Thank You for the reviews! As promised, Chapter 3.

A flurry of movement had happened since they arrived to this place. Wolfwood and Vash had both become ill. And Wolfwood saw way too much. Two women had placed him on a bed with wheels. The one woman called it a 'gurney.' He didn't care what it was called. All he knew was that he was scared. The blonde haired woman who was on Wolfwood's right leaned over and smiled at him. "Hi there. My name is Dr. Cameron. Can you tell your name?"

"My name is Nicholas. Nicholas D. Wolfwood." he answered.

"Do you know where you are?"


"Do you know what year it is?"

"Uhh.....2010. I think."


The vehicle they were in stopped. The doors to the vehicle opened and two more people appeared and helped Wolfwood out of the vehicle. The place they had brought him to was bright and very clean. The walls were painted yellow and green. "Weird." Wolfwood thought. Another woman came toward them. "Bed 3 is open." said the woman.

"Thanks Carley." said the other woman.

The two women pushing the bed stopped. More movement happened. He looked over to his left and saw Vash, lying flat on the bed or gurney. Vash looked over at Wolfwood and smiled. A sharp pain had radiated from Wolfwood's wound. He screamed in pain. "Push a quarter gram of morphine." said the light brown haired woman. In a mere second later, another woman came back with a tube looking thing with a pointy stick on the end. "Nicholas, this is a shot to help with the pain." said the woman. He felt a little pinch on his arm and then nothing. "Hey Veronica, why don't you go scrub. I'll finish here." said Cameron.

"Alright. Nicholas, I leave you in good hands." says Veronica as she leaves.

Cameron looks up at Wolfwood, "Don't worry, Dr. Cuddy is a very good doctor."

"Hey lady in the white coat, can I have some donuts please?" whined Vash.

"Later." said a man at his bedside. He pulled a curtain closed between their beds.

Wolfwood let out a sigh. Cameron had just finished doing something to his side. She told that Veronica would be right out. The medicine the nurse gave him was starting to work. He felt a little happy and his side didn't hurt as much. He heard a lot of voices around him. They all sound so warm and friendly. Expect for one heated conversation.

"-paid me a $1,000 to record House being a kind and compassionate doctor."

"Oh just give it up Tritter, you took the bribe just to get into my sister's pants...again."

Wolfwood at this time was interested. He turned his head so he could hear and see slightly. He saw Veronica or Dr. Cuddy."Aren't those the same scrubs you had when were in med school?" asked a man with white hair. He was wearing a tan shirt with a black tie. He was also holding a small black box.

"Strange." thought Wolfwood. "Okay so that outfit that woman is wearing are called scrubs." He continues to listen.

"I've had these scrubs since Hopkins. I have like 10 sets of these."

"And they still fit you?"

"Yeah surprisingly after all this time."

"Good morning Father." said the man with the tie. The woman in the blue scrubs was now behind a desk. "Good morning Father Patrick."

"Top of the morning to you." said Father Patrick.

Wolfwood gave up and looked at the ceiling. "So there are priests in this time too." thought Wolfwood.

House and Wilson walked into the ER. (Wilson mostly just followed House to keep him on the straight and narrow.) House had been on edge all day. It was Friday and Veronica was going to make her decision about working with him. It was a long week and House was tired of waiting for an answer. Wilson,trying desperately to tell House that patience is a virtue, had been on his back all week. House just continued to call him an idiot. To make matters, Tritter was working there temporarily, under cover. Veronica had promised to work for House as long as he passed a test. Since House loved to play games, he couldn't help but comply. Because in the end Cuddy's sister would be working for him. The test was to prove that he was a compassionate doctor. And so far he didn't know how well he was doing. Wilson knew but he didn't, and it was killing him. It wasn't until this morning that he had finally grown a pair and went to ask her how he was doing.

"House wait!"exclaimed Wilson.

"You can't stop me because I'm Superman."

"Patience is a virtue."

"So is eating!"

"That's not a virtue! House-"

House had finally reached Veronica in the ER and stepped beside her. Veronica looked at him evily.

"You do know I'm hachidan in karate." said Veronica.

"Meaning?" asked House.

"Meaning no matter what, she can kick your ass in 30 seconds flat." said Tritter.

Veronica shook her head, " 'Hachidan' means eighth degree."

Wilson looked at her. "You're an eighth degree black belt?"

Veronica does her favorite karate stance. "I got a tournament this weekend. I might move up."

"Can I come watch?" asked House.

"Sure, why not." said Veronica as she walked around to the other side of the desk.

"So, um, it's Friday." said House.

Veronica didn't look up from her work while he spoke. Instead she looked over at Bed 2. Her dad was busy talking to the blond man her sister brought in. All he was asking for was a dozen donuts. And the two girls that came in with him and his friends were no help at all. They said that they were from a place called 'Gunsmoke' and some other crap that made no sense. She then reached over the counter of the desk and picked up the phone and dialed a number. The number she dialed went right to voice message. "Rachel you bitch! I know you're there! Pick up dammit! You owe me for this. If you get this call me at 1-800-BITE-ME! Oh and another thing, I know you're doing Justin so get over yourself, hoe!" She slammed the phone down. House and Wilson just stared in horror. At that moment her dad had stepped away from Vash's bed and closed the curtain.

"Now Nicky, that wasn't very nice." said Ben Cuddy.

"I'm sorry dad, but do you know any other psycho-therapists who are on call this early in the morning?"

"Okay, honey, it's almost 11:00 in the morning and I'm sure your sister has a whole slew of them somewhere in this dump. Now why don't you eat some chocolate and calm yourself down."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go find us some operating rooms." said Ben as he briskly walked out of the ER. Veronica shook her head. She looked over at Wolfwood and saw his face was slowly drawing the expression of pain again. Then she looked over at House.

"Hey, House." she called.

"Yes." he said.

"Bed 3. Check his vitals, make sure his wounds are compressed. And you know, scut work.*"

"Scut work?"

"Scut work, go."

House gave up. He took a deep breathe, took an ibuprofen and walked over to Wolfwood.

Wolfwood's pain was slowly returning. His head started to hurt and so did his left side. He also felt nauseated. A man was approaching him. The man appeared as if he hadn't shaved in days. His clothes, like everyone else's clothes were very strange. Even his shoes were strange! He pulled up a stool with wheels on it, right next to his bed. The man had a very strange thing around his neck and even stranger cuff like thing in his hand. Wolfwood closed his eyes and let the man put the cuff on his arm. He then opened his eyes after the man was finished. "Oh I forgot. Hi my name Dr. House, I'm assisting Dr. Cuddy this morning." said Dr. House.

"Hi." said Wolfwood shakily.

"And you are doing a fine job, Dr. House." said the priest whom Wolfwood saw earlier.

"Hi, Father Pat. What can I do for you?"

"I would like to talk to the patient when you're done with him."

"He's all yours."

"Thank you. Oh and House, give Nicky some room. She really needs to think about this decision. Remember she went to help her dad with his research right after med school."

"I'll try and remember. But remember padre, you're talking to a former addict."

Father Patrick laughed. He then turned to Wolfwood and smiled.

Yeah Ch. 3 isn't as good as the first two I know. If you're confused when you're finished with it, I'll explain why. I did alternating views. One view is from Wolfwood's, because he is from another time period. The other is from Veronica's or House's view. But pretty much it would be from our point of view, from this time period.

*Scut work is the grunt work interns have to do when they get out of med school.

**Look for my upcoming One Piece Story. Don't know what to call it yet though.