Not escapable 1/2

When Arthur stepped out of his hotel to the streets of Berlin it began to rain.

Well, in the other hand, rain felt very refreshing after the hot climate of India, but it would take about fifteen minutes walking to the place where the world conference was arranged and Arthur had left his umbrella in the hotel. He sighed and returned to get it.

The pouring rain was pattering the Brit's umbrella as he made his way through almost empty streets, trying not to get lost. While walking, Arthur found it somehow weird to be in a Western country again, especially when it wasn't England. He had lived in India for so long time, almost a year, that he had got used to eastern way of life. Though well arranged traffic, not-so-loud people etc. felt in some way comfortable. But Germany was not England.

Arthur would have wanted to go first back home to England and then come to Germany for the conference, but his last businesses in India had taken more time than he had expected and so he had to fly straight to Germany, arriving on the previous day. There, walking in the rain, Arthur couldn't help feeling a little homesick.

And nervous, somehow. He hadn't seen other nations for almost a year now (ten months and fifteen days exactly), not since his departure to India, and he hadn't been in contact with anyone except America, to whom he had dropped a line every now and then.

The Brit stopped in front of a sandy, high building. That should be the place where the meeting was arranged. For a fraction of a second he hesitated, his hand on the doorknob. Had France already returned, too? He had left to southern Africa a few days before Arthur's departure to India. Would France be taking part in this conference, too?

Slightly shaking his head Arthur opened the door and walked in to find himself in a big, empty hall. On the left side of the hall he saw a stairway leading to the second floor, on the right side was a coat rack, where Arthur left his coat and umbrella.

Someone's steps echoed in the hall and when Arthur turned around he saw America and Hungary coming down the stairs.



A wide smile made its way to Arthur's lips. He straightened his back. "Good evening Hungary, America", he said with his most British voice. It felt unbelievably good to see familiar faces again and the Brit had to admit that he had missed his friends…a lot.

"It's so great to see you again!" Hungary exclaimed running to Arthur and hugging him tight. "We have missed you so much!"

"So England, how was your trip?" America asked tapping his back unnecessarily hard. "Were you able to arrange all your tea-stuff?" His careless laughter echoed in the hall.

"The meeting is about to begin", Hungary noted gesturing towards the stairway.

"Is…" Arthur cleared his throat. "Who'll be taking part in this meeting?"

"Oh, almost everybody", America answered indifferently. Hungary shot a glance at him, then turning to Arthur. "France returned from Africa few days ago. He is up there already", she told him, looking a bit unsure.

"Oh... I see."

"So", the Hungarian hesitated. "It seems you two have not been in touch lately?" There was a sad tone in her voice.

"No", Arthur answered formally, face blank. "We have not."

"Oh, now I get it-!" America blurted but was quickly cut off by Hungary. "Oh dear, I was going to get some tea! See you later." She hurried away.

"So how was India?" the American asked cheerily already forgetting the previous issue, as they walked up the stairs.

"Hm? Oh, it was nice." Arthur shrugged his shoulders. "Warm. And full of people." Come on, Arthur, it has been almost a year now, you have both moved on and everything is fine.

"You ok?"

"Yes. Sorry, I guess I'm just still tired because of the flight."

"Oh well, then it's nothing." America laughed. "I just thought you looked kind of depressed but if you're just tired, then it's fine… You know, I'm tired too, I didn't have any coffee this morning."

Yes, it was fine now. What had happened had happened. And Arthur had been doing quite well during the past year. He had focused on his business, had worked hard. He had got all things in order. Yes, he had seen a few dreams about France, but those were just dreams, so he didn't let them bother himself. And of course it was only natural to imagine seeing someone you know in a foreign country; there was nothing weird about it. Arthur had taken a hold of himself and eventually he had stopped mixing every blonde or French speaking man with France, and he had seen less and less dreams about the Frenchman. He had moved on, let past be in the past. And there was definitely no doubt that France had done the same. So, everything was okay now.

But still. Arthur couldn't help feeling a little nervous. Did France still remember? Well, of course he did, but did he look back at those times in a bitter or in a light-hearted way?

"Hey Iggy! You walked past the right door! The meeting is in this room."

"How could I have known?" the Brit murmured.

"I can see this note on the door without my glasses", America said rolling his eyes. "But yeah, you're right, it might be too hard to see for old people." And with a cheery laughter he opened the door rushing in. "The hero is back! I brought England." Arthur took a deep breath and followed the American.

The first thing he noticed was France sitting on his place behind the big table, looking straight at Arthur.

First thing Arthur noticed as he walked into his kitchen was Francis, sitting behind the table, blue eyes immediately capturing the green ones, smiling warmly. "Good morning, Arthur."


Arthur blinked. Pull yourself together, Arthur. Let past be in the past. He inhaled.

"Good evening, everyone." He smiled tensely, not looking at anybody particular. "Long time no seen."


Francis was sitting behind the table, leaning back on his seat and gazing out of the window. The rain annoyed him. It made him feel chilly and uncomfortable. It also reminded him of England.

Japan, who was sitting on Francis' right side, took a look at his watch. "I wonder if England is fine. He is the only one who is not here and the meeting should begin in five minutes."

"Are you sure he's coming?" China asked. "I thought he was in India."

Russia was sitting on Francis' left side. "Alfred told me that he would be coming", he said with his usual sweet smile.

