Harry awoke in Neville's arms, something hard pressed against his backside. He froze, unsure what to do.


Talking underwater was strange. Both the ashray and the nokke, much like the merpeople, had the same way of speaking. It was very similar to whale song. Harry was used to it, but, he still couldn't get over just how wonderful it sounded. Neville's song was one of the most beautiful sounds he'd ever heard.

"Harry, you know I won't do anything to force you. Don't be scared. We won't do anything you don't want to happen."

Harry turned in Neville's arms and looked up into his eyes; the comfortingly warm brown orbs flecked with silver. He kissed him. He had no worries. He was in the arms of his chosen surrounded by his element, he was ready for anything.

Neville pulled away quickly and rested his forehead against Harry's. When he spoke his voice had two layers. "We're sorry. This will be very fast. We've been waiting, holding ourselves back. We're sorry we can't make this what it should be."

"It's alright Nev." Harry whispered, reaching up to press his lips to Neville's. "I'm with you. The rest doesn't matter."

With a fierce growl Neville took control of the kiss. It was possessive, almost angry. Harry groaned and gave as good as he got. There was a clash of teeth and tongues. The cut on his lower lip opened and Harry tasted blood.

Neville roared, the silver taking over his eyes. With a few quick movements he tore off Harry's pajama bottoms. He spread Harry's legs, settling between them. Neville did his best to prepare Harry, but the ashray was too desperate and Neville wasn't able to keep control for long. He thrust into Harry and bit down high on his neck, just under his jaw line. Harry screamed, arching his back.

Their joining was fast, ruthless. But after a few strokes, Neville calmed. The silver receded, and the focus switched from claiming to pleasure. Neville slowed his pace, and wrapped a hand around Harry's dick, pumping slowly. Harry's breathing, harsh from the pain, slowed, turned to pants. It was all a bit too much for him, he came quickly. The automatic cleansing spell on the pool removing the evidence of his pleasure.

Neville. It was Harry's only thought. Thoughts of Neville consumed him, took him over. He was wholly focused on the man above him. The play of his muscles, the concentrated loving expression, the water playing with the blond hair, everything. I love him…

"I love you Neville."

Those beautiful eyes widened and with a guttural moan Neville released himself into Harry. He wrapped Harry tightly in his arms.

"I love you too, my beautiful Harry. I'll never let you go."

Harry smiled.

A few hours later…

Ron sent a mischievous grin Harry's way. "So Harry, what were you up to this morning?"

Harry blushed, and couldn't help glancing at Neville. "Nothing."

Draco chuckled. "Sorry Potter, it's not gonna fly. Hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but we all know. See a few hours ago we were woken up rather abruptly, any hint of thrall completely gone. Oh and Blaise has gained back his human form. Didn't take a genius to figure out what happened."

Ron's smirk widened obnoxiously. "So did you enjoy it? Bum still sore?"

Harry's blush spread to his entire body and he sank under the table, completely mortified. "Neville, I don't think I'll ever forgive you for this…"

Neville and Harry were walking back to Neville's room (Dumbledore decided to let Neville keep it since he still needed the pool to sleep and Harry soon would as well) when they ran into Dean.

He sniffed them a few times (as was his habit since his transformation) and raised an eyebrow. "Wow, pregnant on the first go." He winked at Neville. "Didn't know you were such a stud."


The End

A/N: Alrighty so here we are (finally) at the end. I know it moved pretty fast and is short but that's how I wanted it. I don't know, maybe my problem is that I'm not good with embellishment. I have no problem bullshitting but I don't like going on and on and on and on, esp when in my mind there's no need for it. They already know each other and are comfortable with each other, I mean they've been together for longer than most relationships last, and the claim is the most important part, it's a commitment in and of itself.

Anything that needs clarifying? Let me know so I can fix. Thank you for reading. Sorry about the choppy chapters but its the only way I can do it - write first and chop up later. Hope everyone enjoyed. :) Look forward to my next story which I lovingly refer to as my large pile of epic fail coming probably tomorrow.