Hey guys this is my fist -Man story. Hopefully you guys will like it. I know it's short but next chapter it will be longer then 2000 (I'll try anyways...)

Anyways on wit the story!

I don't own -Man if I did I'd be a very happy person and Kanda and Allen would do more then just fight heehee~

Allen sighed as he looked around the deserted restaurant he was currently working at. He hated his job, he always had to put on a smile and pretend nothing was wrong with his life when just about everything was wrong with it, but it was the only job that he could get to hire him because of his appearance. White hair, scar over his left eye and a deformed arm from a fire five years ago. At least it pays well.

He sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that night and picked up a wash cloth. He looked at the clock was he walked by it. 9:30pm it read. One more hour, Allen thought as he started whipping down the tables. As he started on his third table he heard the bell over the door ring. Dropping the cloth on the table and plastering his fake smile on his face, he waited for Miranda to show whoever walked into the dingy restaurant to their seat.

He turned around only to see Miranda fall flat on her face and the couple looking at her with shocked yet sympathetic expressions. Allen sighed as he walked over to the women and held out his un-damaged hand. There's a reason why she only works at the front, he thought as he pulled her up off the floor.

When she was finally up and on her feet, she turned around to the couple and bowed, apologizing a million times before seating them. Allen gave them their menus and told them he would be back to take their order. Walking back to the table he was working on, he picked up the cloth and was about to finish wiping it when he heard his name being called.

"Allen-kun! Come here a sec!"

"Coming!", Allen called back as he dropped the cloth yet again on the table. It seems like I'll never finish the tables, he thought as he walked over to his manager and owner of the restaurant. "What's up Reever-san?"

"Just want to give you your pay check Allen-kun, were lucky to have you." , Reever said with a smile as he handed Allen a slip of paper. Allen thanked him and pocketed his check. Taking out his notebook and pencil he walked over to the couple, plastering the same fake smile on his face yet again.

"Hello my name is Allen and I'll be your waiter for this evening.", He said as he turned to the red headed male. "So sir what can I get you?"

The red head smiled at him, Allen noticed that he had on eye-patch over his right eye. Wonder what happen, Allen thought. Heh kinda like me in way. Kinda.

"Sir you ok?"

"Huh? Oh yes I'm sorry what was your order again?" Shit I must of spaced out.

"I said I would like the soup special with a soda please."

"Of course, and for you miss?", He asked the girl, she had emerald coloured hair that was up in two pig-tails. She had the biggest and warmest smile that he ever seen. Well besides from Mana, he thought. She closed her menu and looked up at Allen.

"I'll have a salad with a tea please."

"Coming right up!", Allen said as he took their menus. He walked by Miranda, handed her the menus and then gave the order to Reever. Being the manager and owner of the little restaurant, he was also the restaurants' chief. Smiling at Allen, Reever took the slip of paper and started right away on their orders.

While waiting Allen got their drinks and handed it to them. As he laid the tea down in front of the female he heard the bell go for pick up. He quickly rushed back to retrieve their order, laid it all on a tray and started placing it down in front of them.

"Here you go.", He said as he placed the soup in front of the red head and the salad in front of the girl. "Is there anything else I can get for you and your girlfriend sir?"

The couple looked at each other and then burst out laughing. Allen had a confused look on his face. "Did I say something funny sir?", He asked with confusion all over his features. It took the red head awhile to stop laughing before he could answer Allen's question.

"Hehe no sorry about that.", He said as he whipped a tear from his eye. The female in front of him giggled.

"Yes were sorry. He's not my boyfriend though, he doesn't swing that way.", She said with a bright smile on her face. Allen just stood there, gapping at the two. He looked like a fish out of water. He couldn't believe the girl could just come right out and say it like it was the most natural thing in the world and smile so brightly about it too! Sure he was gay but he doesn't go around telling everyone about it. Neither does his friends, they don't just blurt it out like its second nature to them. Only if I had friends though, he thought.

"I'm so s-sorry!", Allen said quickly and bowed. The people in front of him looked at each other and laughed again. The red head took his hand and slapped Allen on the back.

"Dude about it! You didn't know!", The red head said happily. Allen smiled at the both of them and nodded.

