I cried, and got mad at the authors at the ending of series two. But I decided to make my own ending. PLEASE NOTE: If you don't want to read this chapter, you don't have to, to read the rest of the story. This chapter isn't much different from the episode, but I've added personal thoughts. If you're skipping this chapter, I recommend you read at least the last half of chapter two, which is only half of the original episode. I start to deviate in that chapter. Disclaimer: I do not own anything, nor do I make any profit. Written for personal reasons. Please enjoy!


Our six favorite outlaws were in the middle of the desert in Acra, strung up the wooden posts like thieves. Djac, Much and Little John were behind Will, Robin, and Allan.

It was very hot and the air was heavy, they were having a hard time breathing. Robin let his head hang, he could not save the king, the people of Nottingham, and he would never see Marian again.

"How long?" Will asked, in a tone of defeat.

"In this heat-" Djac breathed, "Without water.." she shook her head and made a sound, breathing out through her teeth.

"Sorry my love. I should've made you stay with Bassam."

"I would never leave you, Will Scarlet."

There was a silence.

"If we could just get through the nightfall then, you know --" Much stammered

"Then what?" Little John asked roughly.

"Then-" he breathed. "It'll be cooler."

"Cooler," John scoffed.

"It'll be freezing." Allan said

"I know, but it won't be hot- this heat!"

"Much," Djac began kindly, taking a deep breath, "We do not have untill nightfall."

Silence was cast once more, each person thinking about their life to this point, each wondering if it was worth it to hope.

Robin had already guessed his fate, and he hadn't listened to the conversation. He was too busy thinking. All the people he would fail, simply by dying in the Holy Land. How he wished he was, at this moment protecting the king.

And Marian, the love he knew not until she had almost died. Marian kept his hopes alive, even though he knew he would die today. He missed her, and now that he knew how much he loved her, his desire to be her husband was strong as steel. He kept his head hung, for fear the others would realize how selfish he was being, not thinking about Nottingham and the people.

Time creeped by. An hour. Then two.

Much was thinking about his life. What an idiot he had been, always more preoccupied with the next meal than saving the people, and always upset over Robin's plots and keeping secrets. He could have been a better man, better for Eve. He missed her. He had promised to find her, and now he never would have the chance. He would never be a husband or a Lord. What Eve deserved was a better man then he'd ever be. What he would give to have been stronger. He thought about his friends.

The outlaws became weary, delirious. It was too hot. The ability to think escaped them. No more feeling sorry for themselves or the others. They were dead and waiting to die, hoping it would come swiftly.

Much spoke for the first time in hours. "You know I love you all." His voice was raspy from the lack of water. "John, Djac, Will." He paused for air. "Even you, Allen. And Robin. Master."

Robin barely heard as Much said his name. His eyes were on the horizon, waiting for God to come and rescue them from their fate.

"When I was serving the king I was serving you," Much continued his habit of his talking getting the better of him.

Robin saw a face come over the horizon. He saw an angel, clad in white. Oh, by the glory of God, he was going to his eternal home.

"Everything I've done has been for you." Much continued.

Robin kept looking at his guardian angel. She was mounted on a horse, and Robin realized she wasn't an angel.

"Marian?" He breathed, sparsely believing it. He blinked his eyes, then each one individually, trying to focus on the figure coming from the other side of the horizon.

"Marian." He was relieved. Had she escaped? How had she found them? Was she really there to rescue them?"

"Look there- I can really see something- coming." Much looked in shock. The others looked up at his words. Marian was now in full view, on a brown chestnut horse.

"He's right." Allen stated.

Will started calling for help, as did the others.

"He's seen us!" Much grinned.

"God is smiling on us!" Djac said.

"Or Allah." Will looked back at Djac and they exchanged looks of happiness and love.

"Whoever it is, I love him!" Much put in.

By now, everyone was smiling except John and Robin. Djac squealed happily at the approaching sight.

"The Sheriff." Allen said, with a freshly dampened mood as the second horse appeared. Then a third.

"There is no God." Much breathed helplessly.

Three people atop three horses approached the outlaws. Marian looking solemn, the Sheriff grinning at them all, and the king's guard was simply bemused. The guard and the sheriff demounted. The guard went to Marian to remove her from the horse and the sheriff walked closer to the outlaws.