So, England would really come. Francis didn't feel uneasy; he just wondered how the Brit would act since they hadn't met for a long time. And the last time they met wasn't exactly…

"Oh, you are going to India?" Francis said, forcing a polite smile on his face. "Well then, England, have a nice trip."

"Thank you, France, you too", Arthur answered smiling formally, but unable –and unwilling- to hide the anger in his voice. The two men were standing and staring heinously at each other with empty smiles, looking ready to rip each other's faces off.

…the most pleasant meeting. But what about today? Because, well, it had been a year after all and Francis wasn't one of those people who got stuck in the past unable to move forward.

"Okay, I'll go and check the hall", America announced and jumped up from his place next to Russia. With a sight he shook his head. "Once again I'll have to be the hero who saves the day."

He left with Hungary, who went to get more tea.

For some reason Francis couldn't help but stare at the door, waiting for America to return with England. Japan took a quick look at him but said nothing. Instead Russia asked the question that was bothering the Asian, too. "So how are things between you and England, France?"

"Oh, we have not been in touch after we left to our trips", Francis answered casually. "It'll be interesting too meet him again."

"I see", Russia said with his typical friendly tone. Violet eyes blinked. Japan turned his face away as if he wasn't listening. "Hopefully you two will get along again."

Francis laughed. "Probably we'll end up fighting as usually."

The door flew open and America marched in shouting some nonsense again. And there, behind him, was England. Francis didn't mean to stare, but once he saw the figure of the smaller nation, his bright emerald eyes, he could not turn his eyes away.

It was Arthur.

Their eyes locked for a moment, then Arthur smiled to everybody. "Good evening, everybody. Long time no seen."

"England!" North-Italy was quick to jump from his place and run to hug the Brit, who was in an instant surrounded by nations greeting him. Francis smiled at Arthur's bothered and yet joyful face and stood up, too. During those few steps he had to make to Arthur he had to admit to himself that yes, he had missed the smaller nation. A lot.

When other nations around the Brit noticed Francis coming, they made him room to approach Arthur. Germany looked cautiously at the two of them and moved closer, ready to interrupt if he saw a fight coming.

Francis was a little surprised to find his heart flapping and he couldn't help wondering if Arthur still hated him.

"Hello –should he say Arthur or England? - England", he said smiling. Really smiling, not forcing a smile, being glad to see that the Brit returned his smile.

"Hello France." There was not suppressed anger in Arthur's voice, Francis was relieved to mark. "So, um, how was your trip to Africa?"

"Very interesting. So different from my country."

Arthur seemed to relax a bit. "I guess that's what makes it interesting. I mean, being different from France."

Francis laughed kindly. "Are you telling me that my country is not interesting? We just met and here you go, already insulting me." Arthur joined to his laughter, somehow unsure though. Hearing him laughing like that made suddenly Francis' heart squeeze. Before they used to laugh together without that awkward tone.

"Exactly like when we were still-" Arthur cut himself off, eyes widening in panic. Francis' heart skipped one beat. Germany moved a bit closer. "…like before the trips", The Brit finished weakly, cheeks turning red.

"We should start the meeting now", Germany said firmly, willing to cut off the awkward situation.

"But of course", Francis nodded. "Well, I'm happy to see you are doing well, Ar… Angleterre."

"You too", Arthur gave him a watery smile, quickly finding himself a place on the other side of the table.

"Now. We are here to talk about global warming", Germany started talking, but Francis didn't pay any attention to his words. He couldn't.

Arthur. England. Arthur. Arthur. There he was sitting and absently gazing in to distance. What was he thinking about? India? England? Or perhaps Francis? Was he remembering what they had had? And why was Francis caring about the Englishman's thoughts? He actually wasn't, not really. He was listening what other nations had to say about…what was it…global warming.

"How do you find America's idea, France?" Germany's voice broke through Francis' thoughts.

"Hm? Oh, I disagree", he answered automatically, not even bothering to think what had been America's idea.

"You see, even France dumped your suggestion, America", Arthur said. "I'm telling you it's not going to work!"

"Even France?" Suddenly Francis was fully awake again.

The Brits shoulders sank. "I-I mean…"

"We do not want any fights here, do we?" Austria interrupted. "The point is that America's idea is simply foolish."

Germany rubbed his temples. "We have to come up with something else…"

Francis sighed. For a short moment everything was like it used to be, England and France picking up a fight together. But now they were just polite, careful not to insult each other. Would they ever again feel natural in each other's company? Or would the atmosphere always be as formal as it was now?

Francis just couldn't focus on the issue of the meeting, so he let his mind wander and tried to settle his somewhat confused feelings until Germany said that it was late already and they would continue on the next day.

"Oh, England! We are in the same hotel", Francis heard Spain saying and felt a quick strike of jealousy. He was not in the same hotel as Arthur since was in different hotel as Spain. And so what? How would being in the same hotel change anything? I'm not quite in the position of sneaking into Arthur's room anyway.

While flowing out of the meeting room, down the stairway and out of the building nations were telling goodnights to each other.

"So", Francis said to Arthur who was walking in front of him. "See you tomorrow."

Arthur flinched of surprise and for a short moment he looked into Francis' eyes before turning his face away. "Y-yeah, see you."

And Francis turned around and went in the opposite direction.