"Ok well enjoy your meals and if you need anything call out.", He then bowed again and went to finish clearing the rest of the tables. And then we can close up and I can go home, he thought as he put some chairs on top of tables. Not that I want to go back to that place…

Allen sighed as he looked at the clock. 10:15pm. Only another fifteen more minutes. He picked up another chair and placed it on top of the table. The restaurant was fairly empty now with only a few people in it. The two he was serving now and a man drinking coffee, talking to Reever, was all that was left. Lifting the last of the chairs and putting them on the tables, he noticed the two had finished their meals and were just talking.

Walking over he picked up their dishes and walked behind the counter to put them in the sink. He'd have to wash those before he left. Walking back over to the red head and female, he took out his notebook and pencil again. "So are we having desert tonight? Or would you just like your bill?"

The red head looked at the female who shook her head. He chuckled and then turned to Allen. "Naw the bill is just fine thanks."

Allen nodded before going to the cash register. He punched in their order. The slip of white paper came out and he ripped it off the machine. Grabbing some mints he headed back to them. Laying the bill and mints on the table. The red head took the bill, looking at it for a few minutes before taking out his wallet and giving the money to Allen. Allen thanked him and took the money. He went back to the register, typed in the amount he paid and got their change. Returning he held out his hand for the red head to take his change. The red head just chuckled a bit, shaking his head.

"That's your tip dude. Your one of the best servers we've had in all long time! And your funny!", He said with a smile that could rival the Cheshire cats. Allen's eyes widened. There was like almost twelve dollars in change!

"Sir I cant take this! Its to much!"

"No we insist Allen. You keep it.", The female said, a smile was on her face. Allen looked at the both of them, knowing he wasn't going to win this he pocketed the tip.

"Thank you…", Allen said as he put a smile on his face. The two people smiled back at him, they then stood up and started putting their coats on.

"Well thanks for the meal Allen!", The red head said as he held out his hand for Allen. Confusion started forming on Allen's face. The red head noticed this and laughed. "The names Lavi, it was nice meeting you Allen.", Allen looked at his hand again and smiled.

"Nice meeting you to, Lavi."

The girl giggled at the two. "Oh Lavi.", The female said as she to held out her hand for Allen. "My name is Lenalee. Thank you for the meal."

Allen took her hand and shook it, the smile never leaving his face. "Well Allen it was nice meeting ya but we gotta hit the road, lets hang out sometime!", Lavi yelled as he held the door open for Lenalee.

"O-ok!", Allen yelled back as he watched the two walk down the street and around the corner. I…I think I just made some friends…, Allen thought as his eyes lit up. Closing the door, he headed into the back to wash the dishes. The smile never leaving his face. He started rolling up the sleeves of his uniform. He was about to roll up the left one when a hand landed on his shoulder. Allen turned around to see Reever looking at him with a smile.

"Allen its late why don't you go home?"

"I cant, I got to finish these dishes.", Reever chuckled a bit, ruffling Allen's hair he smiled at him.

"Go home Allen, ill take care of this."

"Thank you sir.", Allen said as he un-rolled his sleeve and went into the back room. He put on his jacket and wrapped his scarf around his neck. Bending down he picked up his messenger bag and slung it over his should. He thanked Reever again and took his card out to punch the time out.

Waving goodnight to Reever and Miranda, he walked out into the cold November night. Making his way to his 'home', if he could call it home. The way his master treats him, all the alcohol, the women. Man he doesn't remember the last time he had a decent sleep.

Allen shuddered at the thought of his master and his late night drinking, women and then there was the hammer. Oh that hammer. How many times did he have to go to the hospital for all those semi-concussion? Allen shook his head to get the thought out. No, he thought. Soon ill be gone from that place, oh mana why did you put him as my guardian? It doesn't matter next month ill be 21 and then I can leave that place.

Allen sighed as he rubbed his eyes. Sleep was staring to over take him, thank god he only had two more blocks to go. Not noticing where he was going, he accidentally banged into something. At first he thought it was a pole. It wouldn't have been the first time, Allen thought as he looked up to see a man with long blue-raven hair that was tied up into a high-ponytail.

Allen's eyes widen. "Oh my god I am so sorry!", He said frantically as he bowed a couple times. The man just looked at him with wide eyes but quickly made the expression vanished.

"It's fine…", He muttered as he watched the white haired boy stand straight again.

"I really am sorry…", Allen said again and bowed one last time as he started walking again, leaving the blue-raven haired man staring at him, on thought running through his mind.


So what do yo guys think? Love it? Hae it? tell me please!! just click that little button, it wont hurt you I promise X3.

Seeya next chapter !