Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own Twilight Stephenie Meyer does.

A/N This is it. The story is finally finished. I want to thank everyone who read and reviewed. I hope you guys enjoyed the ride!


Three months later

Bella stood on a beach staring at the ocean and waiting for Alice to return from hunting.

She sighed. She would have liked to join her mate, but Alice still preferred that she didn't. She had already joined her a few times ridding Alice of her fear that Bella would suddenly need blood, but Bella knew that her presence put Alice on edge and she didn't want to do that to her mate.

"Ready for the rest of eternity?" Alice asked coming up behind Bella and hugging her.

"With you by my side I'm ready for just about anything," Bella answered kissing her beautiful wife. "Well, except a shopping marathon," she continued grinning and earning a light slap on the shoulder. "Besides it can't be more eventful than the past few months now can it?"

Alice just grinned mischievously and led Bella back inside the beach house they had rented.

"Now Mrs. Cullen how about, to make sure you're not going to be bored, we find something eventful to do with our time?"

Whatever Bella was going to say was cut off by Alice's lips on hers.

Yes, whatever happened next didn't matter because she had this for all eternity and that made her the luckiest person in the world.