Just a quick drabble to keep me entertained for a while. This was written when I was supposed to be doing my homework.

I don't own KHR no matter how much I want to.

The Day Hibari Came Late

Tsuna sighed and tapped his pen against the file in front of him as he waited. He had called a meeting for all of his Guardians to explain the goings on in the Mafia world. So far everyone was there. Everyone but Hibari. It was a troublesome task, waiting for the former Prefect, but Tsuna could not start the meeting without him. It wasn't everyday Hibari would be late. He preferred to come on time so that it would be over quicker. It puzzled Tsuna.

Usually, it was Ryohei, Lambo and, more commonly, Mukuro that were late. Ryohei usually forgot and had to be looked for, while Lambo was just a slow walker. Mukuro, however, just liked being late to annoy everyone. Well, that's what Tsuna thought at least. But Hibari, well, he was never late.

Gokudera was itching for a cigarette and Yamamoto was busy playing with his thumbs (boredom never did sit well with him). Lambo and Ryohei were playing noughts and crosses on what looked to be a pretty important document. Mukuro was the one that stood out to Tsuna. He had a knowing smirk on his face as he looked around happily, his hands clasped together in that typical evil-villain way. It was as if he knew why Hibari was late.

'OK, Mukuro,' Tsuna finally said, causing everyone at the table to turn their attention to him, 'what have you done to Hibari-san?'

Mukuro put on an innocent expression. 'I don't know what you mean, Vongola,' he said sweetly. Tsuna sighed and narrowed his eyes in exasperation, pulling a hand to his forehead. He could feel a headache coming on, as it always came when he was talking to Rokudo Mukuro.

'You've done something,' Tsuna accused.

'No, I don't believe I have,' Mukuro chuckled, pressing a thoughtful finger to his lips.

Gokudera stood up. 'If the tenth says you've done something, then you've done something, pineapple head.'

Mukuro chuckled and shook his head, unable to contain his mirth. 'My, my, what perceptive people you are.'

'So, you have done something, Mukuro?' Tsuna asked, suddenly having the urge to down a whole bottle of tequila.

'Well,' the illusionist said, leaning back in his chair, 'why don't you see for yourself.'

That was when Hibari walked into the room.

Wearing a pineapple suit.

Everybody stared, eyes wide and mouths agape as the Cloud Guardian angrily strode into the room, glaring at Mukuro in particular. He really was in a pineapple suit. One huge yellow-orange body, with a little hat with fake green leaves sticking out. It was…strange. He must have been late because he was putting it on.

Hibari walked to the end of the room, every single set of eyes on him. He sighed grudgingly and turned around, obviously not wanting to be there. His brows were furrowed and his face was tinted pink as he stared around him before declaring one, pretty embarrassing thing:

'And this is why you should never lose a bet to Mukuro.'

You know that you want to see Hibari in a pineapple suit. ;D

What the bet was about is up to you, I just wanted to write about the outcome!