So I found some free time and started writing and well... this sort of poured out of me. Seriously, thank you to everyone who read this story and I'm really glad that some of you seemed to have enjoyed it.

"Logan, I've gotten to the point where I don't exactly tell my brother everything. Especially right away. Especially especially about guys because he gets all over-protective and brotherly."

"My point. Exactly. And he's not just your brother, Katie, he's one of my best friends. I can't just not tell him and I can't hide it from him."

"Don't worry about it, I can handle-"

"Katie, I told you, I'm in this and I don't go back on my word, so I'm not hiding our relationship from anyone, least of all your brother and my best friend."

Katie smiled. Logan was rather attractive (er, more attractive than usual) when he got all fiery and defensive. And she didn't really want to keep anything from Kendall, but she just didn't know how to tell him. Or what to tell him. She laced her fingers through Logan's and pulled him forward with her.

"Okay, let's go tell him."

"Tell who what?" Katie swore Carlos just materialized out of nowhere. She hadn't seen him coming - which was odd, you could always see Carlos coming.

"What did I miss? Ah, damn-it, not my new jacket," James stepped out from a side road, presumably the one Carlos had come from. He was pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket and dabbed his sleeve. Katie didn't want to know what. He finished and looked up. Logan and Katie had frozen, and he and Carlos looked at them expectantly. James raised his left brow when he noticed the couple's hands intertwined. Then he smiled. "Logan you sly dog."

Logan blushed and looked away. Katie squeezed his hand tighter and rolled her eyes at James. Carlos stood with a confused expression on his face.

"Did I miss something?" he asked. Katie raised up her right hand, holding Logan's still. After a moment of thought, Carlos seemed to get the picture, "oh, oh. Wow. Cool! You guys make a nice couple."

"Thank you, Carlos," Katie smiled sweetly, then shot a glance at James.

"Hey I was joking! It's a guy thing, you know? No? Ohhhkay. So, uh, does Kendall know?"

Logan spoke up, "No, he doesn't. And that's what Carlos overheard us talking about before." He rubbed his hand through his hair absentmindedly. "I'm a little afraid to tell him. You know how Kendall gets sometimes when he's in big-brother mode."

"Oh, how do I get?" Logan yelped at the sound of Kendall's voice behind him, his hand ripping from Katie's. She laughed at the sight of Logan freaking out and the investigative persona Kendall was putting on.

"Why do you guys keep just popping up out of nowhere! I swear, sometimes it's like we're in a TV show when you just show up out of the blue," Logan's voice was shaking a bit; he still a little shocked from the surprise. Kendall managed to laugh. He patted Logan on the back.

"Lighten up, dude," Kendall said. "But seriously, what were you saying about me?"

"Uh, Kendall, we, uh, have to talk to you," she looked from Logan to Kendall.

"I'm all ears, baby sister."

"Okay, so, before I say this, I just want to tell you that I am an adult and this is partially my decision and whether it is a mistake or not it is my decision to make and besides everyone makes mistakes, but I don't think this is a mistake and well-"

"Whoa there, slow down," Kendall placed a hand on Katie's shoulder. "Breathe. Whenever you get nervous you ramble, I know, but you've gotta breathe. I'm not going to judge you Katie, you know that."

"Well it's not just me I'm worried about either," she tried not to look at Logan, and started to speak again, but he cut her off.

"Katie and I are dating."

She gave him a sharp look, but reached for his hand. He took it, finding comfort in her touch. Kendall watched as he did, eyes wide.

"Hey, Logan, let's go talk. Katie, stay here, please. Seriously. Please. Stay."

"I'm not a-"

Kendall was pulling Logan away before she could finish.

"-dog." But she stayed put.

Logan couldn't tell exactly how Kendall was feeling. His eyes were still a little wide, but his expression was mostly blank. They stopped a ways down the road, and Kendall let out a long, loud sigh as he let go of Logan's arm. He ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes.

"Please explain."

Logan began to, "Well-"

"Please explain to me why you are dating my baby sister and how in the world this happened. I'm not really angry I'm just extremely confused... Okay maybe I'm a little angry but mostly just puzzled."

Katie watched as Logan and Kendall spoke. She could see past Kendall's blank expression. He wasn't happy. He wasn't really mad, or he would show it. But he wasn't happy. Still, this was good. She could talk to him and it would be no problem.

Logan's hands flailed as he talked. Kendall's were crossed in front of his chest. Slowly, Kendall's position relaxed, but Katie could see the emotion in his face. Frustration, disappointment, concern. She decided that no, she would not stay as Kendall had asked her to. She started walking, but eventually ran over to where Logan and Kendall stood, and interrupted.

"Look, Kendall. Be angry or whatever. Be that way for a little while. But you're going to have to get over it. This is happening, whether you like it or not. Our relationship is between two consenting adults. Two people you love very much. I'm always going to be your baby sister, I know, but I do have to grow up sometime. And I am. And Logan is always going to be your best friend because you two are the best best friends and that's just how it is. And if we ever break up it will be okay because I'd like to think we're all fairly mature."

"Yeah, good thing Carlos and James weren't still around when you said that," Kendall said, smiling. Katie smiled back.

"So, we're good?" Logan tested the waters. The joke was a good sign.

"Yeah, we're good man. You're my best friend, and I trust you. And Katie, I love you and I respect your decisions. Even if it's hard for me to accept that you've grown up. But," he turned to Logan, "she is still my sister and if you hurt her, I don't know if I'll be as mature as Katie gives me credit for being."

"Note taken."

Katie hugged Kendall tightly, saying, "Thank you."

Kendall let go first, "I've gotta get back to the studio - actually, we have to get back to the studio," he looked at Logan. "Songs don't write and record themselves. You coming, Katie?"

"Well, that was the plan earlier, but that was just so we could tell you... you know. Um, I think I might skip out on that."

"No, come," Logan said as he took her hand.

"Yeah. I mean, you haven't been there in a while, right? It'd give Gustavo a good scare. Don't tell me that isn't tempting?"

"Ugh, you got me. Fine, I'll go with you guys," she feigned annoyance, but couldn't hide the smile she had on her face.

The three walked down the street in the direction of the studio. Kendall slightly in front, Katie and Logan side by side, hand in hand. Katie leaned into Logan's side a bit and looked up as they strolled on, letting herself get lost in thoughts, not scared of where they would take her. For so long Katie had been living in the past. Wishing, longing, missing. Thinking of things she would change, things she would erase. But for the first time in what seemed like a long time, she was completely present. And she wouldn't change a thing.