered. Sasuke would probably fall apart if he greeted Naruto even a little cheerfully, not to mention it was 9:00 in the morning, too early for Uchiha time.

It was about this time that Sakura showed up, dressed in her typical best, her eyes locked onto Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun! Sasuke-kun! Good morning!" She ran right up next to Sasuke, a blush on her face and hearts in her eyes. Sickening really now that Naruto had grown a little but the pink haired girl was still his friend and a much cared for team mate.

Sasuke, as usual, was choosing to ignore Sakura's morning affections leaving Naruto to once again fill the silence. "Morning Sakura-chan! Isn't it a great day?"

"Zip it Naruto!" Sakura turned to glare at Naruto before turning to face Sasuke with warm, friendly face. "Sasuke-kun, um do you think that, um would you mind..."

"I'm not going to lunch with you." Sasuke cut in quickly sending a cold look towards her before closing his eyes in silent meditation.

"Yeah Sakura, Sasukenever agrees to go to lunch with you but if you want I can-" Naruto spoke up moving closer to only fall under the cold glare of the pink haired girl.

"Shut up Naruto!" Sakura hissed before smiling at Sasuke the blush on her face deepening. "No, SasukeI was wondering would you got to the party with me?"

Naruto blinked in confussion at this. He hadn't considered his friends would bring dates but that had been mostly because everyone that the group was dating was invited. The only ones that he knew could not come were Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sensei, Gaara, his siblings and Tsunade as they were all at a conference that had been unavoidable. Naruto shrugged. It was probably one of those girl things. "It's okay Sakura-chan he is still invited even if he doesn't go with you."

Sakura looked over at Naruto an absolute killing aura around her. "I know that stupid! I need to ask Sasuke or else Ino-pig will ask him to be her date to her party!"

"Ino's party? What party?" Naruto asked thinking back over the last few weeks to see if he remembered anything about a party. "When is it?"

Sakura rolled her eyes. "Come on Naruto all of our friends are going. On October 10th, the day Kyuubi was defeated by the fourth hokage!"

Time crawled to a stand still as Naruto heard this bit of information. Maybe he heard wrong? Or maybe Sakura's inventation did arrive? A mis-print...anything? "Um Sakura-chan what about my party?"

Sakura looked over at Naruto before bursting out in laughter. "Your party! Naruto did you actually believe that anyone would actually show up to your party? I mean sure maybe if it had been any other day I would have considered going to it but this is Ino's party. Even Sasuke goes to Ino's Kyuubi D-Day Party. It's only-"

Whatever Sakura was saying just faded away as Naruto processed this. 'They are not coming to my party? My birthday party? After weeks of preparing...they are not coming to my party?' Slowly the sound seemed to flood back bringing back Sakura's long explanation.

"...anybody who's anybody goes to Ino's parties. And I'm not going to miss it just for a party that you made at probably the last minute. Now Naruto be quiet so I can ask Sasuke if he wants to be my date!" Sakura growled this last part before turning back to Sasuke who had watched the entire exchange in silence. "So what do you say Sasuke-kun?"

Naruto ignored Sasuke's response to Sakura's question and the arrival of their last two teammates. He did not even realize that the small meeting that they were participating in had started and finished. 'They forgot! My own team mates forgot it was my birthday!' His feet began to move on their own, going faster and faster until he was only a blur, before he even realized it he was home waiting for his other guests to arrive. As the minutes ticked by, forming slowly into hours and the sun began to set, Naruto sat alone in his dark apartment. It was clear that nobody was coming.


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