Please leave remembrances for Lasmke here in a review, rather than at her page.

An update from the family (This can be found on Lisa's profile as of 3/5/10):

This profile and its stories will be deleted Sunday March 7, 2010.

My sister wrote stories that had chapters we would prefer our family not stumble upon. To preserve her memory in our parents eyes, and for other reasons, we will be removing her stories from this site. We respectfully request that you do not repost them at other public sites. You are more than welcome to save them for personal reading, and share them w/friends via email, etc. We are sure Lisa would be tickled by that. Especially by the comments we've received with how personal she tried to be with everyone who gave her story(ies) a try. We just do not want them laying about on a public site any longer.

We are sure you all understand and we'd like to again thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, and wishes during this time. We have discussed and in response to the request for donations, we would like to ask you to choose a charity or relief organization to donate to. After my sisters and I read Small Town Gossip last night, we thought it would be appropriate to suggest http://one (dot) org/us/

Thank you to greeengoldfish and ALL OF THE COMMENTS that are pouring in to the page she created for Lisa. Gloria is putting together a scrap book and will be including those messages. We can't have mom getting nosey later and peeping around here looking for Lisanne's stories now can we? So, again, this profile will be deleted.


A message from Lisa's family:

OK, I do not know really how to work this. My name is Gloria and I'm on line with my family right now. Sheila, one of my sisters, has asked me to post something to the "communities" that my sister, Lisa, participated in. I tried to do it at a Forest but I don't know how and this besides a few other places, this is one of the tabs that opens when I am on her laptop.

Message from our family.

While our family is traveling during this time, we would like to thank everyone for all of the emails, phone calls, and messages that have been sent. My family was not aware that Lisa participated in fan fiction writing and we honestly did not realize that she had such a large community of friends in the virtual world. Lisa had asked me (Sheila) not to share her writing with the family because I think she was worried they would tease her. It was our little secret. Or so I thought. One of our sisters (Gloria) has been going through emails and message boards that Lisa had bookmarked on her laptop and she is putting together these messages so that she can print them for my mother and father to easily read.

Our hope is that you look at your own family and friends today and let them know you care.

We thank you for respecting our privacy at this time and know that you agree Lisa would probably write a huge entry of some sort, full of bad language, chastising me for not responding to each of you personally. That was her thing. Giving each person her full attention and respect.

We pray you do the same in your daily lives. The attention and respect thing, not the post of cursing.

We would like to thank those of you who participated in her daily life with her:

The Gazebo
A Different Forest
Live Journal

Thank you also to: vysed, greeengoldfish, nerac, lara, em, araeo, and amerymarie for being there for our little sister (Gloria) tonight.