"See, that's the trouble with foreign travel. You run into all the same people you see at home." The sheriff chuckled and ginned wide enough that his missing tooth was clearly visible.

"You left a friend behind. I understand you've met my colleague, James."

Marian was now off her horse, and James was holding her tightly. "We meet again." James smiled, flashing his ring of the Black Knight's so all could see.

"You let the black knights buy you." Much said in disgust.

"Had to use the poll, put to good use."

"You're revolting!"

James shoved Marian around ("Get off me!") until he had her back to back with Robin, who was back to hanging his head.

"A revolt is when the people rise up against their leader. Now I'm not revolting, I'm cooing." He chuckled. "Plotting a sudden and decisive change in leader."

"What about murder?" Marian was now tied behind Robin, and Robin had raised his head to speak up.

"Oh well you see, the king will wander out into the desert- alone, unarmed, ready to meet his enemy, then-"

Much interrupted, "The king wants peace. you're killing a man who's trying to keep peace."

"Yes," The sheriff droned, "Life's usually so much fairer."

"Just let Marian go," Robin said calmly. "She's got nothing to do with-"

"She's got everything to do with this!" He was standing next to Allen. "Hmm? All along we thought we had a spy in your camp." He slapped Allen with his gloves then walked over to Robin. "But you had one in ours." He grinned maliciously.

Robin's eyes were cut into slits. "You see, there will always be people who work for me, because I fight for justice."

"Oh, blah-de-blah-de-blah, but this-" He reached around Robin and grabbed Marian's throat. "This one is a special one, hmm? Because you were still hoping, eh, wern't you, that after all this you'd end up as man and wife and share sunny Sherwood hall. So, now you have your bride." He chuckled and turned to leave. "I'd love to stay, but I don't tan well. Do excuse us, we have a king to kill. Come along James." They mounted and rode off.

Robin waited until the dust settled. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

"We fought and we lost."

"At least we would have died trying."

Little John spoke for the first time since being strung up. "I wanna die in England. Sherwood."

"C'mon John, today's a good day to die, you're always saying it." Said Much.

"Today is not a good day to die! I want to die within the arms of my wife, with my son, John. by my side."

"John, you're dying for England. Even if you're not there."

"I'm not being funny," Allen began, speaking with no emotion. "The king of England was the one who put us here in the first place."

"The sheriff spun him a story! The moment we arrived here we were marked men." Allen shook his head. "It's not the king's fault.

Marian took a shaky breath. "Say the words then, handsome."

"What words?"

"I, Robin take you, Marian."


"Now is a good time I think." she looked around. "We are in the company of the best witnesses England has to offer.

"I Robin," He paused and took a shaky breath. "take you, Marian to be my lawful wedded wife. To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer," Much had started crying, Robin's throat was closing in, tears he did not want to release.

"In sickness." Marian provided

"In sickness or in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Marian smiled. "I Marian, take you, Robin of Locksley, master of the bow champion of the poor and lord of my heart to be my lawful wedded husband. I promise to love, and to cherish you, for better or for worse, from this day forward, as long as we both shall live." She half-laughed, seeing Much crying so steadily. "Much, don't cry."

Much looked up, shook his head, and opened his mouth to speak.

"He's not crying, he's laughing on the wrong side of his face."

Everyone looked, and to their delight, Carter was walking toward Little John with a knife.

"Carter! We thought you'd left us!" Robin, his men and his wife were all laughing joyously.

"Sorry, out here you can lose your head."

Little John was free and began to untie Much while Carter began to untie Marian.

"I thought I didn't like you!" Much marveled at his savior.

"I know." said Carter.

"Well, I do now-" Much's legs gave in and he fell to the ground. Allen and Will were now the only ones still tied, and were quickly being released.

"Found you," Robin turned and hugged his wife, both overjoyed at the turn of events.

"We have horses. We have weapons."

"And we have a king to rescue." Robin kept hold of Marian's hand. "Come on!e"

"We are Robin hood." Much breathed quietly.

"What?" Carter asked.

"We'll explain later."

"No. Everybody say it. We are Robin Hood. Say it!"

They chipped in, "We are Robin Hood!"


Please leave a review! Remember, I stop copying next chapter =)