A/N: Welcome to the next exciting installment of Playtime!

I'd like to mention, this chapter is dedicated to my sister, MissusAnn, for her birthday and my good friend, Darmed, whom just woke up from a temporary coma due to being hit by a CAR. Damned motor vehicles. Dx Even though I know they both like Shades better. I'm dedicating the next chapter of that story to them, too, though, of course. They just have to wait longer for that one. (: (I probably mentioned this before, but I'm taking turns updating the two stories.)

After securing his notebook and the suspicious sleeping pills back in his room, Lavi had immediately begun his hunt for the currently napping Allen.

It began in the cafeteria.

"Jeryy!" Lavi shouted as he approached the window of the lilac-haired chef. "Heeey, Jer-bear." He examined his surroundings, which were, much to his surprise and dismay, very lacking in albino teen males. "Why isn't Allen here? You haven't seen him within the past few hours, have you?"

Jeryy made a face at Lavi. An angry face. "Nope. He's not here. I banned him from food until at least eight-thirty. He shouldn't be back here for a few hours yet."

Lavi countered his angry face with a flirty grin. He wanted to say something like "How could you do something so cruel to my poor, sparkling, innocent, adorable little Allen?", because that was how Lavi saw Allen, but he didn't want to voice this opinion before commencing his plan. Instead, he thanked him for his so-called "help", and ventured straight on over to said poor, sparkling, innocent, adorable male's bedroom. Lavi had no time to waste looking throughout the whole building to find him, he had to go straight to the most likely place. If Allen wasn't in at the time, Lavi would wait until he was.

Lavi knocked on the door.

"Hello? Alleeeen...?" He barely heard some mumbling, then some snoring noises.

'Asleep, huh? Well, not for long!' Inner Lavi smirked, as outer Lavi began pounding violently on the door. "Allen! Allen! Let me in, Allen!" He was beginning to grow impatient of the other teens response, or lack thereof.

After a few more minutes of pounding and shouting, Lavi decided it was time to figuratively pull out the "heavy machinery". His fail proof method of always getting Allen's attention.

"Allen! I have food!" He cried, leaning on the door and rubbing his now very red and sore fists.

Without hesitation, the door immediately opened, and the two were once again a tangled mass of limbs.

"Ohh, Allen. This is the second time today we've ended up like this, you little rascal, you." Lavi winked and a snarky grin plastered itself to his face. He pinned the other teen's arms in place below him, licking, then proceeding to bite his lips seductively.

Allen yawned, pulling his arm up about a millimeter from the ground in an attempt to rub his eyes, and, realizing his attempt was futile, allowed it to be pushed back to the ground without fighting Lavi. Instead, he raised a perturbed eyebrow and smacked his lips together in an attempt to bring moisture back to his dry mouth.

"I thought there was food?" The sleepy teen murmured drowsily, his high-pitched voice slightly raspy from just having woken up.

"Oh, there is food, you just have to follow me if you want it." Lavi's smirk became more prominent, a shifty glint in his eye which both disappeared as he loosened his grip on Allen's wrists. Releasing his hold entirely, he rolled onto his side on the ground, getting off of Allen, and pushed himself back up, carefully brushing dirt off of his side and knees. He held out a hand to help Allen back to his feet as well, and the younger male accepted it...only to be immediately drug along by Lavi.

Allen looked around befuddled as he was pulled through hallways he wasn't sure he had seen before. Of course, not recognizing these corridors could have been partially because he was still half-asleep, but decidedly ruled that explanation out before it had even come to mind. Which was probably better for him, as it was true that he had never wandered these particular paths before, but arguably difficult for Lavi.

"Laaaviii, where are you taaaking mee?" He questioned as suspiciously as he could in his still sleepy voice, apparently holding out the words "Lavi", "taking", and "me".

"You'll see, you'll see. Just wait." He restrained a chuckle.

Soon enough, the two of them were outside the Black Order, on a narrow dirt path heading into a forest. Allen still had no realization of what was going on. Poor Allen. What a pity for the innocent, sparkling, young youth that he was about to fall into such a trap.

Within a few minutes on the path, the two arrived upon a run-down, rickety, old-looking shed.

"Come on, Allen! Just a little bit farther! The food is right inside those doors!"

"Really?!" Allen was suddenly wide-eyed, despite his remaining post-nap disorientation.

"Yeah! Go on! Take a look! I made your favorites!"

Needless to say, Allen yanked away from Lavi and ran at full speed straight through the not-so-surprisingly conveniently-swung-open doors, only to be greeted by a long table filled with the promised favorite foods of the young Allen Walker. He thought he had died and gone to heaven.

"Oh. My. God." Allen stared at the table, drooling. "OHMYGODOHMYGOD." He approached the food, taking in the delicious aromas and savoring them as much as he could. Without taking even a mere second to think, he immediately started devouring everything in sight. A few moments later, in the midst of chewing a rather large bite from a chicken leg, he remembered his manners momentarily. "Thank you so much, Lavi! This is amazing!"

As he turned around, he heard a sound that sounded eerily similar to a lock clicking.

"Nooo problem, baby," said Lavi, turning away from the door with a cocky smirk on his face.

-----|This is a divider, obby.|-----

Somewhere in a different part of the planet, a handsome, dark-skinned, seductively handsome man scratched his head in confusion during the middle of his poker game, for he had also heard this lock-click, except the room he was in had no locks to have been locked.

"Tyki? Tyki, it's your turn. Hey! Are you listening?"

The man jumped a bit, startled from his thought by the other voice. "Uh.. yeah, sorry." He looked at his hand and attempted to grin a blatant bluff, but was too distracted by the noise he had just heard and looked back up at the other players. "Hey, did you guys hear that just now?"

"Hear what?" The first man asked, cocking a brow.

"A clicking noise, like a lock.."

"Nope." The second man said.

"You okay, man? There ain't any locks to be clicked in this building except on the front door." The first man worried.

"Huh. Weird. Well, gentlemen, I'm sorry to leave you hanging here, but I really must be on my way." He pulled on his jacket and was off, allowing a strange tugging in his mind to guide him to wherever it was he felt he needed to be.

Hope you enjoyed! Review now? :D

Next time, on Playtime, our hero will..... continue his existence!